Mask of the Revenant: Update 23.8.0
Embody the grace of a falling star, and the terror of its impact, with this celestial collection for Nezha. Includes the Nezha Empyrean Skin, Buzhou Syandana, Teng Dagger Skin and the Nezha Empyrean Helmet.
Descend from the heavens like a burning star to smite all challengers.
The standard issue helmet for the Nezha Empyrean Skin.
The strength of the mountain; the grace of flowing water.
Doom in the sting of a serpent’s tooth. Converts any single Dagger Melee Weapon into a blade worthy of legends.
[DE]Pablo has been working hard on tweaks, with two primary goals in mind:
- Making Nezha feel smoother and more fluid in gameplay
- Increasing Nezha’s power overall by giving him added team support value and internal synergies
With that said, let’s break down the changes in order!
- Increased max rank health from 225 to 375
- Decreased max rank shields from 225 to 150
- Changed from a channeling ability to duration-based.
- Why? As a channeled ability, keeping Firewalker active would block all energy regeneration. Making the ability a single cast with a long moddable duration solves that problem, encouraging more frequent use.
- Cast animation changed to a small hop that doesn’t restrict movement.
- Cast animation has been sped up, and no longer restricts movement.
- Enemies hit by the disc are “marked” for a moddable duration, greatly increasing the damage they take from all sources. Marked enemies have a chance to drop energy orbs.
- Why? Adds great team value to Nezha’s kit – increasing damage taken helps all allies, and energy orb drops enable frequent recasting.
- Killing enemies while they are marked will now produce healing orbs, instead of the current healing pulse.
- Why? The current radial heal is invisible and very small, usually only benefitting players in melee range – most players don’t even know it’s there! Health orbs make the result more visible, while introducing other mod synergies.
- Increased the number of targets the disc will try to hit before recalling, and improved some cases of faulty lock-on targeting.
- Added a charged throw, causing the Chakram to fly straight forwards and backwards, dealing extra damage to enemies in its path.
- Why? For a consistent flight path unaffected by lock-on targeting, use the new charged throw. Great for hallways!
- Teleporting will no longer cancel Fire Walker.
- HUD now shows a custom counter, indicating how much damage absorption is left, instead of a simple numeric percentage
- Warding Halo now only blocks 90% of damage taken. Will still block status effects and other procs.
- Why? When considering Nezha’s revamped kit, he is excellent at mitigating enemy damage – Firewalker and Divine Spears offer great area/crowd control, Blazing Chakram offers healing and self-sustain, and his outstanding movement can make the player a hard target to hit. In this context, Warding Halo’s 100% damage resistance was completely overshadowing his other options – why heal or CC when I never take any damage?
With 90% damage resistance, Nezha is still very capable of tanking, but encouraged to rely on his other tools to avoid getting overwhelmed. Taking minimal health damage allows for synergy with Blazing Chakram’s health orbs, not to mention new modding avenues like Equilibrium, Health Conversion and various Arcanes. The change also allows us to improve survivability in other ways, such as the increased health pool, and major Warding Halo quality-of-life buffs listed below.
- Why? When considering Nezha’s revamped kit, he is excellent at mitigating enemy damage – Firewalker and Divine Spears offer great area/crowd control, Blazing Chakram offers healing and self-sustain, and his outstanding movement can make the player a hard target to hit. In this context, Warding Halo’s 100% damage resistance was completely overshadowing his other options – why heal or CC when I never take any damage?
- Damage absorption invulnerability phase now begins as soon as you cast the ability. Cast animation also sped up.
- Increased incoming damage multiplier during invulnerability. Damage absorption multiplier also now scales with power strength.
- When the health of the Warding Halo runs out, it will do an AoE heat status effect and give you a short period of invulnerability.
- Why? This gives the player precious time to react, helping survivability while controlling the enemies immediately around you. Your next Warding Halo can be recast during this window to ensure you’re always protected!
(Brief aside: as a Nezha main, I was originally skeptical of the 90% damage resistance change, and I suspect many readers will be skeptical too. However, playing the rework myself quickly changed my mind. The various buffs really outweigh the negatives, making Nezha much more capable in a supporting crowd-controller role. If you doubt just how potent 90% damage resistance can be, try out Gara’s Splinter Storm at 130% or more power strength!)
- Sped up the casting/slamming animations, while removing the mandatory slam at the end of the Spears’ duration. (slam can still be triggered manually)
- Hitting a speared enemy with Blazing Chakram produces a second Chakram, which fires at a nearby enemy.
On top of all that, Nezha’s sounds have been remastered, adding new auditory cues for important moments, like Blazing Chakrams returning to the player, or Warding Halos running out of health!
- Slight improvements to Blazing Chakram’s enemy tracking.
- Players will receive a HUD icon indicating the Health of a Safeguard Halo they received from Nezha.
Revenant Ability Changes:
We have a big batch of changes to Revenant based on constructive player feedback. Specifics per ability follow below, but a big thanks to everyone who took the time to login, play, and visit a space (forums or otherwise) to give their thoughts. It’s crucial to the iteration process. Thank you!
THRALLS: We have made changes to have Thralls have more value in life AND death – just as Revenant did. The general rule Thralls will follow is they provide CC in Life, Damage in Death. The goal is simply to have an easy supply of Thralls to make use of in both Life and Death.
Currently Enthrall has the following uses:
You can get up to 7 enemies Crowd Controlled – they won’t attack you or allies and will draw Aggro from AI.
It spreads / is transferred – the Enthralled state is contagious!
You can Reave Thralls for greater scaling Health and Shield Leeching.
If Thralls are killed by Danse Macabre, overshield drops are created.
It creates a damaging pillar, and that’s it. Not useful enough in death at all!
- We’ve added the following with this update:
- While active, the pillar creates homing projectiles similar to the Vomvalyst attacks and Revenant’s Signature weapon, the Phantasma!
- The pillars can now be exploded to output their damage radially if hit by Danse Macabre.
On the development build before release, Mesmer Skin was recastable but we removed this due to balance concerns. But, our gut reaction was right and thanks to your feedback we’ve changed it back to how it was and you can now recast Mesmer Skin to recharge it!
- Lowered Energy cost to 50.
- Revenant is now fully immune to damage while Reaving – it’s meant to be a life-saver!
- When Reaving Thralls with Mesmer Skin active, it restores a charge.
- When Reaving Allies with Mesmer Skin active, it adds the protective energy to your allies who happen to be in range. A small protective bonus!
- When REAVE is cast while in DANSE MACABRE, Energy cost lowered to 25. This allows for quicker, risk-free placement of Revenant for tactical maneuvering.
- The Direction of Reave now follows last Reticle aim point which makes casting more responsive to intent.
Revenant Fixes:
- Fixed Revenant’s Reave using the wrong value (Health) for Shield gain.
- Fixed inability to damage Revenant’s Enthralled enemies with the Arca Plasmor.
- Fixed Revenant’s Enthralled enemies still attempting to hack terminals during Interception missions.
- Fixed Gara’s Mass Vitrify blocking Revenant’s Danse Macabre lasers.
- Fixed Revenant’s Danse Macabre and Strangledome names being in ALL CAPS.
Oxium Osprey Changes:
As a result of a review from the Capture Mission changes that affected Oxium acquisition (Galatea, Neptune) and Oxium acquisition as a whole, we have made tweaks to better benefit your Oxium grofit:
- Oxium Ospreys now appear within the first 5 Waves/Rounds of all Corpus Defense/Interception missions.
- Slightly increased the spawn chance of Oxium Ospreys in all Corpus Defense/Interception missions at higher Waves/Rounds.
Dojo Changes:
- A ‘Founding Warlord’ Role has been added to the Clan hierarchy! This hierarchy is above ‘Warlord’ and there can only be one. Founding Warlord has all the permissions of a Warlord, but can also freely change the rank of any member. They also have the option of promoting any Warlord to Founding Warlord. This uses the new type of confirmation where you must type a keyword (in this case « PROMOTE ») to go through with the change. The Founding Warlord now becomes visible to others and cannot leave the Clan unless they are the only member or promotes another Warlord to Founding Warlord. If a Founding Warlord wishes to be demoted, they must promote another Warlord, thus switching the Roles. If a Clan has a Founder already set (via Support), that person is automatically given the Founding Warlord Role (even if they weren’t Warlord), otherwise the Warlord with oldest join date is made Founding Warlord.
- This also alleviates a longstanding issue where the Founder of a Clan can leave, but they are still considered the Founder if they come back (and if they don’t, the Clan has no member with Founder status).
- Reworked the Vault contribution screen to reduce the number of steps you must take to contribute. You can also now browse the Resources and Decorations in the Vault! Previously you could only Donate and never knew what was already in there.
- Rhino now has a HUD buff indicator for his Iron Skin!
- Reduced numerous costs of required items for various quantity locked activities. Less grind more grofit:
- Reduced the cost of Nav Coordinates required to craft the Mutalist Alad V Assassinate Key from 3 to 1.
- Reduced the cost of Animo Beacons required to fight Ambulas on Pluto, Hades from 40 to 20.
- Reduced the cost of Vestan Moss scans required to craft the Sunrise Apothic from 25 to 12.
- Changed Health Conversion to only remove stacks on Health damage. Previously it removed stacks on any damage, which was counterproductive when the damage was on Shields as they are not affected by Armor.
- The emissive on Operator Facial Accessories is now controlled by suit Energy colour.
- Increased the Anspatha Brace recharge from 30/s to 45/s.
- Made some micro-optimizations to AI path-finding.
- Made some micro-optimizations to some core math routines used by Visibility and Zoning.
- Made some micro-optimizations to Zoning code used by Sound Effects, Cameras, and Weather Effects.
- Made a micro-optimization to runtime object creation.
- Made a small optimization to the process of binding textures and samplers (dx11 only).
- Reduced the smoothing window for the frame rate/time values. This may make things like Dynamic Vsync kick in a bit more promptly.
- Improved AI pathing in the Corpus Gas City tileset to reduce enemy crowding in certain areas.
- Removed ability to unintentionally equip Hydraulic Crosshairs and Sharpened Bullets on Mesa’s Regulators. Although the buff appeared to trigger, it never actually applied due to the « on aim » criteria not being fulfilled (unless you had a very specific loadout with the Mesa Waltz Augment equipped).
- Resource descriptions now indicate their « Locations/where to find » list to aid new players.
- Removed special Warframe HUDs (Nidus, etc) from being displayed in the Dojo.
- Fixed a progression stopper in the Sands of Inaros quest as a result of the first phase of the boss fight being skipped and Inaros becoming invulnerable. Also fixed the Tomb Protector in Sands of Inaros attacking while invisible and having floating weapons instead of being entombed while you fight the Golems.
- Potential fix for crashes when transitioning between Cetus and the Plains of Eidolon.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if two people managed to tether themselves together (Nyx Chaos or Radiation Status Effect on two Grineer Scorpions, two M-W.A.M. Brokers in the Index, etc).
- Fixes towards crashes caused by input repeating from held-down buttons (Spearfishing wheel, etc).
- Fixed inability to equip Sinister Reach on the Phantasma.
- Fixed ability to trigger Exodia Arcanes on Exalted Melee weapons. Exodia Arcanes still apply to Zaws, just not in Exalted Melee (Excalibur, Valkyr, etc) form.
- Fixed being able to spawn more enemies/crash the game by spamming the ‘Simulate’ button in the Simulacrum.
- Fixed ability to spawn an infinite amount of Corrupted Heavy Gunner Specters instead of the new Corrupted Heavy Gunner replacing the old one.
- Fixed Transferring to Operator in a Void Fissure mission overwriting squadmates’ Reactant counter UI.
- Fixed the Anspatha Brace recharge rate not showing up in the Operator Arsenal stats.
- Fixed issue where when Donating Decorations/Resources, it would also donate 1 Credit to Vault as well.
- Fixed John Prodman spawning but is nowhere to be found in The Index.
- Fixed Clients scanning their last Frame Fighter Fragment, getting the poster locally, but then losing it after a Host migration.
- If you are in the affected pool please message http://support.warframe.com/ to get your Frame Fighter poster!
- Fixed inability to see how many Stars are in your Ayatan Sculptures when trading them to another player.
- Fixed accessing the Menu within the Ayatan Treasures screen resulting in the Menu being displaying in the background.
- Fixed being able to use purchasable UI Themes that you did not purchase.
- Fixed Warframe Ability banner showing when playing with controller even with the ‘Show Ability Banner On Cast’ setting is disabled.
- Fixed the Zylok’s « low clip » sound from being audible everywhere.
- Fixed voice sounds for Rana Del (Index).
- Fixed Squad info panel displaying filepaths when accepting a Bounty.
- Fixed blank characters in Set Mod descriptions.
- Fixed broken code in text when Consigning a pet in Spanish.
- Fixed Riven Challenge descriptions containing incorrect icons.
- Fixed a script error when using Octavia’s Conductor Augment.
- Fixed edge case script error that could occur if you received a game invite while loading into a mission.
- Fixed script error in when joining a Dojo Duel if the Duel had been cancelled while the join was in-progress.
Mask of the Revenant: Hotfix
- Reverted an unintentional reduction of Revenant’s max Energy. His max Energy is now as it was before 23.8.0.
- Fixed a crash when casting Rhino’s Roar ability.
- Fixed a crash when casting and teleporting with Nezha’s Blazing Chakram ability.
- Fixed a crash when casting Nezha’s Warding Halo ability.
- Fixed a crash when loading into certain levels.
- Fixed a crash when hijacking a Dargyn.
- Fixed a possible crash when your Sentinel died.
- Fixed a script error when trying to join a squad that had already disbanded.
Mask of the Revenant: Hotfix
- Changed Nezha’s Fire Walker to only ‘hop’ when cast while on the floor.
- Fixed Clients Transferring to Operator and back resulting in Revenant’s Mesmer Skin charge indicator being removed on the ability UI.
- Fixed another crash from casting Nezha’s Warding Halo ability.
- Fixed a crash when casting Nezha’s Divine Spears ability.
- Fixed Revenant Reave being capable of flying.
Mask of the Revenant: Hotfix 23.8.1
- Changed GPU Particles low/medium/high quality preset from disabled/low/medium to disabled/low/high.
- Revenant Mesmer smoke effect is now only seen on yourself, not other players, to improve performance and visibility.
- Clans will now ignore players who have been inactive for more than 30 days when automatically choosing a Founding Warlord (Note: this is not retroactive for Clans that have already selected one).
- Made some micro-optimizations to Visibility and Zoning.
- Made some micro-optimizations to the Graphics and Sound drivers.
- Fixed an issue with lingering FX resulting from Revenant frequently using Reave and Danse Macabre.
- Fixed Zephyr Prime left wings clipping into her arm.
- Fixed a script error when trying to enter 2FA code with on screen keyboard.
- Fixed Low particle quality setting stopping Warding Halo effect from spinning.
- Fixed the Y button callout for opening match making drop down showing on teammates as well.
- Fixed a script error with Divine Spears.
- Fixed a script error with Warding Halo.
- Fixed a script error with Danse Macabre.
- Fixed a script error with Enthrall.
- Fixed Blazing Chakram giving health/energy orbs from corpses.
- Fixed a script error that could occur while trading.
- Fixed Empyrean diorama not showing impaled enemies on spears and missing FX.
Mask of the Revenant: Hotfix 23.8.2
« FOOLS! You tried to POP its glistening magnificence! But you just made it angry! »
– Vay Hek
Operation: Plague Star is back on PC starting TODAY at 2pm ET until September 30 at 2pm ET!
The infested boil that threatened the Plains is back, uglier and more putrid than before. Vay Hek possesses a toxin that can destroy the boil at the meteorite crash site, but he refuses to help. Steal his toxin and destroy the boil before the Infested make their way to Cetus.
- The Tenno II Color Palette is now available in the Market!
- A new Clan Role of Herald has been added! This Role is to solely allow a member to edit the MOTD. Previously only the Role of Ruler could change the MOTD (which they still can).
- A Mastery Rank of 8+ is now required to Trade Rivens. This echoes the minimum possible Mastery Rank requirement of Rivens overall as well as generally follows our trading rules with restricted gear.
- Upon successfully entering your 2FA login information you will now be auto-logged into Warframe, instead of having to retype your password again!
- Previously you had to enter your login info TWICE when logging in with 2FA. We simply removed the unnecessary 2nd login info requirement after successfully entering your 2FA information.
- Fixed a performance hitch that would occur when using Danse Macabre on some tile sets.
- Fixed Nezha’s Blazing Chakram having a Critical Multiplier of 0.
- Fixed ability to bypass the Plains boundaries by teleporting with Nezha’s Blazing Chakram.
- Fixed Nezha’s Blazing Chakram being blocked by Gara’s Mass Vitrify or Ember’s Fire Blast abilities.
- Fixed Operators inability to use Void Blast or Guardian Shell while sprinting when Guardian Shell is active.
- Fixed Exodia Valor applying to Excalibur’s Exalted Blade.
- Fixed spending Focus before using Focus Conversion resetting your total Focus (UI error only).
- Fixed Large Shard quantities sometimes producing an error message saying that a connection cannot be made to the Focus Tree. The Shards disappear (but not consumed) but the Focus is not awarded.
- Fixed Rushing a Dojo Decoration completion temporarily setting the Synthetic Clan XP to a lower amount.
- Fixed inability to switch Matchmaking options upon returning to the Orbiter after a mission.
- Fixed not being able to use certain actions (e.g. Reviving Allies, hacking consoles) shortly after Transferring to/from your Operator.
- Fixed Helios’ Simaris Skin indicating it is for an item which you do not own if you only own Helios Prime.
- Fixed having a negative Mod capacity as a result of equipping an unranked Mod on a weapon that is close to max Mod capacity then switching to the Modding station and ranking a different unranked version of the Mod (not the one equipped on the weapon).
- Fixed Chat links for Rivens, Mandachord songs, Zaws, and Amps potentially being broken if profanity filter is enabled.
- Fixed Archwing Arsenal Abilities screen showing an unnecessary ‘Passive’ section.
- Fixed very small squares remaining in the Map UI areas where Mask of the Revenant quest took place when returning to the Plains.
- Fixed volume discrepancies of the Grineer Dropship during Vor’s Prize.
- Fixed a script error when casting Nezha’s Divine Spears ability.
- Fixed a script error when using a Glaive or Glaive type ability (Nezha’s Blazing Chakram).
Conclave Fixes:
- Fixed Glaive FX sometimes being unnecessarily duplicated in Conclave.
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite