HOTFIX 16.2.1 :
- Removed health regeneration from the Grineer Manic.
- Improved the responsiveness of the Grineer Manic’s reactive teleport.
- Radiation and Toxic procs are now less effective on the Grineer Manic.
- Made various localization changes.
- The unstuck command will now only function in the Squad chat. Please note that this command is still in the WIP stage, and will be tweaked as necessary! Reminder: Squad chat tab still exists in Solo mode.
- Fixed crash at boot or when loading into Missions experienced by specific AMD hardware when using DirectX 10 or 11.
- Fixed various gameplay crashes.
- Fixed Mastery Rank test in the Relay assuming the player selected ‘Qualify’ when entering the pause menu on the ‘Qualify / ‘Practice’ option.
- Fixed issue with ‘unstuck’ command when used in Archwing.
- Fixed Sargas Ruk doing a flashy T-pose on death, instead of dying like a normal Grineer. What an attention seeker!
- Fixed Clients displaying incorrect HUD Transmissions during Quest missions.
- Fixed Latron Prime Blueprint dropping from Reinforced Orokin Loot Crates instead of Boltor Prime Blueprint.
- Fixed the navigation waypoint not properly pathing to extraction points.
HOTFIX 16.2.2 :
- Removed some procedural rooms from Void Survival that would not spawn Survival points.
- Cernos has been given the PBR treatment!
- Players can now use the /unstuck command when in Solo mode.
- The /unstuck command is now usable in any chat channel, but only when a player is in a Mission.
- Fixed crash that would occur for players using AMD drivers when loading into missions.
- Fixed a location on Ceres, Exta where players could become stuck against terrain and the level ceiling.
- Fixed issue in Gifting caused by selecting a negative quantity, also prevented players from Gifting negative amounts in the future.
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite