Pour voir le DevStream 45 :
Résumé :
Devstream 45 left us with a windfall of new information from just about every corner of Warframe! Update 16, new lore, and PvP are just the tips of… um, some kind of multi-tipped iceberg!
Didn’t have a chance to catch the discussion live? Watch our latest Devstream archived on Youtube.
Here’s a quick synopsis of major points covered on Devstream 45:
General Announcements
Warframe.com/Tennolive signups are currently live! This TennoLive will be at PAX East, but a PAX East badge is not required to attend. We’ve got a great show, shocking reveals and an awesome after party planned so signup sooner rather than later! Applications close February 5.
Our Console Update 15 is still being worked on, and we still have no official date for release at this time. This Update will include Baro Ki’teer and Tenno Relays (including a stress test for MR 10+ and Prime Access Suporters!).
PC Update 16 is still in the works, but it’s not coming next week. It also won’t likely be the week after that. The reason? Well…
• 8-player raids are being planned for Update 16!
• The gloves come off! Raid content is incredibly difficult, and players need to figure out how to tackle the challenges we put forth on their own. Definitely not beginner friendly.
• Raid rewards are totally rad, but are also top secret — for now!
Rhino Statue
Rhino will be available for purchase in the Warframe Merch store soon! We don’t have a final date set, but everyone can still enjoy this sneak peek…
J3 Golem
It’s come a long way, but the J3 Golem is slowly nearing completion.
• This boss is multi-staged. Players start on the ship, fighting the Golem’s invasion until exiting and fight him (it) in space via Archwing. The boss is massive, and the fight should be quite epic.
• Part of the fight includes flying into the boss and dealing damage to internal organs. Being spit out is a possibility!
We have a few changes planned to make Nekros a more formidable Warframe. The following list is a collection of tweaks that should be considered ‘work in progress’. No detail here is final.
• Soul Punch: Being made into a quick-cast ability, more like Vauban’s orbs or Ember’s fireball. Good for use on the run, rather than standing in place.
• Shadows of the Dead: Resurrected enemies will have health and damage buffs. This should be affected by Mods, although the exact amount is still in debate.
• Terrify: Will have an increased casting speed. Is being given a reduced range, but will affect more enemies nearby.
• Things may or may not happen to Desecrate. Who knows?
We feel she’s in a much better spot now, and as feedback continues to come in we’ll continue to observe and make changes as necessary!
Repeatable quests are being worked on right now, although there’s no ETA as to when they will be released. There are many components to our questing system that need to be reworked into something easier to use — for both players and our team!
Player-created quests haven’t been forgotten, but will come into play once our current quest system has become more robust. Rest assured it’s still a goal to have players make their own unique quests!
PvP is still being worked on. We haven’t spoken much about it since Dark Sectors were implemented, but PvP refinements are definitely in the works.
• We’ve got a dedicated team currently working on balancing both Dark Sectors and Conclave from the ground up.
• We have a system in place where PvP specific Warframes, weapons, mods, and loadouts will be in play. These weapons will be very limited as we continue to balance and ‘open’ new weapons in PvP.
• A PvP Syndicate is being created to reward players who enjoy PvP. This Syndicate also has its own unique Sigils, which we have some rough concepts of below:
New Warframe
A new Warframe is in the works, but we’re not quite ready to share all the details just yet. What we will do is tease everyone with a single piece of information on our latest design:
Energy color selected in customization changes the elemental damage it deals with its powers.
Let the guessing begin!
A Relay Librarian is a planned future NPC, able to take in unique quests to unlock more lore or unique rewards. It’s also planned to have the Librarian store all Mastery tests for Tenno to practice their skills on.
New Statues are coming to each Relay location. These are works in progress, but help flesh out each Relay as its own uniquely identifiable station. Whether or not these statues venture into Clan Dojos is still under debate.
Rotation C
We think a reward for sticking around longer in endless modes is a good thing. While no promises can be made as to when an update to Rotation C would occur, we’ll be sure to update everyone should any change occur with reward drops.
Corpus Ladies!
We revealed some new Corpus concept art last Devstream, but this time we have an exciting update on their in-game design.
These new enemies are a mix of men and women. Each part of these new enemies is also interchangeable, giving us plenty of room to mix and match to create unique enemy types.
Revamped Audio and Visuals
Audio testing is in progress, and our current testing revolves around adding reverb to Warframe. It’s a feature that can only help to make the game more immersive, and preliminary testing has us very excited.
PS4 Audio improvements are also on the way. The next update is going to fix a lot of the subpar sound quality currently present in-game. The presence of sound is going to be much better, you may need to adjust your volume!
Adaptive Exposure is coming. Just like the human eye adjusts to various levels of brightness in the real world, Adaptive Exposure works the same. This feature helps make Warframe look far more detailed and engaging, particularly when moving from bright lights to darker rooms.
Click here to watch the team reveal some of our upcoming audio features!
Underwater Tileset
• Archwing is being brought into the ‘swimming’ portions of the underwater tileset, giving us more to do with progressed Archwing weapons.
• Custom enemies are being made, and movement is going to be reigned in compared to the speed of Archwing.
• These new swimming sub-sections help improve the quality of Archwing overall, whether playing an Archwing Mission in space or undersea.
Augment Mod slots have been discussed, but are not going to be implemented. We’re looking at exploring similar avenues for players to get the most from their augments.
Parkour Overhaul
Parkour 2.0 is still being developed.
Vault momentum, one of the big flaws in our current system, is a prime example of change to come. Currently vaulting over an object is a static animation that cannot be effected by any Mods. By making a Warframe vault become more fluid we can help increase player immersion, and can better encourage movement-oriented gameplay.
Thanks for reading and watching Tenno, see you in two weeks!