The Jordas Verdict:
Faites face à votre plus grande épreuve. Un vaisseau Corpus massif montrant de lourds signes d’Infestation est apparu dans le Système. Ceci est différent de tout ce que les Tenno ont pu rencontrer auparavant. Explorer ce vaisseau requérra vitesse et ruse, car des nuages de spores Infestées menacent de consumer tous ceux qui oseraient entrer.
Le danger est trop grand pour s’approcher avec un vaisseau, et les Tenno devront déployer l’Archwing et trouver un point d’entrée dans le vaisseau à la dérive. Les Tenno devront se déplacer rapidement pour survivre dans l’espace hautement Infesté. Une fois à l’interieur, les guerriers du Lotus devront trouver un moyen d’endurer les barrages de Spores continuels.
De multiples expéditions seront peut-être requises, mais seule une équipe bien préparée à affronter l’Infestation croissante sera en mesure de gérer cette menace.
Équipez-vous avant d’entrer dans le ventre de la bête, Tenno. Une chose sinistre se tapit au coeur de cette Infestation. Le Golem Jordas J-3 attend.
A special note: The Jordas Verdict is still in its Beta, and we appreciate your patience while we make refinements to our most mechanically complex Mission in Warframe to date. Expect any issues that may arise mid-Trial to be addressed in future updates.
New Enemies:
- Esophage: Part of an interconnected network of Infested organs. Function remains unclear.
New Arcanes:
New Arcanes are here! Beat The Jordas Verdict to find them all!
How to get started:
- The Jordas Verdict Trial Key can be purchased from the Market, and must be crafted before the Trial can be accessed.
- The Jordas Verdict does have Archwing gameplay, and equipping a high-level Loadout is recommended.
- Leaderboards can be found here: http://content.warframe.com/dynamic/trialGolemStats.php
- Made various optimizations to the installation and launch of Warframe.
- Frost and Frost Prime have been given the PBR treatment, in addition to some visual texture adjustments.
- Fixed Glaive weapons not appearing for melee stealth attacks.
- Fixed the Cerata appearing distorted in Arsenal.
- Fixed Clients not hearing headshots due to low output volumes.
- Fixed squadmates in Archwing Missions not properly having blue markers when there are 4 players in a Mission.
- Fixed the Lato Vandal Halloween Skin from appearing in the Market on its own.
- Fixed Volt’s Electric Shield not functioning on guns with punch through.
- Fixed an issue preventing colors or attachments on the Glaive disappearing when thrown.
UPDATE 17.9.2
New Archwing Weapon Mod: Shell Rush: Increases charge rate of arch-gun.
- Shell Rush drops in Archwing Exterminate Missions.
- Reduced camera shake created by Fluctus projectiles.
- Removed Affinity Amp Auras from inventories. This unreleased mod was either acquired through Transmutation years ago, or the most recent Tactical Alert.
- Legendary Cores have been distributed to all players that have had the Affinity Amp Aura removed from their inventory.
The Jordas Verdict Changes / Fixes:
- Increased the amount of health the J-3 Jordas Golem has.
- Fixed an issue keeping the J-3 Jordas Golem from moving away from his perch for a long period of time.
- Fixed an issue preventing the J-3 Jordas Golem’s weakpoints from being open for Clients.
- Fixed an issue causing a forced extraction on the J-3 Jordas Golem confrontation.
- Fixed an issue allowing the J-3 Jordas Golem to be killed with perched and stationary.
- Fixed an issue preventing players from moving through the interior glass to the J-3 Jordas Golem’s weakpoint.
- Fixed players receiving Antiserum inbox messages after each successful Trial Extraction.
- Fixed some squad members being left in Archwing Mode after transition from Stage 1 to Stage 2.
- Fixed several instances where players become stuck in terrain on spawn / within the level during Stage 2.
- Fixed an issue causing a pre-emptive Purge during Stage 3.
- Fixed an issue causing the engines to immediately engage after entering the J-3 Jordas Golem.
- Fixed some improper clipping that would occur during the cinematic transition from Stage 1 to Stage 2.
- Fixed the Igara Syanda not sitting properly on some Warframes.
- Fixed several instance of a misplaced apostrophe in Baro Ki’ Teer’s name and Noggle description.

Alors, l’équipe de nuit lui à péter la gueule ? XD
Non pas encore :p …. il est coriace !