Beasts of the Sanctuary: Update 22.19.0
Warframe Skins
- Chroma Thyrus Skin by StenchFury
- Chroma Graxx Skin by Faven
- Loki Erebus Skin by Vulbjorn, the graphical walrus.
- Mag Ferro Skin by Master Noob
- Mesa Marlet Skin by Cheshire and prosetisen
- Nyx Aurelia Skin by Hitsu San
- Rhino Scarab Sect Skin by Mz-3
- Volt Fulgursor Skin by Vulbjorn, the graphical walrus.
Warframe Alt Helmet
- Ak-Sura Syandana by malayu and Cobalt
- Despot Cape Syandana by Volkovyi and Sab531
- Due Volpi Syandana by Volkovyi and led2012
- Mithra Syandana by lukinu_u
- Mushussu Syandana by StenchFury
- Sovereign Syandana by BeastBuster
Weapon Skin
*The Lympharis Skin was initially uploaded as a Staff Skin but for consistency with the TennoGen program, it has been altered slightly to be a Polearm Skin.
General Additions:
A new Grineer Sealab Defense tile has been added to Uranus!
Khora Changes & Fixes:
- Khora’s Whipclaw animation has been updated to better reflect the aim direction.
- Operators can no longer be targeted for Venari to Heal. This follows precedent with other Warframe abilities not being castable on Operators.
- Fixed Venari’s ability stats and passive speed buff UI appearing to be affected by Efficiency Mods. Ability Strength Mods are what applies to Venari’s abilities/passive.
- Fixed Venari’s Heal being permanently active when equipping negative Duration Mods on Khora.
- Fixed not being able to see Venari’s hold indicator when switching postures.
- Fixed incorrect icon displaying for Venari’s Healing posture.
- Fixed Venari script error that would occur if you’re controlling the Operator when Venari respawns.
- Fixed Venari not disappearing when playing an Archwing mission as Khora.
- Fixed a case of Khora getting the Venari speed buff HUD icon when Venari fails to spawn.
- Fixed Venari attacking you in the Simulacrum Arsenal when Friendly Fire is enabled.
- Fixed Whipclaw not spreading damage across multiple Strangledomes if it hits enemies trapped in more than one.
- Fixed Khora Whipclaw/Strangledome synergy not using all Mods on extra Strangledome targets.
- Fixed enemies bodies being auto-destroyed when falling from Strangledome that are not going to be sliced. Enemies that get that extra Strangledome slice will be auto-destroyed.
- Fixed Strangledome turning MOA enemies invisible.
- Fixed a crash when Transferring to the Operator when Khora is equipped.
- Fixes towards possible motion blur on Khora’s spikes in the Liset.
- Fixed Khora’s spikes being visible when viewing Navigation.
Sanctuary Onslaught Changes & Fixes:
- Removed Kuria’s from Onslaught tiles since Simaris does not allow the use of gear in the Sanctuary.
- Sahasa Kubrows can no longer dig up Resources in Onslaught.
- Fixed several Host migration issues in Onslaught.
- Fixed a Lua Onslaught tile having doors that appeared unlocked due to incorrect materials.
- Fixed End of Mission rank being A- when aborting before a Zone has been completed.
- A buff icon for Toxic Lash is now displayed so you can see the bonus (ie: after Growing Power, Energy Conversion, and other temporary power-strength buffs are applied).
- Zaw Strikes Sepfahn, Rabvee, Dokram and handles Korb and Shtung now have a chance to be used in Hok’s Daily Specials.
- Ash can no longer Teleport to Cameras and Turrets, as it usually results in placing Ash outside of the map.
- Melee head kills now count as headshots (they already counted towards the « Get 10 headshots » challenge). Face-crit-multiplier-ahoy!
- Improved enemy navigation in the Corpus Outpost Defense tile.
- Optimizations for memory/CPU by improving XAudio2 voice recycling.
- Shortened « Warframe Animation Sets » to just « Animation Sets » in the Market category since it’s redundant and crowds the box.
- Fixed Operators not being able to slide/roll in some cases.
- Fixed insanely fast computers not being able to transition to Cetus from the Plains.
- Fixed Exodia Contagion’s interaction with Covert Lethality, resulting in the +100 damage being applied to the projectile damage multiplier instead of the base projectile damage.
- Fixed Exodia Epidemic ground slam wave counting towards finisher damage instead of the intended explosion damage.
- Fixed Thrown weapons equipped with Power Throw scaling with the range from Wukong’s Iron Vault Augment.
- Fixed Naramon’s Void Stalker Critical Chance buff being applied to non-Melee weapons.
- Fixed Nezha’s Reaping Chakram damage not getting doubled for every enemy hit for Clients.
- Fixed Opticor and beam weapons sometimes not being able to hit Corpus Nullifier bubbles.
- Fixed players and enemies colliding with the Nullifier’s weakpoint. Thwarted no longer shall be any attempts to vertically depart that ability-bereft spherical hellscape.
- Fixed Pets disappearing after Warframe dies and Revives, even though the Pet was alive before their owner’s death.
- Fixed Pets losing loyalty when they shouldn’t/not losing loyalty when they should.
- Fixed a pickup prompt appearing in Simaris’ Relay Sanctuary.
- More fixes towards crashes related to XAudio2 xWma voice recycling.
- Fixed a crash where the audio device is lost and fails to initialize.
- Fixed one rare crash that could occur when audio device is lost.
- Fixed some Captura Scenes resulting in an automatic « mission failed » and booting you back your Orbiter after 15 minutes.
- More fixes towards cases of ‘Supercat’ Kavat issues.
- Fixed Sentinel customization selection not reflected in the Cetus Arsenal when hovering over them.
- Fixed Archwings using its default colors when trying to copy default Warframe colors onto Archwing items.
- Fixed coming back to the Relay from a mission/Simulacrum would pause your Kubrow, resulting in him/her standing in one place forever.
- Fixed selecting « Return to Orbiter » in the Simulacrum and then cancelling would cause you to end up in your Orbiter if you then used « Return to Relay ».
- Fixed script error when switching modes in your loadout where the Warframe in the previous mode was Chroma/Nidus/Equinox and the Warframe in the new mode is Khora.
- Fixed Zaw Components spot loading when hovering over them in the Arsenal.
- Fixed Client projectiles not getting destroyed which can result in performance issues.
- Fixed ambient sounds disappearing in certain areas of Maroo’s Bazaar.
- Fixed level holes in the Grineer Asteroid tileset.
Conclave Changes & Fixes:
- Reduced the casting speed of Mag’s Crush in Conclave.
- Reduced the damage of Khora’s Venari in Conclave.
- Reduced the damage of the Dual Keres in Conclave.
- Fixed avatars spawned from Warframe abilities being highlighted as enemies to their creator in Conclave.

17 ans, sudiste.
J’aime Warframe, j’aime l’esprit communautaire, j’aime l’entraide ; je suis un Ornotoubi.