Voici le résumé en anglais du DevStream 91 réalisé par AM-Bunny (source).
La vidéo :
Le résumé :
Earth Tileset Revamp
• Updated lighting for night tileset shown
• This tileset update will be launched with an event
• Not coming next week
Upcoming Bird of Prey
• The old bird design shown from 3 years ago is finally being implemented
• It is a Wildlife enemy, not a companion
• It will be featured in the upcoming Earth Tileset revamp
• There is more to its inclusion than there seems
• Watch a short animation for the bird HERE
Tennocon Updates
• 70 days away
• Syandana and T-Shirt shown, the Tennocon Sigil is the same design as shown on the shirt
• Sound Panel and Art Panel are returning, as well as a Youtuber panel
• The voice actors for Tyl Regor and Ordis will be attending
Upcoming Priest Warframe Quest
• This Quest will revolve around Red Veil
• There will be another webcomic that leads up to this Quest like Octavia’s
• This Quest will feature heavy themes related to something personal, like Octavia’s comic being related to dementia
• A teaser shown of an Operator before they were an Operator, to give context to where the story takes place
Trade Updates
• There will be an update to Trade Chat that allows you to filter what you see in Trade Chat
• No release date yet
Orokin Tessen Fans
• Update on the new Fan weapon category that was previously shown
• New melee animations shown HERE
Harrow – Priest Warframe
• Harrow shown in-game HERE
• No information given to his gameplay
Ambulas Clan Operation
• Another Clan Operation is coming hopefully next week (featuring the new Ambulas boss), so prepare by organizing your Clan membership now
• You will gain prize beacons that can be traded to Ergo Glast for Event Rewards
• You will gain more beacons for higher difficulty Ambulas fights
• Aviator Mod is returning as a reward and being buffed to -40% damage
• There is a new Vandal Weapon in addition to Ergo Glast’s rewards
Corpus Shotgun
• After seeing how popular the Tenno pump action shotgun design was, it was decided that there would be another added
• Making more pump action shotguns helped justify the new animations
• Ironically this Corpus shotgun is further along in development than the previously shown Tenno shotgun
Other Stuff
• Considering making a light update to melee combat in general that makes Charge attacks and Channels more useful and combos easier
• Since the ability to dual wield secondary weapons and melee weapons at the same time is coming, the stats for thrown melee weapons and some dual-wield weapons are being reviewed
• New Machete stance is coming soon, hopefully with the Ambulas Event next week
• There is work being done on a new secret system that will work together with the Focus System and the Operator gameplay that should hopefully bring it all together into a more developed system
• Scott is open to further changes being made to Oberon — currently just going to let him stay as he is and collect feedback before making any immediate updates
• Shield-gating is coming for sure, no ETA though
• Small update on some of the new Kingpin models shown HERE
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite
« Baro Ki’Teer will be bringing his entire inventory to the Exclusive TennoCon Relay, accessible to those with a TennoCon Digital Pack! »
Mmmh ?
Seriously ?
En même temps pour 20$ fallait au moins ça pour justifier le prix …
Parce qu e 1 glyphe, une déco et qq plats ca vaut pas le coup …
Mais c’est ce qu’il vend Baro justement^^
Et ceux qui ont acheté le truc pour Baro mais qui n’auront pas les ducats et / ou crédits lol ça va gueuler.