Renforcement Tenno
Le Mios est arrivé !
Conçu par le membre de la communauté RedSkittlez, Le Mios est une épée en os qui inclut un fouet en tendon pour distraire et estropier l’ennemi.
La recherche du Mios a été lancée dans le laboratoire Infesté de notre dojo et pourra être construite 72h plus tard.
- Nouvelle posture: Defiled Snapdragon
- Ajout du support pour le stick analogique droit du ‘Steam Controller’ quand on utilise les menus.
- Adjusted the stats breakdown of Ember’s Fire Blast ability to show the DPS and Explosion damage separately.
- Added Archwing, Archwing Primary and Archwing Melee categories to the Equipment section of the player Profile.
- Fixed fullscreen mode not functioning properly if Steam was not in Big Picture mode.
- Fixed an incorrect icon appearing during login screen when using a Steam Controller.
- Fixed an issue where the Steam Controller icons were showing a Big Picture no matter what controller they have attached.
- Fixed not being able to properly control the hacking mini-game when using a Steam Controller.
- Fixed an issue preventing the Steam Controller to interact with the Cipher button for hacking puzzles or the Battle/Extract menu on Defense Missions.
- Fixed players being unable to use the Steam Controller’s D-Pad to switch between email/password fields on the login screen.
- Fixed an issue preventing players from using the X button to respawn in Conclave when using a Steam Controller.
- Fixed an issue preventing players from casting Warframe powers using the recommended Controller settings via the Steam Controller.
- Fixed players not being able to skip cinematics via the Steam Controller.
- Fixed an issue where launching warframe in Big Picture will reset player keybindings.
- Fixed Chroma’s Vex Armor giving players a 4.5x multiplier instead of a 3.5x multiplier as per: https://forums.warfr…multiplicative/
- Fixed multiple issues affecting equip-time stats, including Archwing, Kubrow, weapons and Warframe equip time.
- Fixed an improper lighting issue visible on the Corpus ship tileset.
- Fixed Infested material appearing in non-infested Missions on the Corpus Outpost tileset.
- Fixed an error that cause the Minimap to stay on the screen when a player would attempt to hide it, freezing and no longer updating.
- Fixed an error that would cause players to get stuck in the terrain after being consumed by an Esophage.
- Fixed the Lotus’ VO not playing in Grineer vs Corpus Invasions.
- Fixed Chroma’s Afterburn Augment leaving lingering damage if killed while in use.
Hotfix :
- Fixed a Codex Mystery.
- Fixed a crash.
Hotfix 17.11.1 :
Golem Trial Fixes:
- Fixed some issues preventing Esophages from properly eating Vaporizers in Stage 3 of the Jordas Verdict.
- Reduced Stun-locking when flying near the Jordas Golem and toned down the force procs.
- Fixed an issue where Clients could not kill the First Nerve in Stage 3 of the Jordas Verdict.
- Fixed an issue where radial melee damage could be used to kill Nerves before the proper steps had been accomplished.
- Fixed an issue during Stage 3 of the Jordas Verdict when using Itzal’s Blink ability.
- Improved performance in various stages of the Jords Verdict.
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite