9 décembre 2015
2 commentaires

Hotfix 18.0.5 :
- Le Sentient Stalker, peut « drop » maintenant le War et le Broken War Schéma
- La liste des « sortie » est maintenant classé par ordre alphabétique
- Fixed Razer Comms conflict detection occurring prematurely in the launcher and preventing updates.
- Fixed some cases of Focus being lost on Host Migration during a Mission.
- Fixed Naramon Shadow Step trigger for any critical hit (was only intended for melee crits).
- Fixed Vazarin’s Retaliation and Commanding Words sharing the same icon in the Focus tree.
- Fixed Login rewards rewarding blueprints for items already owned by the player.
- Fixed the Stalker showing up in the Shadow Stalker’s Codex entry.
- Fixed two Shadow Stalkers appearing in the Codex under the Shadow Stalker’s Codex entry.
- Fixed Focus Lens and Greater Focus Lens descriptions reference ‘ways’ instead of ‘paths’ in terms of the Focus followed.
- Fixed Focus Lens on weapons being lost after a host migration.
- Fixed an incorrect description in the second Mission of a potential Sortie.
- Fixed an incorrect description in the Tempered Bound Conclave Mod that read +0.2 Mobility instead of +0.1 Mobility.
- Fixed Oberon’s Renewal Ability not properly causing Bleedout rate reduction on players.
- Fixed Frost Prime’s gold trimmings not properly becoming tinted via player customization.
- Fixed color pigments not properly dropping from the Shadow Stalker.
- Fixed an error causing the first Mission in the Second Dream Quest to not properly extract the player on Mission failure.
- Fixed an error causing players to become stuck on the Mod menu in Relays.
- Fixed an issue causing the Ability menu to not close if rebound to LB on a controller.
Hotfix 18.0.6 :
Conclave Changes
- Changed the weekly Basic Conclave Mission completion requirement from 12 Easy Challenges to 9. Please note that the new amount will not be active until the weekly reset.
Sortie Changes
- All Sortie Rewards are now tradeable.
- Reduced the size of Nullifier bubbles on Hijack Sortie Missions.
- Doubled the number of enemies spawned in Sortie Exterminate Missions.
- Enemies in Sabotage and Exterminate Sortie Missions will start the Mission in alert.
- Sabotage and Exterminate Missions will no longer appear as the final Sortie Mission.
- Misa Prime Syandana metal color tints can now be customized.
- Melee charge attacks now have a more unique audio FX on charge up,hit and swing.
- Some collision adjustments have been made to the terrain around the Cunning Orokin Moon puzzle.
- Removed some lens flare FX from various Warframe Abilities that were taking up too much space on screen.
- Greater Lens Blueprints will no longer appear in the Market for players who have not completed The Second Dream Quest.
- The Mantis and Scimitar Blueprints have been removed from ultra-rare loot crates.
- Slightly adjusted the size of trade icons in Maroo’s Bazaar.
- Adjusted the textures and visual FX on elements of the Orbiter Compartment in the Landing Craft.
- Increased the size of the Void Key in Orokin Void Sabotage.
- Limited the length of messages you can include with gifting to 256 characters.
- Fixed Razer Comms not providing a proper message window explaining the reason behind a crash. Please note there are deeper issues with how Razer software and the Warframe client that we are continuing to work on a fix for.
- Fixed a crash that would occur during the end cinematic phase of The Jordas Verdict.
- Fixed hitches and incredibly low framerates that could occur for hosts when players ‘Join Session’.
- Fixed customization previews in the arsenal not properly updating when switching between different options.
- Fixed some letters and symbols not appearing properly in text.
- Fixed an issue that would place the camera in a bad perspective when a player opens the pause menu.
- Fixed an error with Saryn’s Spores making the Spores difficult to hit for Clients when attached on certain enemies.
- Fixed some Focus visual FX displaying when entering underwater Archwing.
- Fixed an error that would occur in distributing login rewards.
- Fixed toggled Warframe Abilities not properly being toggled off when switching from Warframe to Archwing.
- Fixed Ivara’s Cloak Arrow causing permanent invisibility when used on Chroma’s Effigy.
- Fixed a hole in the terrain visible on Earth’s forest tileset.
- Fixed Frost Prime’s arm textures using the incorrect color tinting.
- Fixed subtitles not appearing for various inbox transmissions.
- Fixed players being able to purchase Landing Craft blueprints multiple times.
- Fixed an error caused by players switching to the Talons, causing an incorrect visual FX showing the weapons as appearing from out of screen.
- Fixed the Redeemer’s shotgun visual FX not using customized energy colors.
- Fixed an unreachable rare Syndicate Medallion spawn location on the Infested Corpus ship tileset.
- Fixed the World State Window showing the Sortie Missions remaining as 0 even if the player had not completed any Missions.
- Fixed an auto-vsync issue occurring on Directx 11.
- Fixed the Operator sometimes showing as holstering a Warframe’s weapon when activated in combat.
- Fixed some visual FX lingering after defeating the Eye puzzle on the Orokin Moon tileset.
- Fixed an inconsistent visual FX from the explosion created by Nyx’s Absorb.
- Fixed a Mission error allowing players to use an alternative Mission type’s exit in Archwing Defense Missions.
- Fixed an error causing Weekly Conclave Challenges to fail to complete for a player that has met the requirements.
- Fixed all Greater Focus Lenses missing from the Market for Platinum. Also fixed some missing descriptions and icons for Focus Lens in the Market.
- Fixed the Daikyu unintentionally breaking Ivara’s Prowl.
- Fixed an error causing login reward animations to repeat when accepted with a controller / gamepad.
- Fixed some armor clipping issues for Warframes using Noble or Agile stances.
- Fixed Vazarin’s Mending Tides and Polluted Waters displaying too many decimal places on the initial rank up.
- Fixed Naramon’s Shadow Step invisibility not activating for Clients.
- Fixed some issues preventing Clients from using their Focus Ability based on the correct Cooldown cycles as intended.
- Fixed various localization issues.
- Fixed overlapping text that would appear in Teshin’s Conclave Menu once a player reaches Typhoon rank.
- Fixed Teshin’s offering from Hurricane to Typhoon displaying a Forma icon instead of a Ducat icon.
- Fixed the Focus tree icon appearing on ‘Credits Gained’ in the Second Dream reward screen.
- Fixed incorrect visuals on the Inventory screen when selecting an item to sell.
- Fixed a game freezing error caused by purchasing an extra Inventory slot followed by switching Inventory tabs.
- Fixed a potential issue where players could be left behind an elevator during the Second Dream Quest.
- Fixed the J-3 Jordas Golem’s exhaust flame FX not displaying for Clients in the Mission.
- Fixed Purge Timers on Spy missions on Uranus not properly counting down after the player has been revealed.
- Fixed some inconsistent font that would appear when previewing items in the Arsenal’s Loadout.
- Fixed the ‘Mute Operator’ option in the Audio settings only being able to be toggled once.
- Fixed Impact damage procs causing enemies to enter the ‘stagger’ animation, no matter what they’re doing.
- Fixed an error causing an infinite number of Moas to spawn if a Moa is slain immediately after being released from Corpus security cabinet.
- Fixed an error causing Warframe’s heads to twitch when switching to a weapon that is holstered on their back.
- Fixed some overlapping text in the Naramon Focus tree.
- Fixed the Lacera missing some weapon animations for Charge Attacks.
- Fixed the Lacera displaying a whip dangle in each hand.
- Fixed improper player customizations appearing on Chroma’s Effigy when Chroma uses their Focus while Effigy is active.
- Fixed players being able to interact with Simaris’ Research Menu while viewing Imprints.
- Fixed trading being completely non-functional.
- Fixed attempting to unequip a weapon freezing the game.
- Fixed subtitles not appearing in Syndicate or Sortie transmissions.
- Partially fixed an unintended weapon appearing in a certain Clan research. It won’t be accessible by any means until its intended release (soon TM). This fix is server-side, so you may still see evidence of its existence, you just won’t be able to do anything with this.
Hotfix 18.0.7 :
Conclave Changes and Fixes:
- Fixed Focus powers being useable in Conclave.
- Fixed Wukong’s Conclave Mobility stat not reading correctly in the Arsenal.
- Castanas now have a 10 second lifetime duration when used in Conclave matches.
- Castanas will now wake up Rested targets in Conclave.
- Increase the audio FX for the Daikyu’s full draw.
- Tweaked some audio FX on the Unairu’s Focus Ability.
- Sentients will no longer intensely focus on defense targets in Mobile Defense.
- Sentient AoE attacks will no longer damage defense targets in Mobile Defense, with exception to explosion damage.
- Sentient Oculysts will now retreat sooner in Mobile Defense Missions, and will not return if avoided entirely.
- Slightly adjusted Ivara’s Artemis Bow’s fire and draw audio FX.
- Adjusted various audio FX on Sentient attacks.
- Adjusted NPC spawning to ensure that enemies no longer spawn in places where enemies had just recently died.
- Slightly improved the procedural generation of Uranus Capture Missions.
- Removed Spy-Vault Sortie popups as there is nothing actually in these vaults for Sortie missions.
- Slightly adjusted the ‘electrocution’ audio FX.
- Sorties will now rotate through all Mission types and Sortie modifiers before repeating any potential Missions.
- Fixed various lighting issues visible on doors in the Law of Retribution Trial.
- Fixed Conclave Affectors not persisting in a match after a Host Migration.
- Fixed audio FX for charge weapons not working properly.
- Fixed some particle FX on Ivara’s Navigator Ability.
- Fixed visual flickering on the Pyra Syandana.
- Fixed issues with environment art materials.
- Fixed enemies spawning in the walls of the Grineer Underwater Sealab tileset’s elevator room.
- Fixed some navigation icon issues that would occur in Uranus Capture Missions.
- Fixed enemies not properly firing at players when taking control of a Grineer Rampart.
- Fixed an error causing the game to freeze after selecting the Trinculo Mission node on Uranus.
- Fixed spending a revive not properly reducing player XP.
- Fixed players using a Steam Controller not being able to properly melee attack.
- Fixed an error causing players to get stuck on the Focus tree menu after failing to commit their Focus.
- Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to reset available Focus after unlocking a Focus node or purchasing Focus capacity.
- Fixed Vazarin, Zenurik, Naramon, and Unairu Focus Abilities having 6 ranks instead of four.
- Fixed some rendering issues with Operator hair during Focus Ability use.
- Fixed players no longer having audio FX from their Warframe Abilities after using a Focus Ability.
- Fixed the Cerata not being purchasable by Platinum in the Market.
- Fixed the Stalker appearing in the Shadow Stalker’s Codex Diorama entry.
- Fixed an error caused by activating a Focus Ability during a Void Portal collapse resulting in the player becoming stuck on the wrong side of the portal, making the Mission impossible to complete.
- Fixed various localization issues.
Hotfix 18.0.8 :
Conclave Changes
- More ammo pickups have been added to the Orokin Hall of Memories Conclave map.
- Fixed a game freezing error caused by viewing a Profile.
- Fixed Clients being able to access Focus Abilities in Relays or Dojos.
- Fixed Atlas’ Rumblers not properly playing destruction audio FX when unsummoned early.
- Fixed an error allowing players to keep their unlocked Warframe Abilities when losing a level due to losing experience via a Revive.
- Fixed a slight delay that would occur when waiting for the dome to close after placing a Kubrow in Stasis.
- Fixed Loki’s Decoy spawning as hostile to Loki, with the intent to kill its creator in Conclave.
- Fixed Wukong’s Iron Jab not properly focusing on the direction of the Warframe, using the camera to aim instead. This fixes issue demonstrated in Prime Time last night here: https://youtu.be/iXcddYfbfyM?t=18m13s
- Fixed trade emotes exclusive to Maroo’s Bazaar being equippable for use outside of Maroo’s Bazaar.
- Fixed the MK1-Furax being purchasable with Platinum, this should be a Credit only item.
- Fixed players not being able to see new players entering the trading zone within Maroo’s Bazaar.
- Fixed a visual bug causing players to see other players floating through the air in Maroo’s Bazaar.
- Fixed ‘Glass’ in Grineer Spy Vaults on Uranus not being properly localized.
- Fixed Mirage’s clones staying slumped down and inactive after using a Focus Ability during Hall of Mirrors.
- Fixed Sentients not being properly localized in the Codex.
- Fixed Syndicate Missions refreshing when new daily Sortie Missions appear.
- Fixed various localization issues.
Heu, ça a pas l’air d’apparaître dans le patchnote , mais les lentilles supérieures sont désormais achetables dans le marché pour 40 plats ….
Ce qui a pour effet de rendre les sorties inintéressantes…. merci DE !
Au moins ils ont debug le raid AW :/ … enfin peut-être …
40pl c’est vraiment pas chère
bon à part les lentilles , il reste les saucisses peut etre de valable?