Mise à jour 18.6 :
ZHUGE: This devastating automatic crossbow is the perfect marriage of ancient Earth weaponry and Tenno technology.
NEZHA CIRCA HELMET: A different look for Nezha!
Conclave Changes
- Daikyu flight speed has been increased by 35% in Conclave.
- MK1 Paris charged shot flight speed has been increased by 35% in Conclave.
- Paris, Paris Prime, and Cernos series charged shot flight speed has been increased 50% in Conclave.
- Conclave Weekly Mission Conditioning requirements reduced to 10 Daily Challenges from 20.
- Reduced the range and damage of Nekros’ Soul Punch in Conclave.
- Inaros’ Dessicate and Banshee’s Sonic Boom range has been increased and now hit in a 40 degree FOV.
- There is now a ‘Active Tab Notification Only’ setting in Chat Options. With this setting turned on, you will only see in-game chat notifications from channels that you’re currently active in.
- Baro Ki’Teer will now have a unique greeting when interacting with Inaros.
- Increased overall ambient lighting across various tilesets to help improve the quality of character lighting.
- Lowered the effect of the Powerfist’s screen shake FX.
- Some visual hints have been added to help players discover caches in Reactor Sabotage Missions.
- Reduced the number of magnetic bubbles that spawn in enclosed areas in Reactor Sabotage Missions.
- Reduced the overall size of Reactor Sabotage tilesets.
- Players can now trade the Carrier Sentinel’s Looter Mod.
- Improvements have been made to the responsiveness of portals and fissures in the Orokin Moon Spy Vaults.
- Adjusted the volume of the Liset’s audio FX.
- Fixed the Celestia Syandana’s energy trail visual FX incorrectly displaying during melee channeling.
- Fixed an error causing lens flare FX to appear twice.
- Fixed the Drekar Ballista Eximus and Drekar Scorpion Eximus not properly appearing in Missions or the Codex.
- Fixed two Landing Crafts that would fly through each other in the landing bay of the Relay.
- Fixed some visual fx causing the torches in the Sands of Inaros Quest to appear pixelated.
- Fixed the Mutalist Cernos’ swarm visual FX not properly appearing.
- Fixed the Xiphos’ air support turret not properly regenerating shields after they’ve been damaged.
- Fixed fires not properly extinguishing for Clients in Reactor Sabotage Missions.
- Fixed an issue causing alarms to pause the timer in Spy Missions indefinitely on the Orokin Moon tileset.
- Fixed an issue with enemy patrols in Grineer Reactor Sabotage Missions.
- Fixed some animation issues with coolant visual FX in Reactor Sabotage Missions.
- Fixed the Ki’Teer Sentinel Mask not properly using energy color.
- Fixed a bright green visual FX showing on Saryn Prime when using Toxic Lash.
- Fixed a crash that would occur due to poor connectivity.
- Fixed an issue causing Operator customizations to not load properly when returning from a Mission.
- Fixed Banshee’s Sonar created outdated enemy markers on the minimap.
- Fixed an error causing a warning message to repeatedly play when a player does not have a weapon equipped and is trying to access it.
- Fixed an error preventing players from climbing up or grabbing onto ledges while holding the Staticor.
- Fixed Loki’s Switch Teleport occasionally allowing players to be teleported into walls.
- Fixed the UI incorrectly stating that you had invalid Inventory slots when claiming Daily Tribute items that require a new slot.
- Fixed buff icons displaying as grey squares in the Conclave.
- Fixed a hang when loading into an Orokin Moon Spy mission.
- Fixed Chat tab icons being removed once the tab was maximized.
- Fixed Angstrum, Opticor and Stug displaying incorrect noise levels in the Arsenal.
- Fixed Infested Hives being invincible.
- Fixed always having your Primary equipped when dropping in-game objects (Power Cell, Datamass, etc) even if you had your Secondary or Melee equipped prior to dropping the item.
- Fixed incorrect description on the Secondary Wind Conclave Mod. This Mod is intended to have the effect last for 5 seconds when maxed ranked, not when unranked.
- Fixed not receiving an Inbox message after completing the Sands of Inaros Quest.
- Fixed experiencing a script error when casting Hydroid’s Undertow in the Conclaves.
- Fixed Sentinels not properly calculating rank reduction for Capacity when a player uses a Forma on a Sentinel Mod slot.
- Fixed Sentinels not properly calculating rank reduction for Capacity when a player uses a Forma on a Sentinel Weapon slot.
- Fixed a Landing Craft loading screen that was unnecessarily bright.
- Fixed weapons losing their polarity after a Host Migration.
- Fixed some unusual visual FX on Darvo’s marketplace banners.
- Fixed Hydroid’s Undertow not properly applying to players that walk into the puddle in Conclave.
- Fixed Recruit Conditioning not properly indicating as being on or off when in Russian.
- Fixed Conclave matches formed through Host Migration not properly being joinable through matchmaking.
- Fixed audio FX on modular Corpus enemies not playing properly.
- Fixed an issue allowing players to cast other abilities during Inaros’ Devour after entering the pause menu during Devour’s cast.
- Fixed a crash report that would automatically open after closing the Warframe client.
Hotfix 18.6.1 :
- Fixed various localization issues.
- Fixed an issue in Mobile Defense Missions causing the Staticor to stop firing.
- Fixed the Zhuge being listed as Alarming when it should be Silent.
- Fixed an issue with the positioning of the Chat window not saving.
Hotfix :
- Fixed Archwing Mods having no affect.
Hotfix 18.6.2 :
Conclave Changes
- The Soaring Strike Conclave Mod can no longer be used with the Zhuge.
- Braton series damage has been increased in Conclave.
- Boltor Prime damage has been reduced in Conclave.
- Gorgon series damage has been reduced in Conclave.
- Karak series damage has been increased in Conclave.
- Soma series damage has been reduced in Conclave.
- Dera series damage has been reduced in Conclave.
- Supra damage has been reduced in Conclave.
- MK 1 Kunai damage has been increased in Conclave.
- AkZani damage has been increased in Conclave.
- Attica damage has been increased in Conclave.
- Zhuge damage has been decreased in Conclave.
- Trinity’s Energy Vampire will no longer affect Inaros when in Sandstorm.
- Adjusted the audio FX on the Dual Toxocyst.
- Saryn’s Molt decoys will no longer be destroyed when Saryn enters a Nullifier bubble.
- Improved the aspect ratio scaling for players using 21:9.
- Damaged Mods acquired via the new-player experience are no longer tradeable.
- Various visual adjustments were made to the Grineer Underwater Sealab tileset’s underwater portions.
- Fixed an issue preventing Staticor research in Dojos from completing for players that started research in between a February Hotfix. Clans in this specific circumstance (there were a finite amount) will now only need to donate one Tellurium to Staticor research in order for research to begin.
- Fixed incorrect positioning of the Zhuge’s custom tassel.
- Fixed some audio FX not playing properly for the Braton.
- Fixed the Angstrum not playing the proper audio FX when charging up.
- Fixed weapons with alt fire being usable during Inaros’ Sandstorm.
- Fixed enemies that have their positions ‘painted’ not properly updating on Client’s minimaps.
- Fixed Focus Powers consuming the Energy Conversion Mod’s buff.
- Fixed Inaros’ Scarab Swarm not healing Sentinels.
- Fixed the Staticor’s charged shot harming enemies while in Limbo’s Rift Walk.
- Fixed an error that would occur when an enemy is killed via melee channeling.
- Fixed Inaros’ Devour not being able to consume enemies below his position.
- Fixed Kavats not having the proper horrifically painful struggle animations when the life drains from their eyes as players set them on fire. You monsters.
- Fixed the Imperator Syandana sitting high on the neck of many Warframes.
- Fixed some languages not getting proper subtitles.
- Fixed an issue causing Emojis to not properly resize themselves when resizing the chat window.
- Fixed Inaros’ Scarab Armor buff persisting through death.
- Fixed players being able to escape the landing craft by wall-climbing through certain areas.
- Fixed Inaros starting at 0 shields when using an Archwing.
- Fixed energy trail visual FX on melee weapons not properly displaying at the start of a Mission when entering a Mission with only a melee weapon equipped.
- Fixed a typo that would appear in Mirage’s Quest subtitles.
- Fixed an error that could occur in the Jordas Verdict Trial when player die in out-of-bounds locations.
- Fixed Captain Vor’s beam visual FX not displaying properly in the tutorial Mission.
- Fixed players not properly being returned to their Landing Craft holding the Operator at the final stage of the Second Dream Quest.
- Fixed Syndicate Missions appearing on Mission Nodes that are unlocked via a Quest, such as the Moon.
- Fixed a memory leak that related to Icicles on Ice Planet tilesets.
- Fixed the Convergence countdown timer being slightly out of sync with the buff display countdown timer.
- Fixed a grammatically incorrect Ordis subtitle.
- Fixed the Extraction marker appearing in Extermination Missions before all enemies have been slain.
- Fixed an error caused the Second Dream Quest to not complete after the final cutscene in the Landing Craft.
- Fixed an error causing a loss of functionality after returning to their Landing Craft from a Mission with an Active Quest.
- Fixed an error that would occur in the Missions Rewards drop table at the End of Mission screen when aborting a Mission.
- Fixed various localization issues.
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite