Plains of Eidolon: Update 22.3.0
A new Operation is here. Play Operation: Plague Star from Wednesday November 15th until Monday, November 27th at 2 p.m ET!
Operation: Plague Star.
Rally your Squad and defend the Plains of Eidolon!
A mysterious meteorite has crashed just outside of Cetus revealing a horrific boil. The boil is growing and the Ostrons have sighted infested lifeforms emerging from it. We need to act now before they make their way to Cetus.
Konzu has received reports that Vay Hek possesses a toxin that can destroy the boil. But Vay Hek won’t help; he sees this infested boil as a means to rid the Plains of Cetus and the Ostrons.
We need to get ahold of the toxin and destroy the boil before it becomes unstoppable. Visit Konzu in Cetus to learn his plan for retrieving the toxin from Vay Hek.
Read about rules, rewards, and more here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/876895-live-pc-operation-plague-star
- Added more conventional Extraction mechanics to the Plains of Eidolon. We now start the extraction timer after 50% of a squad enters the Cetus gates. We added an area objective marker (the classic green indicator) and more direction to this area to notify squad members that extraction is waiting and counting down.
- Added increased customization settings for the Operator! Expanded the Accessories categories for the Operator (I.E Facial Accessory, Ear Accessory, Eye Accessory, etc).
- Improved the functionality for hiding certain Operator Accessories (I.E Operator hair does not need to be hidden when an Ostron Mask is equipped).
Bounty Changes:
We have made ways to the way Bounties reward you! This new system is a take on the ‘AABC’ rotation system we have in endless missions, but applied to Bounties using the Common, Uncommon, and Rare rewards.
Read through this to familiarize yourself with what’s changed!
First and most noticeable:
You now get a reward for every stage of the Bounty completed! Yup. Pretty simple.
Second and more technical:
The tier of rewards you get are determined by how many stages are in the bounty!
3 Stage Bounties:
First reward: Common
Second reward: Common or Uncommon
Third reward: Common, Uncommon, or Rare
4 Stage Bounties:
First reward: Common
Second reward: Common or Uncommon
Third reward: Common, Uncommon
Fourth reward: Common, Uncommon, or Rare
5 Stage Bounties:
First reward: Common
Second reward: Common or Uncommon
Third reward: Common, Uncommon
Fourth reward: Common, Uncommon, or Rare
Fifth reward: Common, Uncommon, or Rare
We have slightly re-balanced the quantities of some of the rewards as we tested numerous Bounties with these changes. Right now this only applies to select items. Plains of Eidolon specific reward quantities are untouched (i.e it could be possible to get 25 x Breath of the Eidolon in a single 5 Stage Bounty or 6 Cetus Wisps in a 5 Stage Bounty).
The rebalanced items are as follows:
Credit Rewards have been halved.
Kuva rewards have been reduced.
Endo Rewards have been reduced.
The additions and replacements are as follows:
Cetus Wisps are now Uncommon in various tables.
Cryotic and Oxium are now in various tables, replacing Void Traces in some cases.
Our public drop table repository will be updated to reflect these changes in the coming days.
Blunt Changes:
- Standing on a Blunt when it dies will now cause you to fall.
- Penta grenades will now bounce off the Blunt. It has a similar behavior as hitting a Grineer. Note that projectiles like Quanta cubes do not bounce off Grineer. Thus, cubes will not bounce off the Blunt.
- Miter blades will now bounce off the Blunt.
- Improved the quality of VOIP when Auto Gain Control is enabled.
- Increased the frequency of spawned Focus Convergence orbs in Defection missions.
- Removed the ability to be in Sky Archwing in certain Caves in the Plains.
- You may now notice more populated Grineer bases in the Plains, as roving Grineer now retreat in pure panic back to base at night when the curfew siren sounds.
- To save you from accidentally Donating your Mote Amp, you can no longer Donate it!
- Fixed a loss of functionality when entering the Plains from Cetus and immediately trying to go back to Cetus.
- Fixed not being able to use your Operator Void Beam if you selected ‘NONE’ as your Amp. This also fixes a progression stopping issue in the Chains of Harrow quest where you couldn’t damage enemies/chains.
- Fixed a black screen and loss of functionality if you are holding a fish as you are forced to Extract with the 60 second countdown timer in the Plains.
- Fixed Focus Convergence orbs not spawning when there are several oxygen towers available in a Survival.
- Fixed Riven stats sometimes not applying to Zaws when also equipping Stances.
- Fixed the last stage of a failed Bounty restarting if a Host migration occurred.
- Fixed the Bounty changing missions types if a Host Migration occurred while you were escorting the Drone.
- Fixed a 300ms delay to start sprinting when using the sprint/roll combination key.
- Fixed the Cetus gates sometimes remaining opening while in the Plains.
- Fixed wind sounds being too loud/not being affected by volume sliders in the expanded Caves in the Plains.
- Fixed some terrain clipping issues and holes in the expanded Caves in the Plains.
- Fixed an incorrect objective navigation path in the Corpus Ice Planet Sabotage tileset.
- Fixed incorrect material applied to the Moa in the Dojo Energy Research Lab.
- Fixed some Grineer Crates spawning their spoils underneath a platform, making them unreachable.
- Fixed administering a non-Operator Status Effect on a Sentient when damaging it with the Operator Void Beam.
- Fixed Konzu’s Bounty reward board displaying the ‘NEW’ tag on Mods that you recently acquired.
- Fixed Grineer drop pod sounds not playing for Clients in the Plains.
- Fixed the Hunter Command Mod having an unrelated Fusion Core (wow, remember those things??) description.
- Fixed being able to purchase multiple copies of the Plains of Eidolon Captura Scene.
- Fixed a map hole in the Grineer Forest Spy tileset.
- Fixed a map hole in the Grineer Asteroid tileset.
- Fixed various map holes in the Grineer Settlement tileset.
- Fixed a script error when using the Nosam Cutter.
- Fixed an issue with Nekros Deluxe’s auxiliary and attachments not working as intended.
Conclave Fixes:
- Fixed the Heartseeker Mod not working for Dagger Zaws in Conclave.
- Fixed the Biting Piranha Mod not showing up when trying to add it to any Dual Dagger in the Conclave Arsenal.
Hotfix 22.3.1 :
- Reduced the sound gain from the Argonak and Astilla.
- Tweaked the charging and firing sounds of the Cycron.
- Fixed incorrect Skybox and water textures in certain Caves in the Plains.
- Fixed some unreleased items being Chat linkable.
- Fixed rampant crashes in the Plains.
Hotfix 22.3.2 :
- Removed “Clear Remaining..” stage of the Operation.
- Increased likelihood of encountering Infested in the Plains.
- Reduced chance to receive Lens from Operation Bounty.
- Fixed roll breaking Ivara’s Prowl.
- Fixed another common crash during the Operation.
- Fixed console being invisible for Clients in the Operation.
- Fixed script error that could occur when using Hydroid’s Undertow.
- Fixed Infested pods in the Operation not showing VFX when destroyed.
- Fixed a potential script error in Landing Craft.
- Fixed a script error that could occur for clients during the Operation.
- Fixed rescanning fish statuettes granting additional trophies.
- Fixed reactor flickering in Sabotage.
- Fixed Infested Scream FX now showing for Clients.
- Various common crashes were fixed.
Hotfix 22.3.3 :
- Konzu now explains that rewards are at Nakak for the Operation.
- Fixed two particularly nasty crashes that could occur on return to Cetus.
- Fixed issues with flickering lights in Sabotage 2.0 on Grineer Galleons.
- Fixed an issue with the Toggle Sprint option and rolling in mid-air.
- Optimized some error logging.
Plains of Eidolon: Hotfix 22.3.4
Operation: Plague Star Changes:
The Standing required to rank up the Operational Supply Syndicate is currently much higher than we initially intended. We will be decreasing the Standing requirements to their intended values and also updating the Sacrifice requirements. New Standing requirements:
- Rank 1 = 1000 Standing
- Rank 2 = 3000 Standing
- Rank 3 = 6000 Standing
*Players who have already attained sufficient Standing for the corrected values will be automatically ranked up and the excess Standing will be refunded.
We are also running a script to refund the component portion of Operational Supply Sacrifices and updating the Sacrifice requirements (Note: Credit costs will not be refunded). If you are automatically ranked up due to the Standing changes, you will not have to pay these new Sacrifice requirements:
- The 2x Neurodes Sacrifice to Collaborator has been replaced with 10x Grokdrul.
- The Forma Sacrifice to Defender has been replaced with 10x Iradite.
- The Mutagen Sample Sacrifice to Champion has been replaced with 10x Nistlebrush.
Full info here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/880425-psa-operational-supply-standing-sacrifice-changes/
- Adjusted the weapon trail FX on the Plague Keewar.
- Reduced the Magus Husk from 7100 to 710 Cryotic per item.
- Reduced the Magus Elevate from 2300 to 230 Oxium per craft.
*We are running a script to refund the above differences to as many people as possible, but we only have 30 days of history (Since October 17). Apologies to those missed but we’re confident we’ll get as many people as possible. This script digs back through time quite a bit, and we expect it to run over night and for refunds to be given tomorrow (November 17).
Operation: Plague Star Fixes:
- Fixes towards the Plague Star Bounty failing on Stage 2.
- Fixes towards the hijacked Drone getting stuck while navigating to the boil.
- Fixed Infested drop pods spawning far away or on top of the boil.
- Fixed the Infested Catalyst not being Chat linkable for those that own it.
- Fixed a crash when attempting to return to Cetus from the Plains.
- Fixed launching yourself at a weird angle when attempting to aim dodge backflip with sprint/roll key combination while using a scoped weapon.
- Fixed not being able to hear the ambient Corpus Ship announcer.
- Fixed the Defection unique Charger not being listed properly in the Codex.
- Fixed a level hole in a some of the Plain Caves.
- Fixed flickering water in some of the Plain Caves.
- Fixed some of Konzu’s transmission text being a filepath.
Plains of Eidolon: Hotfix 22.3.5
- Changed the Plague Keewar Infested Strike Stance to Machete from Scythe when using one-handed grips. *We are reverting this change in the next Hotfix/Update.
- Increased the Range of two-handed Zaws by 20-25% (Jayap, Kroostra, Seekalla, Plague Bokwin).
- Tweaked parts of the Yaksha Nezha Skin/Helmet to better match original concept.
- In-Game screenshots (F6) now capture at full-resolution when using Dynamic Resolution.
Plague Star Fixes:
- Fixed the Mixer Vault door remaining closed if you already opened the Mixer Vault before getting the Toxin.
- Fixed leaving the Mixer Defense objective area resulting in breaking the Mixer.
- Fixed the Plague Star Ancient Infested head of Hemocyte snapping to an extreme angle prior to aiming.
- Fixed an incorrect objective waypoint if the Toxin Dispenser in Stage 1 was activated too early.
- Fixes towards a script error when Hemocyte spawns.
- Fixed slow Hosts causing Clients to leave the squad when loading into the Plains. This widely experienced squad disbanding issue is one of our top fixing properties that will continue to be monitored and improved.
- Fixed the Carrier’s Looter precept not working for some Plains resources like Grokdrul containers.
- Fixed Companions being unable to pass through doors.
- Fixed losing functionality if you died while transitioning back to Cetus from the Plains.
- Fixed Clients not being able to use Operators in Caves.
- Fixed the Amp crafting preview disappearing upon selecting the Brace.
- Fixed the Hunter Mod sets not being linkable in Chat or in the Codex.
- Fixed Gilding a Zaw not resetting the Rank til you return to your Orbiter.
- Fixed Zaws with Covert Lethality and Exodia Epidemic unintentionally insta killing enemies. Covert Lethality does not carry over to projectiles or other effects created by weapons, and only applies on Melee finishers.
- Fixed the Hunter Synergy Mod’s +30 Crit-Link stat not displaying anywhere on the Arsenal UI.
- Fixed using an Emote while entering Archwing resulting in getting stuck in the animation.
- Fixed some weapon descriptions displaying unlocalized damage type text.
- Fixed the Incubus Ribbon not applying correctly to Titania with the Titania Unseelie Skin equipped
- Fixed the Day of The Dead Igaro Syandana and Synoid Syandana not attaching properly when the Mesa Devil Ranger Skin is equipped.
- Fixed only being able to preview the Cyst on Warframes if you have an infected Warframe equipped at the time.
- Fixed some low resolution textures on the Saryn Amalgama Skin.
- Fixed the Zaw not having a ‘None’ option in Sugatra Attachments.
- Fixed the Lenz not exploding when shooting an enemy object such as a Grineer door scanner.
- Fixed entering the Simaris scanning Tutorial without any Synthesis Scanners in your Gear wheel.
- Fixed the Naru Syandana not animating properly when Aim Gliding.
- Fixed simultaneously sprinting, sliding, and shooting resulting in your gun ceasing fire after standing up but will resume firing again when you crouch.
- Fixed being able to equip the Ruinous Extension Mod on the Arca Scisco.
- Fixed the Arca Scisco not tracking accuracy stats.
- Fixed a crash when using VOIP.
- Fixed a crash when in the Simulacrum.
- Fixed a hitch when scrolling through the Plague Star Trophies in the Dojo.
- Fixed jittering textures when scrolling through the Challenges list.
- Fixed some rocks in the Plains appearing wet when in reality they were dry.
Conclave Fixes:
- Fixed the Surplus Diverters Conclave Mod unintentionally applying to Limbo when entering/exiting the Rift.
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite