Mise à jour : The Index Preview
Fight against the Corpus Elite and wager your performance to earn rewards! From now until October 27 we’re looking for the best fighters to participate in the preview window of The Index.
Fight against the Corpus elite and wager your performance to earn new Mods and other rewards. You have 7 days to participate in The Index Preview – get ready!
Game Mode Preview – Take on a team of brutal Corpus Champions in The Index, masterminded by profit seeker Nef Anyo. Place your Wagers, and compete for Profit and Glory, and let the Credits rain down! New Mods are also available as drops from the Corpus Champions.
Corpus Champions drop the following Mods:
- Thermagnetic Shells (Detron)
- Kinetic Ricochet (Tetra)
- Medi-Pet Kit (Companion)
- Shield Charger (Sentinel)
- Static Discharge (Prova)
- Pain Threshold (Exilus)
Find them to learn their function!
Note that this is a Preview of The Index. Greater rewards, Clan Trophies and Leaderboards will come later when the full variant of The Index goes live. We welcome your constructive feedback so we can prepare a proper Operation on a polished version- enjoy!
• Atlas Arhat Helmet by Rekkou
• Oberon Destrier Helmet by Rekkou
• Loki Rogue Helmet by artarrwen
• Trinity Messiah Helmet by Cheshire
• Wukong Xingzhe Helmet by Rekkou
• Valkyr Cheetah Helmet by Cheshire
• Boltara by Faven_PS and Scharkie
• Officium Syandana by Hitsu San and Operative Shift
• Deru Syandana by malayu
• Chroma Drevni Skin by Volkovyi
Weapon Skins
• Magesty Orthos Skin by prosetisen
- Caustacyst – Charge attacks from this scythe unleash a wave of acid that mutilates enemies and leaves a trail of corrosive sludge.
- Tentacyst Sugatra – A disgusting little nib of flesh to infest the hilt of any melee weapon.
- Embolist Armour Bundle – Calcified flesh creates forms of grotesque beauty.
- Embolist Collection – This collection of unnatural, malformed, Infested growths contains; the Caustacyst Scythe, the Embolist Pistol, Tentacyst accessory for melee weapons and the Embolist Armor.
Emblematic Glyph Pack – 10 new Glyths!
- Added fail mission countdown and action required before countdown is done for Maroo’s Ayatan Sculpture hunt mission.
- A New Perrin Sequence Lunaro Arena has been added! This new Lunaro Map honors the Perrin Sequence by introducing a wider goal, soaring structures and modified pillar positions.
- A New Infested Frigate map has been added to all Conclave combat game modes! This new Map features a Corpus cruiser that has been attacked and overtaken by a massive infestation outbreak. Blown out bulkheads expose Tenno to the open vacuum of space!
- A ‘Vote on next map’ feature has been added in Conclave!
- New mods added to Conclave End of Mission rewards:
- Precision Munition (Tonkor) – +100% Accuracy, +50% Flight Speed. -50% Magazine Capacity
- Draining Gloom (Despair) – 100% chance of Energy Drain explosion, -60% Magazine Capacity, -60% Ammo Maximum
Dedicated Servers!
It’s finally here- dedicated servers for Lunaro and Conclave modes! This update brings the first iteration of our dedicated server plans, with more additions to come down the road.
To host a dedicated server, click Settings (the gear cog) in your Launcher and select ‘Start Server’. This will give you the option on which game mode to host, a ‘Clan only’ hosting option, and to insert a custom MOTD.
We’ve also introduced dedicated server leaderboards! Your score accumulates the longer you have active players on your server, and can be viewed under Profile > Leaderboards. While the first iteration is limited to just these Karma points, we want to highlight players who are actively helping to improve the Conclave experience for their fellow Tenno. Future updates will flesh out and expand upon this feature to better support these Dedicated Server Champions!
Dedicated Server Leaderboards: http://content.warframe.com/dynamic/dedServerStats.php
To learn more please visit our Developer Workshop thread: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/709664-dedicated-conclave-servers/
New Conclave Gamemode!
Introducing VARIANTS! The first is available in Annihilation. Equipped with only a modified Opticor, face your fellow Tenno in a lethal one hit to kill battle! Mobility normalized, Warframe passives, Mods and abilities disabled.
Conclave Changes & Fixes!
- Amprex, Flux Rifle, Glaxion, Embolist, Gammacor series, Nukor, Spectra, Panthera, Synapse, Sobek, Drakgoon and Lanka can now be used in Conclave!
- Removed all Common Mods from End of Mission drop tables and moved them to Teshin for purchase.
- Affinity from kills increased by 500% in Conclave.
- Affinity from kill modifiers increased by 25%-100% in Conclave.
- Syndicate Standing from completing Conclave Daily Missions reduced by 50%.
- Conclave Arsenal now has Ability descriptions specific to Conclave for the following Frames: Ash, Banshee, Hydroid, Inaros, Ivara, Loki, Mag, Mesa, Nekros, Nezha, Nova, Nyx, Rhino, Saryn, Titania, Valkyr, Vauban and Volt.
- Fixed a bug where damage of some projectile weapons did not display correctly in the Conclave Arsenal.
- Energy orbs now spawn based on player count. 1 for 2-3 players, 2 for 4-6 and all for 7-8.
- Energy orbs are now marked on the minimap.
- Innate Power Rate increased to 1 (1.5 during Energy Surge) in Conclave.
- Heat Status duration is now 4 seconds in Conclave.
- Freeze Status now reduces Mobility in Conclave.
- Radiation Status duration is now 6 seconds in Conclave.
- Corrosive Status is now 6 seconds in Conclave.
- Magnetic Status duration is now 6 seconds in Conclave.
- Magnetic Status only removes Energy above 50% of your total in Conclave.
- Magnetic Status HUD corruption FX removed in Conclave.
- Staggers no longer force an uninterruptable animation, it now disables jump and slows run speed for 2 seconds in Conclave.
- Increased damage of Sicarus series in Conclave.
- Increased damage of Vectis in Conclave.
- Increased ammo pool of Ogris in Conclave.
- Increased damage done by the poison cloud left behind by Mutalist Cernos in Conclave.
- Increased damage of Kulstar in Conclave.
- Increased damage of Castanas series in Conclave.
- Maximum amount of deployed Castanas reduced to 2 in Conclave.
- Increased damage of Atomos in Conclave.
- Increased damage of Talons in Conclave.
- Talons now cause knock down in Conclave.
- Maximum amount of deployed Talons reduced to 4 in Conclave.
- Increased damage of Stradavar damage in Conclave (auto and semi-auto).
- Reduced damage of Soma Prime in Conclave.
- Reduced damage of Akstiletto Prime in Conclave.
- Reduced damage of the Jat Kittag in Conclave.
- Reduced damage of the Sibear in Conclave.
- Removed auto-targeting of Halikar and Kestrel in Conclave.
- Added knockdown to quick melee slide attacks with Fist and Claw weapons in Conclave.
- Removed combo hit multipliers from Sniper weapons in Conclave.
- Removed combo hit multipliers from Melee weapons in Conclave.
- Kulstar projectiles are now more visible in Conclave.
- Seer projectiles now have an explosive attack in Conclave.
- Changed condition from ‘Headshot’ to ‘On Hit’ for Dual Toxocysts in Conclave.
- Reduced buff duration of Dual Toxocysts from 6 to 3 seconds in Conclave.
- Increased visibility of Nyx’s psychic daggers in Conclave.
- Increased damage of Mag’s Pull in Conclave.
- Increased the radius of Ivara’s Encumbered and EMP arrows in Conclave.
- Energy can no longer be picked up when Mesa’s Ballistic Battery ability is active.
- Vauban’s Trip Wire grenade now has two beams, is deployed immediately on release, not affected by gravity and duration removed in Conclave.
- Vauban’s Shred mine damage increased and armor debuff is now permanent in Conclave.
- Vauban’s Concussion grenade silence debuff duration increased in Conclave.
- All of Vauban’s deployables are now destructible in Conclave.
- Ash’s Shuriken is now a single projectile in Conclave. Its damage has been boosted to more than a single one used to do but not as much as both combined.
- Ash’s Shuriken will now only seek targets you aim at in Conclave.
- Loki’s Decoy now deploys with only his Primary weapon in Conclave.
- Loki’s Invisibility is now removed when he deals damage in Conclave.
- Decreased decay delay and increased decay rate of Rhino’s Iron Skin in Conclave.
- Conclave Mod Heavy Warhead is no longer usable with Castanas or Talons.
- Lowered recoil reduction and increased -mag value of Conclave mod Hydraulic Barrel.
- Fist and Hammer combo in Crashing Havoc Conclave stance damage reduced.
- Conclave Mod Low Current Leap -50% Max Energy changed to +5 seconds Shield Recharge Delay.
- On Hit condition and -100% Channeling Efficiency removed from Conclave Mod Martial Fury and replaced with .5 Power Rate.
- Conclave Mods Tactical Retreat and Final Act Low Health condition changed to When Health drops below 50.
- Increased energy gained from Follow Through Conclave Mod to +10.
- Fixed a bug where melee magnetism of the Heartseeker Conclave mod was not being activated correctly.
- The Embolist has received the PBR treatment!
- Optimized frame-rate for certain GPUs that were having difficulty running at 60 FPS; in some cases the GPU would be clamped to 30 FPS despite the fact that it could have easily averaged somewhere in between.
- Optimized frame-time spikes when Mirage Prism’ bursts.
- Optimized Loki’s Radial Disarm and Irradiating Disarm Augment Mod to smooth out frame-rate issues.
- Optimized Rhino’s Stomp ability to help alleviate performance issues.
- Bursas will now count as killed for Exterminate / Defense as soon as they go into pre-death so they won’t hold up these mission modes.
- Visually updated the Vulkar Sniper scope.
- Tweaked Mastery Rank formatting in the HUD.
- The Telos Boltace must now be equipped to receive the spin attack benefit.
- You can now scan the Ayatan Sculpture you find in Maroo’s weekly mission.
- The directional arrows on your mini-map now respect your current up/down rotation in Archwing.
- Further increased bandwidth allocation for the Hijack payload slightly higher; this may help with the Law of Retribution in some cases where the host can’t keep up.
Lunaro Fixes:
- Fixed being able to save a goal from the opposite side of the goal ring in Lunaro.
- Fixed large frame-time spikes caused by Nyx’ Chaos.
- Fixed the Sarpa not firing when equipped with the Bullet Dance stance Mod.
- Fixed an unresponsive screen due to Clients returning to their Liset and Hosts returning to Maroos Bazaar after completing an Ayatan Sculpture hunt mission.
- Fixed a script crash with Vauban’s passive when all allies in range are dead.
- Fixed melee mods not applying to Titania’s Diwata (Razorwing melee weapon).
- Fixed Void Fissure mission Capture Targets getting back up after a Host Migration or Void Tear Corruption.
- Fixed NPC’s misfiring their charged weapons. Now they will properly try charging from the beginning.
- Fixed seeing all other players in the Relay as Excalibur until they move.
- Fixed Glaive type weapons with increased flight speed ‘orbiting’ players when attempting to recall it by channeling.
- Fixed being able to bring up screens like Relic selection, Invasion faction selection, etc. when voting on a different mission if you open the Star Chart after voting has already begun.
- Fixed the Relic Selection screen reappearing if you choose to « Wait For Players » and once again if you then choose « Play Now ».
- Fixed Sentinel’s continuing to use their Precepts in the spot where Titania’s Razorwing was cast.
- Fixed Grineer Bombard rockets hanging in mid-air forever if they somehow got stopped (ie: from hitting a Nullifier bubble).
- Fixed the « So Many Choices » challenge for returning players (it wasn’t properly counting Mod stacks toward the total).
- Fixed Ayatan sculptures being super zoomed in and Stars being in the ground when viewing them from a Chat link.
- Fixed Ayatan Stars and Sculptures not being scannable to be unlocked through the Codex.
- Fixed a script error when picking up the Ayatan Sculpture in Maroo’s weekly mission.
- Fixed clipping a planet when zooming into a mission upon starting it.
- Fixed being able to fall out of the map in a certain Uranus tileset.
- Fixed a green lit door in the Orokin Derelict tileset not opening.
- Fixed the tagging window appearing behind the chat window itself when opening the chat window in the Star Chart and trying to tag an item or player.
- Fixed a loss of functionality when trying to open the End of Mission screen in game with TAB.
- Fixed objects protruding through walls in the Lua tilesets.
- Fixed various navigation issues in the Lua tilesets.
- Fixed a script error from Infested Leapers.
- Fixed 2 small pixel lines appearing on the Misa Prime Syandana.
- Fixed not being able to headshot Corpus Scrambus/Combas as per: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/708562-bastille-levitating-hitbox-issue-again-now-with-comba-scrambus/
- Fixed Vauban Bastille and Vortex balls being auto-destroyed a second after they collided with something.
- Fixed incorrect grip position when previewing Scythes and Staff melee weapons in the Codex.
- Fixed a minor memory leak when confronted by the Juggernaut.
- Fixed the Ayatan Sculptures button being unselectable after selecting than deselecting a Mod.
The Index Prewiew Hotfix 1 :
- Improved dedicated server geographic matchmaking precision.
- Fixed Chat linking the Caustacyst causing a crash.
- Fixed attaining free health by channeling as enemies pass through the Caustacyst goo with Life Strike equipped. Also fixes similar issue with the Zenistar.
- Fixed for pickup sounds not playing for clients in The Index.
- Fixed a crash in Survival missions.
- Fixed the placeholder Index Badge appearing as a reward. It has new art now, not re-used Gradivus Dilemma art.
- Fixed Limbo being able to damage enemies while remaining invincible in the Rift with the Caustacyst or the Zenistar charge attack.
- Fixed the Shield Charger Mod applying its unranked bonus shield amount even when ranked up.
The Index Preview: Hotfix #2
- The Index Mods and Rathuum Mods are now all tradable (it was inconsistent)!
- Changed formatting for Dedicated Servers leaderboards so that uptime shows as hh:mm:ss not « X minute(s) ».
- Increased the mass of Reactant, Index Points drops, and Raptor’s Energy cells so that they don’t roll around as much.
- Excluded Reactant and Index Point pickups from Simulor, Inaros’ Sandstorm, Zephyr Tornado, and Vauban’s Vortex. This also fixes the exception lists for the Simulor; it wasn’t supposed to be moving gameplay objects (eg Datamass, Excavation Power Cells, Raptor Cells, etc) but it generally wasn’t of a problem because the objects were heavy enough (properly excluding them should run faster too!). As more and more gameplay components rely on pickups, we’ve addressed this issue as it is commonly discussed by you all.
- Fixed energy color not applying to the Officium Syandana properly.
- Fixed The Index transmissions playing in Maroo’s bazaar.
- Fixed the Kinetic Ricochet Mod having a static 2D image as opposed to the newer 3D images.
- Fixed the Shield Charger Mod not having its correct image.
The Index Preview: Hotfix #3
- Added the Medi-Pet Kit Mod to the Codex.
- In an effort to reduce unfair competition within squads which could lead to griefing tactics, we have changed The Index Points required for each tier of Risk Investment wager to be 2/5/10.
- Increased The Index score limit to be 60 Index Points.
- Smoothed out frame-time spikes from Rhino Stomp; when surrounded by a lot of enemies it could end up adding 3-4ms on a very fast PC (this occurred once when cast and once to apply time-dilation).
- You can now purchase the Embolist Armor separately.
- Adjusted rotation and positioning of the Officium Syandana based on creator feedback.
- Removed the smudge motion blur from Volt’s Speed ability.
- In an effort to fix inconsistent trade tax values, Amber and Cyan Stars now both have the same trade tax value of 2000 Credits, Ayatan Sculptures now have a base trade tax of 4000 Credits, plus 2000 Credits for each Star that is attached.
- Heavily reduced the frequency on « broker has a lot of points »and « point dropped! » sound clips because they were playing far more than everything else combined in The Index.
- The « Rally » voice clip now plays after 3 consecutive scorings to reduce excessive frequency in The Index.
- All friendly Index Specters are now equipped with the Tetra (farewell Twin Heks!).
- Self-kills will no longer grant an Index Point for teammates to take. This was allowing players to trade self-kills and never attack enemies for points.
Conclave Changes
- The first map of a Variant session in Conclave will now be random.
- Polished glass mesh materials in the Conclave Corpus Ship tileset.
- Fixed Shield Charger Aura giving +120% max shield and +120% shield regen when it was supposed to be +60%/+60%.
- Fixed any Overshields being wiped out when the Shield Charger Mod was equipped.
- Fixed ‘Investment’ spelling errors in The Index investment screen as per: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/58l2kx/literally_unplayable/
- Fixed pickup contact sounds never playing for Clients.
- Fixed incorrect icons being used on The Index End of Mission screen.
- Fixed the wrong damage resistance types (cloned flesh on Corpus?! They’re no clones!) on the Corpus Champions in The Index.
- Fixed The Index Moas having Flesh instead of Robotic materials.
- Fixed a script error when completing The Index mission.
- Fixed various Corpus Champions not showing up in the Codex after being auto-scanned.
- Fixed Nyx’ Chaos and Rhino’s Iron Skin causing a script error upon cast.
- Fixed a script error with Chroma’s Spectral Scream on Dedicated Servers.
- Fixed cases where NPCs would teleport sporadically when pushed by Frost’s Snow Globe.
The Index Preview: Hotfix #4
- Archwing Part Blueprints (i.e Itzal Harness, etc.) are no longer tradable.
- Removed the unintended Slash Status chance on the Caustacyst projectile. It now deals purely Corrosive damage as intended (not a Slash weapon) and the 3x damage multiplier from the charged attack remains the same.
- Removed a non functioning ‘Back’ button option when viewing the Second Dream Codex opening cinematic.
- Revised the Ayatan Sculpture icons.
Conclave Changes
- Properly enabled Synapse for Conclave.
- Updated Mortal Conduct Conclave Mod description to accurately represent new Low Health value.
- Fixed a bug with the Conclave Mod Heartseeker not having its -50% Damage Block drawback.
- Increased the Shield steal amount of the Rakta Dark Dagger in Conclave.
Dedicated Server Changes & Fixes
- Improved Dedicated Server matchmaking! This should also help alleviate players being put into empty Dedicated Server sessions.
- Formatted Dedicated Server Leaderboards uptime so that it shows days/hours/m/s (previous version would only show hours and wrap around at 24h).
- Fixed a script error with Mirage’s Hall of Mirror clones on Dedicated Servers.
- Fixed a couple Dedicated Server script errors with Volt’s Overload and Spira Prime.
- Fixed an issue with the Energy spawners in Dedicated Servers where it would spawn Energy when no players were connected.
- Fixed getting permanently Staggered in a Dedicated Server game session.
The Index Changes & Fixes
- Trinity’s Energy Vampire now works on Azoth and Lockjaw in The Index.
- The Index buff/debuff points are now called Financial Stress.
- Reduced the damage of Lockjaw’s pet Sol to 5/10/15 (previously 20/20/50) in The Index.
- Reduced the damage reduction by half on the Robotic Technology Division enemies in exchange for slightly toning down their Weakspot damage multipliers in The Index.
- Fixed friendly Mag Specter in The Index from damaging ally players with her Polarize ability.
- Fixed timer discrepancy that can potentially occur when The Index ends directly from the enemy scoring, which made the timer freeze at the pre-time-drop instead of 0.
- Fixed The Index Endurance mode scaling to be based off of enemy deaths, not player-scored Index points.
- Fixed Client sound issues in The Index.
- Fixed broken rendering when running DirectX 9 on older AMD GPUs.
- Potential fix for the Caustacyst causing game hitches.
- Fixed Clients being unable to hack lock down panels after using numerous Rhino abilities in a row before attempting to hack.
- Fixed a script error related to Nyx Prime’s Chaos ability.
- Fixed players and enemies getting stuck in a net decoration in The Law of Retribution tileset.
- Fixed wonky wall textures in The Law of Retribution tileset.
- Fixed (for real this time) attaining free health by channeling as enemies pass through the Caustacyst goo with Life Strike equipped. Also fixes similar issue with the Zenistar’s charge disc.
- Fixed a script error when going back to the Landing Craft if you collected any color pigments in the mission.
- Fixed a crash related to ragdolling enemies.
- Fixed being able to unintentionally scan placed Ayatan Sculptures in the Landing Craft.
- Fixed failing to load into Invasion missions.
- Fixed the last 2 ranks of the Shield Charger Mod having the same strength value.
- Fixed an incorrect texture on the Chroma Drevni TennoGen skin when using Effigy as per: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/709861-chroma-drevni-skin-bug/
- Fixed being able to scan the Ayatan Sculpture spot after you’ve picked them up. Also fixes seeing the name displayed above the same spot.
- Fixed inconsistent texture on the Officium TennoGen Syandana.
- Fixed the Azimas Alt Fire lasting a fraction of a second.
- Fixed receiving duplicate items in the End of Mission screen when picking up Blueprint drops (Oberon, Ash, etc.).
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite