Comme protideus nous l’avez annoncé
Voici une nouvelle arme le CERATA.
Nouvelle Arme de Mêlée, Le Cerata
Donnez à vos ennemis un aperçu de l’Infestation avec le Cerata. D’anciennes souches de technocytes se trouvant dans l’arme en font une menace sérieuse pour les cibles lourdement blindées.
Aspects Jour des Morts
Cette année nous avons de nouvelles décorations effrayantes pour célébrer le Jour des Morts, incluant des aspects d’armes, des capes et des Aspect uniques pour votre vaisseau qui lui donneront l’air de n’avoir que la peau sur les os.
Ces nouveaux aspects arriveront en même temps que nos aspects du Jour de Morts des années précédentes, de même que notre Palette de Couleurs spéciale Halloween pour aider les Tenno à se déguiser comme il le faut pour cette occasion.
Gardez un oeil ouvert pour notre Alerte Tactique spéciale Halloween qui contiendra le Lotus Vampire, des Anciens avec des Lames de Scies, des Caches Citrouilles uniques et plus! Les réjouissements commencent le 30 Octobre à 11:00 HAE
Et sinon voici les changement de la mise à jour
- Day of the Dead Skins are now here! For more information on this limited time skins check out our full news post here: https://warframe.com…ntion-all-tenno
- The following items will be receiving new Day of the Dead Skins:
- Kunai
- Boltor
- Skana
- Ack & Brunt
- Kunai
- Angstrum
- Veritux
- Galatine
- Nikana and Dragon Nikana
- Opticor
- Imperator
- Liset
- Mantis
- Vanquished Banner
- Igaro Syandana
Conclave Changes:
- The following Mod has been added the Conclave:
- Triple Tap (Burston) – On 3 hits within 0.2 seconds, increase damage by 20% for 0.5 seconds
- The following Conclave Mods can now be used in PvE:
- Reflex Draw / Twitch / Soft Hands (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) – Increased Holster/Draw speed.
- Spry Sights / Agile Aim / Snap Shot (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) – Increased movement speed when aiming down sights.
- Air Recon / Overview / Broad Eye (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) – increased FoV when Aim Gliding
- Eject Magazine / Tactical Reload / Lock and Load (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) – weapons reload while holstered.
- Gun Glide / Double-Barrel Drift / Strafing Slide (Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun) – Increased accuracy and reduced recoil while sliding.
- Spring Loaded Broadhead (Daikyu) – Increased damage after the projectile has traveled 20m.
- Adjustments have been made to reduce the amount of ‘pinballing’ that occurs when being knocked back in Archwing after hitting terrain.
- The Diraga’s Calculated Shot Precept can now target cameras and turrets.
- Reduced the particle FX on Elytron’s Core Vent Ability.
- The Ignis will now char the corpses of enemies slain.
- The Mantis’ Air Support now heals Sentinels.
- Audio FX will now play on the successful installation of an Arcane.
- The cooldown on the Electro Pulse Mod will now decrease with increased Mod Rank.
- Improved fog visual FX.
- Fixed a white screen appearing when opening the menu during a fade-in or fade-out.
- Fixed the Afterburn Mod still being applied to players transitioning out of Archwing.
- Fixed Syandanas and Ember Prime’s head flame being improperly colored in Codex dioramas.
- Fixed no items being listed under the “Select Items to Enhance” options of the Arcanes sub-menu.
- Fixed the Syndicates prompting players to confirm re-attaining a title when the player does not have enough standing to do so.
- Fixed Simiars’ Research Imprint button not being a piece of concept art and not final art.
- Fixed an error causing Kubrow to be visible in Archwing Missions.
- Fixed Clients being unable to see damage numbers when attacking Toxin Injectors in Stage One of the Law of Retribution Trial.
- Fixed an error preventing players from logging in when they don’t have a Kubrow available.
- Fixed the blur effect from Mesa’s Peacemaker still showing when the player has entered a bleedout state.
- Fixed various localization issues.