Hotfix 16.3.1 :
Tactical Alert: Blackout
My contact has informed me of a convoy of abandoned merchant vessels drifting in dead space. Seems like such a waste of good product to just leave it floating there when it could be on my shelves instead.
Reactivate the navigation consoles, and I can reroute them to a… secure location. After I take down the inventory of each ship, we can share the dividends, minus my usual finder’s fee of course.
Help Darvo between 3:30 p.m. EDT and Wednesday, April 15 at 2 p.m. EDT and you’ll be rewarded with the following:
Complete Stage 1: Orokin Catalyst Blueprint
Complete Stage 2: Orokin Reactor Blueprint
Complete Stage 3: Stratos Emblem
Conclave Changes
- Soma Prime is now usable in PvP.
- Reward descriptions have been added to the World State Window.
- Added red lights to vent entrances on Spy Vaults to help make them stand out better.
- Made various lighting updates.
- Fixed Helios’ Simaris skin using the wrong energy color.
- Fixed emblems not sitting properly on Frost, Frost Prime and Mag Prime.
- Fixed some instances of player names being rejected due to ‘invalid characters’.
- Fixed Ash getting stuck in Bladestorm animations when used on Zanuka.
- Fixed Cephalon’s duplicating in Cephalon Capture after a Host Migration.
- Fixed issues in Spy Vault that would occur when G3 spawns.
- Fixed security cameras in Corpus Spy Vaults seeing players through some windows.
- Fixed visual issues on exploding Grineer Galleon featured in tutorial missions.
- Fixed space skybox showing on some planetary tilesets.
- Fixed a ‘black portal’ to a dead end room in the Corpus Gas Cities.
- Fixed Grineer Forcefields and Spy vault laser traps affecting Limbo while in Rift Walk – he should be immune to these traps while in the Rift.
- Fixed issues with some Archwing missions being unplayable if a full loadout wasn’t setup.
- Fixed Zanuka/Harvester’s pin attack not working properly.
- Fixed a game freeze that could occur when using Excalibur’s Radial Javelin on ragdolled enemies.
- Fixed a visual issue where carried Cephalons turn into power cores after a Host Migration in Conclave.
Hotfix :
- Players can no longer summon friendly MOAs in the Blackout Tactical Alert.
- Fixed the Blackout Tactical Alert switching to Exterminate mid-mission.
Hotfix :
- Fixed some issues with many in-game chat commands not functioning (/inv, /w, etc).
- Fixed issue that caused Excalibur’s Radial Javelin to not kill enemies.
- Fixed Archwing components not showing up in the player inventory after crafting was complete.
Hotfix 16.3.2 :
Conclave Changes
- Slightly reduced the damage of Soma and Soma Prime in PvP.
- Fixed various issues causing Host and Client hangups on the loading screen in Conclave.
- Fixed an issue that would occur when using Ash’s Blade Storm when inside Limbo’s Rift.
- Fixed the End of Mission ‘Summary’ screen showing an incorrect number of Mods obtained as per https://forums.warfr…mission-ui-bug.
- Fixed Simaris’ dialogue appearing twice when making a purchase in his Sanctuary.
- Fixed an issue where the HUD would freeze after using an Ability Power.
- Fixed an issue where some Upgrades were not properly showing stat changes after ranking up.
- Fixed instances of the Manic getting himself stuck in open areas.
- Fixed Nullifier Crewmen not nullifying Chroma’s Effigy or Nekros’ Shadows of the Dead summons.
- Fixed an issue in Archwing missions causing Missions to lock up mid-combat.
- Fixed MOAs still being spawnable in the Blackout Tactical Alert.
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite