Chains of Harrow: Hotfix 21.0.7
- Added a functional Arsenal in Captura via the pause menu. You can also access this menu Arsenal in the Simulacrum.
Opticor Changes & Fixes:
- Opticor beam now has a radius (thicker more cylinder shaped beam) that will allow you to hit more enemies with a single beam.
- Increased the Opticor AoE damage radius from 3 meters to 5 meters.
- Critical Chance and Critical Damage Multiplier now apply to the AoE.
- Reduced Ammo capacity to 200.
- Fixed being unable to destroy Nullifier bubbles with the Opticor.
- Fixed being unable to kill enemies inside a Nullifier bubble or Eximus Snow Globe with the Opticor. This also fixes being unable to hit Lephantis or Sargas Ruk at times.
- Chat will automatically rearrange and switch to the Squad tab when loading into a mission.
- Optimized mission load times and reduced memory usage dramatically.
- Made several small performance improvements for the remastered Earth tileset (more to come).
- Updated the Frost Zastruga Helmet, Ersatz Loki Helmet, and Zener Voly Skin at each creator’s request.
Riven Fixes:
- Fixed missing Riven for Broken War.
- Fixed missing Riven for Dex Dakra .
- Fixed some cases of network timeout on joining missions with low-end computers (especially when the drivers don’t support a shader cache).
- Fixed rare cases of invites not being received when in a Relay.
- Fixed not being able to use the Codex Scanner to scan Ayatan Statues and other pickups.
- Fixed Vay Hek not spawning 3 times before his final battle and not entering his Terra Frame Phase when playing his boss fight.
- Fixed the water not draining for Clients after defeating Vay Hek on his Earth boss fight.
- Fixed items earned in mission not saving after dying as the Operator in the last stage of the Chains of Harrow quest.
- Fixed not being able to deploy Extractors on Earth.
- Fixed the Nukor creating a ton of FX if it kills something while it’s been paused by Harrow’s Condemn ability.
- Fixed being able to invite players to Iron Wake before they have progressed in Chains of Harrow.
- Fixed an issue that made you use the Melee charge animation instead of a normal attack animation when quickly pressing Melee after a slide attack in Dual-Wield mode.
- Fixed casting and deactivating Excalibur’s Exalted Blade, Wukong’s Primal Fury, or Valkyr’s Hysteria while in Dual-Wield mode resulting in the UI stating the name of your Pistol and ability used.
- Fixed the Palatine Hammer Skin not applying correctly to the Sibear.
- Fixed some clipping issues with the TennoCon 2017 Syandana.
- Fixed incorrect projectile sounds with the Zarr and Knell.
- Fixed no results displaying after Transmuting in the Relay.
- Fixed Ratals being unable to correctly roll down slopes.
- Fixed being unable to spawn Eximus units in the Simulacrum.
- Fixed some cases of NPCs falling through the floor after entering cover.
- Fixed Vor’s Prize tutorial hints clipping through the environment.
- Fixed descriptions for Ammo Restores to display the correct values.
- Fixed the minimap appearing displaced in the Relay if your HUD scale is over 100.
- Fixed the Sands of Inaros quest description having the wrong tomb location text.
- Fixed the ‘Offline Mod Bench’ appearing as a placeholder text.
- Fixed placeholder text appearing when attempting to select the ‘Filter’ button in Chat.
- Fixed Mag’s Magnetized Discharge Augment not triggering when using the « use selected ability » key.
- Fixed being able to spawn inside of a wall in the Mastery Rank 24 test.
- Fixed an invisible Corpus doorframe in the Shipyard tileset.
- Fixed enemies not playing their injury animation sometimes.
- Fixed a script error when entering Iron Wake.
- Fixed a script error when casting Harrow’s Thurible.
- Fixed a script error when casting Inaros’ Sandstorm.
- Fixed a script error when casting Nyx’s Psychic Bolts.
- Fixed a script error when casting Valkyr’s Rip Line.
- Fixed a script error when casting Ivara’s Artemis Bow.
- Fixed a script error when casting Oberon’s Renewal.
- Fixed a script error when casting Volt’s Shock.
- Fixed a script error when casting Rhino’s Charge.
- Fixed a script error when casting Inaros’ Scarab Swarm.
- Fixed a script error when throwing the Ferrox.
Conclave Fixes:
- Fixed a script error when casting Inaros’ Devour in Conclave.
- Fixed Octavia’s Amp ability applying buffs to players on the opposite team in Conclave.
- Fixed having the same Primary weapon equipped for both Cooperative and Conclave resulting in a visual error on Conclave weapon Mods.
Chains of Harrow: Hotfix 21.0.8
- The Stalker can no longer apply Nyx’s passive to disarm enemies hit with Absorb due to being so powerful it crashed your game. Stalker pls.
- Removed the Chat Relay Message of the Day (MoTD) when in Iron Wake.
Riven Fixes:
- Fixed missing Sheev and Dual Heat Sword Rivens.
- Fixed Dark Split Sword Rivens having no effect when equipped.
- Fixed an issue where Clients downed while using Excalibur’s Exalted Blade, Wukong’s Primal Fury, or Valkyr’s Hysteria would be unable to switch weapons when revived.
- Fixed players suffering from low FPS resulting in slow casting times for Nidus’ Virulence.
- Fixed low FPS affecting Mesa’s Peacemaker damage per second.
- Fixed a couple cases where abilities could become permanently blocked in Archwing.
- Fixed Syandanas being huge for Clients joining in progress in Archwing.
- Fixed elevators in the Grineer Sealab tileset not displaying context action correctly.
- Fixed fog problems on some systems running DirectX 10.
- Fixed Chat not immediately switching to the Squad channel when in the loading screen.
- Fixed the TennoCon 2017 Syandana bunching up when equipped on Mesa.
- Fixed Operator not continuing to sprint after jumping if the player was and is still holding the sprint key before they jumped.
Chains of Harrow: Hotfix
Riven Fixes:
- Snipetron Rivens are now an option for Rifle Rivens!
- Fixed many weapons not being visible (bows in particular).
- Fixed Kuva Braids randomly summoning Guardian Eximis.
- Fixed becoming permanently invisible if any invisible ability affecting you ends while you are aiming with a scanner.
Chains of Harrow: Hotfix 21.0.9
- Operators are now affected by the Smeeta Kavat Mischief/Charm buffs.
- Improved and widened the Reactant marker visibility range.
- Improved Kavor Defectors colliding with players and each other.
- Improved enemies for targeting Atlas’ Tectonic Bulwarks so they shouldn’t get stuck (at least as often).
Opticor Change:
- Opticor now benefits from Critical Chance / Critical Chance Multiplier Mods (the existing beam always did but the radial AoE damage did not).
Panthera Change:
- Panthera Alt-Fire will now benefit from weapon explosion radius Mods.
- Fixes towards Chat sometimes spontaneously not working.
- Fixed volumetric lighting not working properly when in DX10.
- Fixed being able to use Atlas’ Tectonics Bulwark to prevent Defectors from bulwalking through doorways. The Bulwark wall now detects Defectors and the wall will collapse.
- Fixed a case where Atlas’ Tectonic Bulwark walls can have weird targeting from enemies, causing them to either not see the wall or attack it in incorrect ways (eg. shooting it when they can melee it).
- Fixed being stuck in a continuous Emote state upon selecting a looping Emote like the Ki’Teer Presence or Meditating Emote.
- Fixed the Scourge not being affected by Heavy Calibers accuracy reduction.
- Fixed UI displaying 227 total missions playable when there are actually only 226.
- Fixed several issues with in-world markers for Hosts and Clients.
- Fixed certain weapons shrinking when applying skins on them.
- Fixed seeing duplicate FX for Harrow’s Covenant as Client.
- Fixed a missing blocking volume that was allowing players to go out of bounds in the Earth Forest tileset.
- Fixed Nyx’s Mind Control FX lingering on Ramparts.
- Fixed the Hyena Sigil FX not fading enough near the edges.
- Fixed missing muzzle flash on the Tigris Prime.
- Fixed buff indicator for the Zenith disc lifespan not being removed if you recall the disc manually.
- Fixed Relic refinement sort by name being inconsistent, and list issue creating a visual copy of a Relic in the grid.
- Fixed Clients setting Exterminate markers on enemies who don’t count towards mission progress.
- Fixes towards Equinox’s cloth getting stuck between legs.
- Fixed Equinox’s mesh being reset to the mixed form when previewing Helmets/Skins/etc in the Arsenal.
- Fixed Warframes in Landing Craft/Relay getting stuck in a weird animation state after exiting the Arsenal quickly with only a Melee weapon equipped.
- Fixed hitches when scrolling through Sigils in the Arsenal.
- Fixes towards the Grax Mirage skin to better match the original Steam Workshop images.
- Fixed Operator Void Beam not using Energy properly in the Simulacrum.
- Fixed Clients being able to use Transference while wall clinging in order to float.
- Fixed using the Arsenal as Client causing permanent invincibility in the Simulacrum.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when starting a Dojo duel.
- Fixed the Host experiencing a significant hitch when the Client finishes loading into a Dojo duel.
- Fixed two Earth Forest tilesets with broken connections to portals which caused issues with objectives and marker pathing.
- Fixes no enemies sometimes spawning in Earth Forest Exterminate until near the extraction room.
- Fixed some positioning of weapon trails on sparring weapons (Obex, Kogake, Hirudo, etc).
- Fixed black and untextured wreckage in Corpus Archwing tilesets.
- Fixed the Javlok playing a weird animation when quickly cycling through ‘Randomized’ color options.
- Fixed the Scourge damaging or killing players when picking it up while paused in Limbo’s Rift before it hits the ground.
- Fixed the Sari Syandana covering the pause menu when playing Solo. The wings will now close a lot faster when pausing.
- Fixed the Scourge and Cycron Status lasting longer for the Host.
- Possible fix for Companion Pets being insta-killed in some rare cases (without going into bleedout).
- Fixed a localized typo of Chroma in his Helmet description text.
Conclave Changes & Fixes
- Increased ammo capacity of Pyrana in Conclave.
- Fixed Oberon’s Reckoning not lifting enemies in Conclave.
- Fixed Oberon’s Reckoning not being terminated if Oberon was killed during the cast in Conclave.
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite