Mise à jour 18.4.10 + Alerte Tactique : Divine Will + 18.4.11
12 février 2016
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Mise à jour 18.4.10 :
Alerte tactique: Divine Will
Les MOAs Boursiers Corpus font leur retour sur le champs de bataille! Une nouvelle crétion Corpus menace l’équilibre du système. Découvrez la dernière menace Corpus contre la Paix dans le système solaire dans cette nouvelle Alerte Tactique : Divine Will.
Divine Will débute le 12 Février à 00:40 et durera jusqu’au 16 Février à 20h (heure française).
Chassez cette nouvelle menace mécanique , Tenno!
Nouveaux Ennemis – Boursiers MOA
ISOLATOR BURSA – Sépare et isole ses proies.
DROVER BURSA – Réunit ses proies pour une destruction rapide.
DENIAL BURSA – Bloque les goulots d’étranglement pour protéger les objectifs.
Changement du Focus : v 1.1
Les changements suivants sont les premiers d’une série de mises à jour conçues pour rendre le système de Focus plus interactif et intéressant pour les joueurs. Comme ce changements seront fréquents et modifient le game-play nous metterons une étiquette à chaque modification majeure du système de Focus. Merci de garder à l’esprit que ces changements servent à l’amélioration générale du système de Focus, et que nous surveillerons et ferons des d’autres changements si nécessaire.
Nouveauté : La ‘Convergence’! Lisez la suite pour trouver comment ces drops dde booster de Focus fonctionnent.
La Convergence peut désormais apparaître en mission quand des joueurs ont une lentille de Focus équippée:
La Convergence sont des objets à ramasser uniques qui durent une courte durée, et qui apparaîtront aléatoirement sur la carte près du joueur. Une icone unique dirigera le joueur à l’endroit où il est apparu.
La Convergence s’activera une fois l’objet ramassé,et n’affectera que le joueur qui a activé le booster.
La Convergence récompensera le joueur avec un multiplicateur de Focus de x6 pendant 45 secondes. Cette limite de temps apparaître sous la forme d’un décompte de Buff sur le joueur.
Un avertissement apparaîtra 5 secondes avant la fin du buff.
La Convergence ne restera sur la carte que pour un temps limité, et disparaîtra s’il il n’est pas ramassé.
La Convergence apparaîtra automatiquement toutes les 3 à 5 minutes.
Le focus peut désormais être gagné avec l’XP radiale et partagée plutôt que par les kills personnels.
Ces objets à ramasser fonctionnent comme des Mods – Il y en a un à attraper pour chaque joueur! Ce n’est donc pas du ‘Premier arrivé, premier servi’.
La limite de Focus journalier est passée de 75k à 100k.
Autres changements :
Conclave Changes:
Removed the headshot multiplier from the Penta series, Castanas series, Kulstar, Talons and Angstrum in Conclave.
Removed the Hard versions of the following Conclave Daily Challenges: Capture the Cephalon, Combo Kills, Headshot Kills, Multi-weapon Kills, Payback Kills.
New Conclave Mod: Air Thrusters – +100% Slide Boost while airborne, -0.2 Mobility
Increased the shields of most Warframes in Conclave.
Increased the Angstrum’s initial projectile speed in Conclave.
Reduced the Angstrum’s ammo pool in Conclave.
Increased the damage of the Daikyu in Conclave.
Reduced the damage of all Sniper Rifles apart from Vectis which increased, in Conclave.
Increased the damage of the Lex series in Conclave.
Increased the headshot multiplier of the Lex series in Conclave.
Reduced the damage of the Latron series in Conclave.
Reduced heavy melee weapon slam attack damage in Conclave.
Reduced one handed sword mid-air damage in Conclave.
The Penta series, Castanas series, Kulstar, Talons and Angstrum’s explosive damage no longer ignores cover in Conclave.
The Double Tap Mod can no longer be equipped with the Hydraulic Gauge Mod in Conclave.
Removed all Focus related cooldowns and timers in the Simulacrum so players don’t have to wait to test and experiment with Focus powers.
Hacking terminals in Sortie Spy Missions will no longer trigger alarms when failed, giving only the damaging shock to the player.
Sorties will give 25 R5 Fusion Cores upon completion in addition to a prize from the Sortie Season from now until February 16th when Divine Will ends. Praise the Void!
Ash now has new audio FX on Bladestorm’s finishing attacks.
Fixed an error causing Vauban’s Bastille to continue indefinitely if the ability was active before Vauban revived.
Fixed the Stug occasionally firing in the wrong direction, too far off to the side.
Fixed Focus Ability cooldowns being reset on Host Migration.
Fixed some instances where using a zipline would take a greater priority over using other context actions such as reviving a player.
Fixed an error in Nezha’s Warding Halo description that caused the ‘bonus shield’ amount to not display, even though it was still being applied.
Fixed an issue that would cause login rewards to be lost by players whose game closed immediately after logging in.
Fixed several Mods showing duration to multiple decimal places.
Fixed the End of Mission screen not properly displaying the correct Focus Daily limit.
Fixed daily Focus limit tracking being lost after a Host Migration.
Fixed Ivara’s Artemis Bow not properly getting buffs from Rifle Mods.
Fixed the Lanka’s combo meter not properly updating when an enemy is slain.
Fixed Nunchaku weapons not hitting the enemy until the second attack.
Fixed an error that would cause the Options menu to ask players to confirm changes, even when no changes have been made.
Fixed a ‘Node Locked’ message appearing when clicking on a completed Sortie Mission.
Fixed Infested enemies still being able to use their passive auras in Limbo’s Rift.
Fixed equipping a Specter causing a large hitch when ‘double-clicked’ into the gear wheel.
Fixed Clients not seeing other Clients Glaive weapon when thrown.
Fixed an extended delay that occurs with the Ogris when attempting to fire the weapon after cancelling a charged shot.
Fixed the Mutalist Alad V Assassinate Key displaying an incorrect description in the Foundry.
Fixed some of the Staticor’s visual FX firing from the player’s feet.
Fixed the Porta Chest Plate’s Arsenal description not displaying the proper information.
Fixed an additional revive marker appearing after an ally has been revived while irradiation.
Hotfix 18.4.11 :
Changes have been made to Exterminate mini-map enemy markers to always show the enemy furthest from the objective to prevent excessive backtracking.
Increased the Divine Will Razorback’s trigger volume in the boss arena to activate when all players enter the room instead of just within the four pillars.
A message will now be shown to indicate when a G3/Zanuka/Stalker ‘bait/mark’ can not be used in a mission.
Changed the description and names of Baro’s ‘Mark’ items to better indicate their purpose and usability. They are now called Beacons.
Slightly tweaked the ‘Ship Lockdown’ logic in Divine Will to only lockdown doors that are between the player that activated the lockdown and the boss arena rather than the whole ship.
Fixed players not seeing their daily Focus caps reset right away in-game.
Fixed issues with players escaping the level in the Jordas Verdict trial.
Fixed an issue where the Shadow Stalker was not being spawned for eligible players who were using Stalker Bait.
Fixed an issue with Bursas being stuck on their platforms in the Divine Will Tactical Alert.
Fixed a rare crash that could occur when returning to your Landing Craft.