Hotfix 15.16.2
- AFK players will no longer receive any increase to their Warframe’s energy supply.
- Certain mission types will no longer endlessly spawn enemies if the mission goals themselves aren’t being met.
- Syndicate Interception Missions are now 2 rounds instead of 4.
- The Rift Sigil will now fully lit up in Liset/Hub, as there is no energy
- Tenno can now buy Forma directly from upgrade screen
- Added various localization updates.
- Hydroid’s Tentacle Swarm ‘Pilfering Swarm’ Augment no longer applies to bosses.
- Fixes for a few gameplay crashes.
- Fixed incorrect Market description of Neural Sensors and Neurodes.
- Fixed issue in Archwing Missions that would cause players to crash mid-Mission.
– fixed energy pickups bestowing random amounts of energy in Archwing missions.
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite