9 novembre 2015
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Hotfix 17.10.2 :
- Added Saryn Orphid Profile Icons to the market for a limited time! These unique icons will be removed from the Market on November 18, at 2 p.m EST
Conclave Changes
- Reduced the damage of Saryn’s Miasma in Conclave.
Saryn Changes
- Reduced the particle FX on Saryn’s Spore when spreading between enemies to address performance issues.
- Doubled the duration of Saryn’s Molt.
- Saryn’s Spores now cost half normal energy when cast on Molt.
- Destroying an enemy affected by Saryn’s Spores with Toxic Lash will now restore 2 energy to Saryn.
- Saryn’s Toxic Lash can now be recast to refresh its duration.
- Increased the grab range of Esophages in the interior of the J-3 Jordas Golem during the Jordas Verdict Trial.
- Fixed additional issues during the Stage 1 to Stage 2 transition in the Jordas Verdict Trial.
- Fixed players being able to hit the first Golem nerve through glass in Stage 3 of the Jordas Verdict Trial.
- Fixed potential progression stopper during Stage 3 of the Jordas Verdict Trial.
- Fixed some issues preventing enemies from properly spawning Stage 3 of the Jordas Verdict Trial.
- Fixed a visual issue allowing players to teleport outside of the level during Stage 3 of the Jordas Verdict Trial.
- Fixed an issue causing players to get stuck in a sliding door during Stage 2 of the Jordas Verdict Trial.
- Fixed a percentage error showing too many decimals in the HUD buff of Chroma’s Vex Armor as per: https://forums.warfr…-many-decimals/
- Fixed Saryn’s Miasma being able to be recast repeatedly after using Spores.
- Fixed the visual screen shake FX becoming stuck on the screen after using the Liset’s Air Support as per:https://forums.warfr…port-behaviour/
- Fixed an issue that would shrink Hydroid after using Undertow, making him impossible to hit but more susceptible to becoming hidden in a bowl of Cheerios.
- Fixed Saryn’s Spore creating tiny Spores on some enemies.
Hotfix 17.10.3
- Fixed an error preventing Clients/Hosts from loading into Archwing Missions.
- Fixed an issue where no energy was being returned from enemies affected by Spore while Toxic Lash was active if the melee strikes were lethal. Lethal strikes on Spore’d enemies with an active Toxic Lash will now regenerate energy as intended from the last hotfix.
Hotfix 17.10.4 :
- Steam Controller support is now live! See here for more info: https://forums.warfr…r-support-live/
Conclave Changes
- Reduced the damage of the Gorgon series in PvP.
- Removed invulnerability from Atlas when using Landslide in PvP.
- Rounded off the FPS indicator, making it easier to read.
- The Crowd Dispersion Mod has had its Range and Damage adjusted to more appropriately scale up with each rank.
- Fixed Toxic Lash no longer functioning after killing an enemy affected by Spores.
- Fixed Range and Strength Mods having no effect on Saryn’s Molt explosion when toggled by the player.
- Fixed Saryn’s Molt exploding twice when killed by enemies. We’ve doubled the damage of Molt’s explosion as a result of fixing this bug.
- Fixed friends playing in a Solo Mission displaying as being ‘In Menus’.
- Fixed Chroma’s Vex Armor Ability actually reducing player armor rating.