Mise à Jour : Lunaro + Hotfix Lunaro 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5

Update: Lunaro




Tenno, vous avez combattu longtemps et vaillament. Il est désormais temps de baisser les armes et d’essayer la dernière nouveauté du Conclave. Le sport honorifique, Lunaro!

Un sport de ballon au contact joué il y a longtemps par les Tennos des Temps Anciens, Lunaro est le nouveau mode de Conclave qui confronte 3 joueurs par équipe. Ce nouveau mode de jeu se concentre sur l’habileté, la mobilité, le jeu en équipe et la créativité.

Travaillez ensemble en équipe Sun ou Moon pour déplacer la balle — aussi appelé Lunaro — à travers une arène Orokin, jusqu’au but adverse. Défendez votre zone en smatchant le Lunaro hors des mains de l’adversaire ou en les faisant tomber avec un coup puissant.

Les règles de Lunaro : (Merci à Arkhenbarn pour avoir traduit le post de [DE] Steve: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/660207-lunaro-rules/ )


Lunaro. Un sport ancien de l’ère Orokin perdue. Ici, sur ce terrain abandonné, les Tennos viendront ensemble dans l’esprit d’honneur et d’équipe pour ressusciter cette tradition oubliée. Laissez-moi vous expliquer comment ça fonctionne…



Lunaro est un jeu d’équipe, joué sur terrain divisé en 2 moitiés : Soleil et Lune. L’objectif est simple : faire passer le ballon, appelé un « Lunaro« , à travers le but adverse à l’autre extrémité de l’arène. L’équipe avec le plus de points à la fin du match gagne la partie.


Arcata (Lanceur)

Pour prendre possession du Lunaro, vous le touchez, tout simplement. Ca le placera dans votre lanceur accroché au bras, appelé votre « Arcata« . Lancez le Lunaro en tapant le bouton de tir. Maintenir le bouton de tir pour la durée du lancer le lancera plus loin. Votre Arcata est aussi équipé d’un attracteur limité. Maintenez le bouton de visée pour attirer le Lunaro quand il est proche. Attraper, intercepter et garder votre but repose dessus.


Nettoyer la Zone

Le but de chaque équipe a un demi-cercle sur le champ autour , appelé la Zone. Après avoir marqué, l’équipe attaquante  doit évacuer la zone des défenseurs. Les attaquants à l’intérieur de la zone verront leur Arcata désactivé jusqu’à ce qu’ils sortent. Le jeu reprend avec la sortie de la zone du Lunaro. Seulement au début et à  la mi-temps le Lunaro part du centre du terrain.


Porter le Lunaro

Le Lunaro contient une énergie ancienne et instable. Cela mène à quelque règles pour le portage du Lunaro. Premièremement, vous ne pouvez pas porter le Lunaro plus de 5 secondes, ou celui-ci explosera. Deuxièmement, vous ne pouvez pas utiliser la Propulsion Ballistique avec le Lunaro. Le faire vous fera lâcher le Lunaro immédiatement. Ces règles encouragent le travail d’équipe, les passes et les rebonds pour atteindre la victoire.



Utilisez votre attaque de mêlée et/ou vos frappes d’Arcata pour tacler les autres joueurs. Tacler le porteur de balle lui fera renverser le Lunaro. Des tacles répétés sur un joueur le fera tomber temporairement. Le Lunaro lui-même peut être frappé, le rendant dangereux et instable pendant quelques secondes. Être frappé par un Lunaro instable vous renversera.



De bonnes passes sont cruciales pour gagner Lunaro. En visant à proximité d’un équipier, vous verrez un chevron apparaître au-dessus d’eux. Tirer avec ce chevron allumé fera une passe automatiquement à ce joueur. Gardez à l’esprit qu’il est possible d’intercepter une passe, mais un Lunaro passé bouge plus vite et plus précisément pour un receveur qu’un lancer standard.



Faire passer le Lunaro dans le but adverse vaut un point. Si le but est marqué depuis l’extérieur de la zone des défenseurs, un point supplémentaire est marqué. Si le Lunaro est instable pendant le but, un point de plus sera donné.

Maintenant… pratiquez dans cette arène vide. Familiarisez-vous avec les lancers et attracations d’Arcata. Pratiquez les buts, les rebonds et les tacles. Préparez-vous, Tenno, pour la gloire de Lunaro !

Merci Teshin, espèce de rabat-joie (traduction mon cru… ^^ ») !

La seule chose que j’ajouterais est que de bonnes équipes ne se massent pas sur le Lunaro, mais plutôt s’assignent des rôles, un gardien et les autres cherchant à faire des passes.


Questions-réponses bonus

  • Qu’arrive-t-il au Lunaro quand il explose ? Il renverse le porteur et s’éjecte dans une direction aléatoire, à une courte distance sur le terrain.
  • Comment mes Pouvoirs/Statistiques/Passifs de Warframe et mes Mods l’affectent ? Ils ne l’affectent pas. Nous testons Lunaro aussi « pur » et simple que nous le pouvons. Pas de pouvoirs, Mods désactivés, toutes les statistiques de Warframe sont les mêmes… Mais vous aurez toujours l’air aussi cool que jamais !
  • Les Propulsions Ballistiques font lâcher le Lunaro, qu’en est-il des Doubles Saut, Glissades, etc ? Seule la Propulsion Ballistique et les ports trop longs feront sortir le Lunaro de votre Arcata. Vous pouvez même recevoir un passe pendant une Propulsion Ballistique et et faire une Visée Glissée à travers le but. Activer la Propulsion est le déclencheur de lâchement. A nouveau : vous pouvez vous Propulser avec le Lunaro dans la main, mais vous laisserez la balle derrière.



Tutoriel :

Il y a un tutoriel dans le jeu pour se familiariser avec Lunaro. Vous pouvez y acceder par la console de conclave comme montré dans le GIF ci-dessous.



Sans la balle :
•    Bouton gauche de la souris – Attaque de mêlée

  • Frapper un joueur le fera trébucher et le forcera à lacher la balle si il la porte.
  • Frapper un joueur suffisament de fois le mettra au sol pour une courte période
  • Frapper le Lunaro le ‘chargera’ pendant 3 secondes ce qui assomera tout joueur sur sa trajectoire (Le Lunaro brille en violet quand chargé)

•    Bouton droit de la souris (Maintenu) – crée un vortex de 3m qui attire le Lunaro
•    E – Charge

Avec la balle :
•    Bouton gauche de la souris (appui court) – Lancer léger ou Passe automatique si vous voyez une flèche au dessus de la t^te d’un co-équipier
•    Bouton gauche de la souris (maintenu) – Lancer puissant
•    E – Charge
•    Lancer le Lunaro en glissage courbera votre tir. Appui court pour courber vers la gauche et Appui long pour courber vers la droite.
•    Le saut ballistique (saut en glissade) vous fera perdre le Lunaro !


Les règles plus en détails : 

•    Le match dure 2 mi-temps de 5 minutes

•    Lancer le Lunaro dans les filets adverses vous donne un point
•    Marquer depuis en dehors de la zone adverse donne 1 point en plus
•    Marquer avec Lunaro chargé donne un point en plus
•    Les tirs chargés depuis en dehors de la zone adverse donne donc un total de 3 points !
•    Apres un but, les attaquants dans la zone adverse sont déséquippés de leur Arcata. Ils doivent quitter la zone pour le récupérer



Rathuum Additions

•    Added a Level 85 Arena to Sedna – Vodyanoi
– Executioners have received 50-100% more health and 50% more armour.
– Executioners have a 15% chance to drop an Uncommon Fusion Core and a 5% chance to
drop a Rare Fusion Core.
•    Added new Modifier – Reinforcements:
-Adds additional Executioners to the fight (Level 20 = 1 extra, Level 40 = 2 extra, Level 60 = 3
extra, Level 85 = 4 extra).


•    Executioner Dhurnam added to Level 60 and Level 85 Arenas.
– Dhurnam wields Dual Heks and a Brokk, throws flashbang grenades and can Switch Teleport.
– When you drop him down to 25% Health he goes into a frenzy and jogs much faster.
•    Executioner Harkonar has been equipped with a modified Buzlok that fires a single high-powered bullet, but emits a laser sight before firing to give players a chance to dodge or move out of LoS.


•    “Silent Battery” is a new uncommon shotgun Mod that may drop from Executioner Dhurnam.



•    Riv Elite-Guards Bundle – This ornate set of guards was worn by ancient Lunaro champions.
•    Riv Arcata Skin  – A stylized Arcata skin for Lunaro.
•    The Riv Comp-Guard and Riv Min-Guard armor sets are available from Teshin!
•    Executioner Dhurnam Noggle Statue has been added to the Market.


Conclave Changes & Fixes

•    You can now use Emotes in the Conclave!
•    Fixed Ammo spawns disappearing forever after a Host Migration in Conclave.
•    Fixed Energy spawn points duplicating in certain tilesets in Conclave.


Bursa Changes

•    Bursas will no longer drop Common Mods (Revenge, Ammo Drum).
•    Increased the Mod drop rate on hacked Bursas.




•    Improved matchmaking to be more reliable overall.
•    Revised the UI icons for Operator hair to display better.
•    You can no longer send gifts to those who have not finished Vor’s Prize.
•    Drekar Hellions will now spawn on Uranus Survival missions.
•    Slightly increased the Mod drop chance on Locust Drones.
•    Slightly improved screen-to-screen latency between remote clients.
•    Dregs and Lancer Dregs will now drop Morphic Transformer.
•    Other context actions will take priority over picking up Volt’s Electric Shield. This prevents accidentally picking up the Electric Shield that you placed down to protect you while you revive your fellow Tenno.
•    Improved the ability to teleport on slopes/stairs.
•    Improved Interception AI to better prioritize their attacks and hacking objectives.




•    Fixed Operator hair colour appearing incorrectly when summoned in a mission.
•    Fixed gaining an unintended amounts of sudden velocity when rolling in perfect timing with a double jump. A Developer note here: the parkour combination is still possible and remains an effective way to maneuver and travel forward if you have mastered the keystrokes.
•    Fixed the Prisma Gorgon’s firing sounds cutting out randomly.
•    Fixed being unable to send a game invite to the previous Host that left the session.
•    Fixed appearing frozen when attempting to join a lobby while in the Simulacrum.
•    Fixed Executioner Zura not attempting to melee you when in range, or switching to her Ripkas.
•    Fixed hearing fully charged sounds when firing the Angstrums last shot as per: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/636144-angstrums-last-shot-uses-full-charge-sound/
•    Fixed being unable to select enemies in the Simulacrum when using a controller.
•    Fixed Drekar Hellion’s not using their jetpacks.
•    Fixed being able to pass through locked doors on Ivara’s Dashwire.
•    Fixed seeing Client squadmates in different positions when traversing a zipline.
•    Fixed the Maiming Strike Mod not applying Critical Damage if your slide was cancelled right before you attacked the enemy.
•    Fixed stopping dead in mid-air when attempting to roll out of an Aim-Glide with your Melee weapon in hand.
•    Fixed not being able to put attachments on the Dual Split-Sword.
•    Fixed a crash when fighting Corrupted Captain Vor.
•    Fixed a script crash in the Interception HUD that could occur when leaving the mission.
•    Fixed a script error when exiting the water with a Velocitus equipped.
•    Fixed performance problems in certain levels caused by torrential log-spam due to loading decorations.
•    Fixed incorrect Channeling FX on Banshee’s Soprana skin as per: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/640736-banshee-soprana-skin-channel-effects/
•    Fixed Zephyr’s Turbulence not deflecting bullets from hitscan weapons while in mid-air as per : https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/4nsj44/bug_turbulence_hitscan_inconsistency_source_found/.
•    Fixed Vauban’s Tesla not being affected by Power Strength Mods as a Client.
•    Fixed Hydroid’s abilities causing a delay when attempting to melee or cast another power as per: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/655371-anyone-notice-the-hydroid-nerf/
•    Fixed Valkyr’s Hysteria draining twice the amount of Energy as per:https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/4nh5fs/fyi_hysteria_energy_drain_mechanics/
•    Fixed Ivaras Infiltrate Augment Mod not protecting you from lasers in the Orokin Moon, Grineer, and Uranus spy mission tilesets.
•    Fixed some cases where Ash’s Fatal Teleport Augment wouldn’t auto finish enemies moving quickly.
•    Fixed Ash’s Fatal Teleport Augment targeting dead bodies.
•    Fixed Ash’s Fatal Teleport Augment failing to activate when moving too quickly (bullet jump, etc.).
•    Fixed the Mutalist Cernos not creating toxin clouds as per: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/654080-no-cloud-mutalist-cernos/
•    Fixed numerous localization errors.



Lunaro: Hotfix 1

Lunaro & Conclave Fixes and Changes
– Lunaro has been changed to 3v3 match sizes! This change from 4v4 to 3v3 is based on current pacing and controls – it will significantly help the chaos. Please note our list of feedback from you all is amazing and we’ll be making changes over the next few days to address your top areas. Thank you SO much for playing LUNARO!
– Reduced the speed of Checking in Lunaro by 6.5%
– Added a Teshin tutorial lines for throwing curves in Lunaro.
– Tweaked Arcata impact sounds.
– Fixed a script error when spawning into Lunaro.
– Fixed halftime not starting / game not ending if the Lunaro is lying still on the ground.


– Fixed the Riv Armor not applying properly on Valkyr.
– Fixed Enemies not spawning in Interception missions.
– Fixed losing your gear wheel customization when entering a mission. You may need to respec your gear in the Arsenal – at this time you may see incorrect numbers for your gear, but rest assured it’s there.

Missed Additions:
– There is new End of MIssion Complete & and Mission Failed music!

P.S we have a slightly new naming format for Updates and Hotfixes as part of www.warframe.com/thepath



Lunaro: Hotfix 2

Lunaro & Conclave Fixes and Changes
•    Tweaked Teshin’s VO to prevent overlapping transmissions.
•    Removed the FX and sound on the end of shoulder checking.
•    Lunaro Game sessions can no longer be joined once they reach Half Time.
•    Increased the force from which you can throw a curveball.
•    Increased the visual glowing FX when you catch the Lunaro to better assist in indicating when you are a ball carrier..
•    Swapped LT and RT binds on controllers for Lunaro (RT is now throw). Only those who have the ‘Default Controls’ will notice this change.
•    Fixed pressing X on controllers conflicting between ‘Practice Lunaro’ and ‘Play Now’.
•    Fixed players sometime loading into the wrong Lunaro level – an old development map somehow made its way in! There is only one arena at this time.
•    Fixed Clients spawning in the sky after Half Time in Lunaro.

•    Increased size of “Lunaro” text on Launcher.
•    Swapped Vodyanoi and Yemaja nodes on Sedna to allow Kela to be more accessible to new players.
•    The Rubico is now an ‘Alarming’ type weapon.

•    Fixed an issue with Warframe movement speed multipliers not working outside of the Conclave. The normalization of speeds for Lunaro was improperly being inherited in PvE.
•    Fixed the search feature in the equip page of the Arsenal not functioning when first entering. Also fixed an issue with being unable to Search on controllers.
•    Find the proper item count of equipped gear when populating the gear wheel.
•    Fixed Rescue Targets & Companions not performing parkour moves to follow the player’s line of parkour. (wall run, bullet jump, etc)
•    Fixed the Second Dream opening Cinematic breaking when initiating it from the Codex.
•    Fixed a crash when battling a Sentient.
**Please note: In Update Lunaro we listed an incorrect fix. Valkyr’s Hysteria was not draining twice the amount of Energy, it was actually applying efficiency mods twice. The fix should read as: Fixed Valkyr’s Hysteria applying efficiency Mods twice.



Lunaro: Hotfix 3

Lunaro & Conclave Fixes and Changes

  • Returned Shield Recharge Delay to 10 seconds in Conclave.
  • You can now be knocked down during a roll/dodge.
  • Removed the stagger effect from the Arcata in Lunaro – it’ll now take multiple swings landed to stun an opponent.
  • Improved teammate visibility from across the Lunaro field.
  • Tweaked numerous sounds related to the Lunaro.
  • Tweaked half-time Teshin VO.
  • Fixed Lunaro Challenges not working for Clients.
  • Fixed the Lunaro to knock you in the direction it’s travelling instead of a random direction.
  • Fixed shoulder charge attacks not hitting the Lunaro when charging around floor/wall objects.
  • Potential fix for idle Arcata spin not playing sometimes.
  • Fixed punches and kicks missing the Lunaro in certain situations.
  • Fixed standing kick attacks not hitting anything if the player stands still.
  • Fixed Clients not seeing knockdowns from angry Lunaros.
  • Fixed being able to knock away the ball in the same attack that you knocked it loose.
  • Fixed minor cause where you were able to hit players when you shouldn’t have been able to.


  • Improved matchmaking using world-position estimates; we hope this will accelerate squad searches and help you find hosts with less lag. Please note that we’re testing considerable improvements to this system that we expect to deploy early next week; thank you for your patience!
  • Fixed the drop rate of Silent Battery from Executioner Dhurnam in Level 85 Rathuum.
  • Gear items will now cap out at their max stack size in the gear wheel.
  • Removed unreleased Stances from rewards and inventories. Please note we are working on a script to remove these non-functional items from inventories. Soon, Tenno…..


  • Fixed Executioner Dhurnam not spawning in level 60 Rathuum.
  • Fixed the EMP Aura Mod missing from the Codex.
  • Fixed the Edo Prime Armor not sitting correctly on Frost/Frost Prime.
  • Fixed the Arcata appearing as an ‘Unranked’ weapon in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed various translation errors.



Lunaro: Hotfix 4

Lunaro & Conclave Fixes and Changes

  • You will now be immune to damage and staggers for 2 seconds after being knocked down, but can still have the Lunaro knocked out of your Arcata.
  • Increased immunity from staggers after being staggered from 4 to 5 seconds in Lunaro.
  • Tweaked knockdown sounds in Lunaro.
  • Fixed interrupted animations playing again a second time in Lunaro.
  • Fixed a host migration in the Lunaro lobby resulting in a solo match that never ended.
  • Fixed being able to gain Affinity and Standing from goals in a Solo Lunaro game after gaining a hollow victory in the Practice mode.


  • More improvements to matchmaking using world-position estimates.
  • Login Reward Mods like Primed Fury are no longer tradeable. This is due to the nature of how the reward is obtained, and how as a result people may feel enticed to create multiple accounts.
  • Increased enemy priority to take cover in Defense missions.


  • Fixed various exploits related to mission rewards.
  • Fixed enemies continuing their actions (hacking, firing, etc) after getting teleported off ziplines/interactable objects.
  • Fixed Emotes not saving when exiting the Arsenal.
  • Fixed crash with Captain Vor in the Void if a player disconnected at the wrong moment during his spawn phase. This could prevent Waves from continuing.



Lunaro: Hotfix 5

Lunaro & Conclave Fixes and Changes

  • A Public Lunaro match will now only start when 6 people have joined the lobby. This alleviates joining a game in progress that may be very one sided and not enjoying Lunaro to its fullest!
  • Players will be unable to join a Lunaro match in progress if the score difference is greater than 6 points.
  • Your reticle will now appear different when in possession of the Lunaro.
  • Fixed the Lunaro lobby displaying slots for 8 players instead of 6.
  • Fixed shoulder charging sometimes not working in Lunaro.
  • Fixed a rare occurrence where the Arcata would do 2x melee damage in Lunaro.
  • Fixed the reticle changing when activating an Emote in Lunaro.
  • Fixed being able to shoulder charge twice consecutively while sliding in Lunaro.
  • Fixed losing all Standing gain and Challenge progress when a Host Migration occurs in the Conclave.
  • Fixed a match ending if the Lunaro hits a wall with approximately less than 1 second left. The match should only end on catch or when the Lunaro hits the ground at that time.

Volt Changes

  • Volt’s Electric Shield will now ragdoll enemies when being carried while sprinting, like so: https://gfycat.com/FairFarflungAndeancockoftherock
  • Volt’s Speed has been reverted to instantly affect allies in the cast radius, rather than create a pick-up.
  • Allies can now backflip(aim + directional roll backwards)  to remove Volt’s Speed if they wish to opt-out.


  • Hyekka Masters will now join the fight on Ceres Defense missions.
  • Expanded Interception hacking terminals slightly so that bulky enemies like Chargers can get to them without requiring a dialing wand.
  • Gave a number of enemies advanced instruction in how to hack Interception terminals.
  • Improved the direction in which your Warframe will perform a dodge roll.


  • Fixed hacking beams not showing up for Clients in Archwing Interception missions.
  • Fixed an issue where changes made with the Emote picker would only work the first time around; after exiting and re-entering the Emote picker any changes made would no longer take hold.
  • Fixed incorrect Nyx Prime textures are per: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/656246-nyx-prime-mag-prime-texture-errors/
  • Fixed new players not being given the Arcata, resulting in a functionality loss in the Conclave Arsenal.
  • Fixed colliding/clipping with Orokin Sabotage consoles.
  • Fixed numerous localization issues.





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