Tennogen Round 13 & fix de bugs, « Le Sacrifice » est maintenant rejouable !
TennoGen Round 13
Warframe Skins
Nova Corpra Skin by Frelling Hazmot
Excalibur Ronin Skin by Rekkou
Zephyr Strafe Skin by prosetisen
Excalibur Exaltation Skin by Cheshire
Banshee Blade of the Lotus Skin by BeastBuster
Rhino Blade of the Lotus Skin by BeastBuster
Oberon Blade of the Lotus Skin by BeastBuster
Trinity Blade of the Lotus Skin by BeastBuster
Warframe Helmets
Icarius Syandana by malayu, Scharkie, and Jadie
Kunshu Syandana by BeastBuster
Seraphim Syandana by led2012 and jaeon009
Shurihoshi Syandana by led2012 and daemonstar
Sildarg Syandana by led2012 and daemonstar
Sydeko Syandana by led2012 and daemonstar
Weapon Skins
Aphria Polearm Skin by Arsenal
Ogun Hammer Skin by Stenchfury
Liset Skins
Protege Liset Skin by MaceMadunusus
- The Sacrifice is now replayable! 2 new original quest songs have been added to the Somachord from the Sacrifice soundtrack. You can find and scan the Fragments by re-playing the quest!
- These Somachord Fragments must be scanned in mission order from beginning to end in order to collect them all. If you miss one in mission 3 (for example) you can replay the quest and begin your search at mission 3 instead of back at mission 1.
- New Player Experience changes:
- After watching far too many people struggle (and reading many feedback threads) with the crafting of an Incubator Core in the ‘Howl of the Kubrow’ quest, we are making it easier! We now give ‘Incubator Cores’ as a reward for completing the Earth > Mars Junction. Anyone who has completed Howl of the Kubrow will receive one on login automatically.
- Fixed an issue with Clients not seeing Synthesis Target waypoints.
- Fixed an issue with being unable to mine on the Plains of Eidolon after a Host migration.
- Fixed a crash when reviving underwater or in Archwing.
- Fixed various game crashes and hangs particularly for long-running missions.
- Fixed a case where you could permanently lose the ability to cast Warframe abilities.
- Fixed an issue with the Sentinel ‘Spare Parts’ Mod not working.
- Fixed an issue where Clients would not see Djinn’s Reawaken icon.
- Fixed an issue where Ivara’s Artemis Bow was not properly consuming energy.
- Fixed the Sentinel ‘Medi-Ray’ Mod not working with Umbra.
- Fixed Magus Nourish not working with Umbra.
- Fixed an issue with the Juggernaut Behemoth not using all of his moves.
- Fixed inconsistencies with the state of Lua in the Plains of Eidolon skybox.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to sell a ranked Arcane enhancement through your inventory would fail.
- Fixed enemies not being visible for Clients if they were in a ragdoll state for the Host.
- Fixed a level issue in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset (Europa).
- Fixed various navigation issues in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset (Europa).
- Fixed an edge case where Clients could auto-fail Onslaught if they joined in-progress.
- Fixed Energy values being mismatched between Client and Host when switching to and from Archwing. This usually resulted in Clients having a lower Energy amount than they should until they used an ability. Also fixes sometimes continuously attempting and failing to use energy pickups on Client.
- Fixed a possible game freeze that could occur if an ineligible player joins a squad (e.g. someone joins your Sortie session without a rank 30 Warframe).
- Fixed an issue where Nakak’s mask dioramas would not show the masks properly.
- Fixed an audio issue with the Quartakk becoming silent when rapid firing.
Bonus :
Le « RedText » de la mise à jour !