14 janvier 2016
2 commentaires

Mise à jour 18.3 :
Le Destreza est arrivé! Élevez le combat martial en une forme d’art avec cette rapière tenno!
Ajoutez le destreza à votre arsenal dès aujourd’hui en visitant le marché.
Nouveau mod posture
Vulpine Mask: Coupures rapides, frappes pénétrantes.
Changements des Sorties
- La longueur des missions de Sortie a été ajustée:
- Défense – 10 vagues au lieu de 15.
- Survie – 15 minutes au lieu de 20.
- Excavation – 1000 Cryotic au lieu de 1200.
- Interception – 3 rounds au lieu de 4.
- Les missions de Sortie Défense vous demanderont désormais de protéger un PNJ au lieu d’un Cryopod.
- Les missions de Sortie Défense vont augmenter en difficulté à partir de la vague 5. En gros la difficulté sera la même qu’avant mais le niveau des ennemis augmentera plus vite puisqu’il y a moins de vagues. Ce changement sera aussi valable pour toute mission de Défense de durée fixe (alerte).
Autres changements
Conclave Changes
- Dread is now available for use in Conclave.
- All Polearm weapons and Polearm Stances are now available in Conclave.
- Opticor damage has been adjusted to one hit kill against the highest base EHP without +EHP mods in Conclave.
- Daikyu damage has been adjusted to one hit kill against the highest base EHP without +EHP mods in Conclave. (Requires Spring-Loaded Broadhead mod)
- Paris, Paris Prime and Cernos damage has been adjusted to two charged shot kill against the highest base EHP with +EHP mods in Conclave.
- Mk1 Paris damage has been adjusted to two charged and one quick shot kill against the highest base EHP with +EHP mods in Conclave.
- Rakta Cernos damage has been adjusted to three charged shot kill against the highest base EHP with +EHP mods in Conclave.
- Sniper Rifle damage has been adjusted to two-hit kill against the highest base EHP with +EHP mods in Conclave (Requires Lie in Wait Mod)
- The following Warframe Abilities no longer require a target to activate in Conclave, encouraging greater accuracy and less button spam:
- Ash – Bladestorm
- Equinox – Rest and Rage
- Limbo – Banish
- Mag – Bullet Attractor
- Nekros – Soul Punch
- Nyx – Mind Control
- Oberon – Smite
- Saryn – Spores
- Trinity – Well of Life and Energy Vampire
- Increased range of the following Abilities to compensate for their new soft targeting mechanics and ability to miss: Smite, Banish, Mind Control, Spores, Soul Punch, and Well of Life.
- Ash’s Bladestorm range has been increased from 8m to 10m in Conclave.
- Elemental Bullet Jump Mods now consume 15 Energy per target when their elemental effect hits.
- Mobility buffs have been removed from Elemental Bullet Jump Mods in Conclave.
- Staggers/Knockdowns and radial damage removed from quick melee slam attacks in Conclave.
- The Scindo series, Gram, Galatine, Magistar, Fragor and Jat Kittag have had their damage and Stance damage increased in Conclave.
- Twin Gremlins damage has been decreased in Conclave.
- Increased the +/- EHP values of the +/- Mobility Conclave Mods.
- A minimum of 3 players in Annihilation and 4 players in Team Annihilation/Capture the Cephalon is now required for Conclave Matches to begin.
- Changing Loadout in the pre-match Lobby screen will now update to your chosen Frame.
- Increased the overall EHP curve from light to heavy Warframes in Conclave.
- Reintroduced tiered base Mobility stats for all Warframes in Conclave.
- The Mortal Conduct Conclave Mod has been changed to: At Low Health, +60% Channeled Damage Reflection for 8 seconds.
- The Impenetrable Offense Conclave Mod has been changed to: At Max Energy, +50% Damage Block.
- The Secondary Wind Conclave Mod has been changed to: On Kill, +5 Health Regen for 10 Seconds.
- Kubrow Egg drop rate has been increased overall.
- Kubrow Egg drop rate increased significantly when playing the Howl of the Kubrow Quest during the Egg hunting Mission.
- Reduced the charge time of the Redeemer and Glaive charge attack animation.
- Ash’s Smoke Shadow Augment Mod now affects ally NPCs.
- Fixed an issue in visual FX when pinning an enemy to a wall with a projectile.
- Fixed an issue where Volt’s Shock Ability would shoot into the sky when not targeting an enemy.
- Fixed Loadouts not being selectable the first time mousing over a Loadout button.
- Fixed Saryn’s Contagion Cloud Augment Mod not properly displaying its duration on proc.
- Fixed an error causing no enemies to spawn in Wyrmius.
- Fixed Warframe Abilities that allow teleportation causing players to exit the terrain.
- Fixed players being unable to sell Mods that had been fused over their max rank. This was a very rare issue, but an issue nonetheless.
- Fixed an error causing a black-screen deadlock due to alt-tabbing out of a full screen while loading into a Mission.
- Fixed the Vandal Aufeis Quanta Skin not properly applying to the Quanta’s cartridge as per: https://forums.warfr…s-again-bugged/
- Fixed Vectis skins not properly coloring the clip on the Vectis Prime.
- Fixed an error that would occur when Inbox rewards would provide Standing to a player that had not yet selected a Syndicate.
- Fixed some Sigil textures displaying as being extra-pixelated.
- Fixed projectile weapons being unable to kill Disruptor Drones when inside Nullifier bubbles.
- Fixed a potential issue causing Warframe’s process to lag considerably after the game shuts down.
- Fixed an error in the Friends List that would improperly display the last login time of a friend that’s logged in and out of the game quickly.
- Fixed Nezha’s Fire walker not properly cleansing debuffs from Clients.
- Fixed a bug preventing Mag’s Bullet Attractor Ability from pulling in projectiles as per: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/568459-u18-bug-report-megathread/page-34#entry6612761
- Fixed kills using Bullet Jump causing ‘Kill Messages’ to not function properly in Conclave. Kills from Bullet Jump will now count as ‘Bullet Jump’ damage in the kill feed.
- Fixed the Kill Streak Stopper Conclave Challenge not properly matching the required Kill Streak number of 3.
- Fixed Conclave teams becoming stuck waiting for a match to start if there were more than 4 players in an Annihilation.
- Fixed Conclave End of Mission menus displaying longer than necessary.
- Fixed an issue after a Host Migration to cause all players joining a match in progress to be defaulted to one team.
- Fixed ‘On Kill’ conditions on Conclave Mods triggering from destroying Loki’s Decoy.
- Fixed an issue causing melee, explosions and Ability damage to deal half damage when hitting a head in Conclave.
- Fixed the Conclave Mods Blind Shot and Lucky Shot being able to be slotted into weapons that do not fire projectiles.
Hotfix 18.3.1 :
Conclave Changes
- Reduced the damage of explosive weapons in Conclave.
- Reduced the overall damage of polearm weapons in Conclave.
- Reduced the duration of Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors in Conclave.
- You can no longer gain energy while Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors is active in Conclave.
- Removed the knockdown from the Destreza’s quick melee slam in Conclave.
- Added a new ‘Max Framerate’ option available in the Options > Display > Max Framerate setting.
- Corpus Comba and Scrambus enemies can now drop the Vulpine Mask Stance Mod.
- Clicking an Alert or Syndicate / Sortie Mission through the World State Window will no longer require you to redundantly reconfirm the selection when it brings you to the node on which the Mission is assigned.
- Cleaned up the Destreza’s charge attacks to make sure that slide and charge attack animations are smoother.
- Fixed Sortie Defense NPCs wandering across the map instead of staying close to their original position at the start of Wave 1.
- Fixed Excalibur’s passive not properly applying to Rapier weapons as per: https://forums.warfr…rs-sword-bonus/
- Fixed the Destreza clipping through the player’s head while blocking during a slide.
- Fixed visual FX from lasers created by Laser Defense Consoles in Orokin Void Defense Missions not properly appearing for Clients.
- Fixed an improper fire visual FX that would appear on the Ignis in the Arsenal.
- Fixed Dread’s Conclave stats not reading properly in the Arsenal.
- Fixed an error causing Dx9Ex drivers to not properly reset.
- Fixed an error caused by activating Focus Abilities after a roll, providing a Warframe with damage resistance.
- Fixed Toxic Eximus Aura’s affecting players in Limbo’s Rift.
- Fixed Ivara’s Sleep Arrow timer not properly displaying for Clients.
- Fixed weapons not properly becoming invisible when holstered when the ‘switch weapon’ button is spammed.
- Fixed Eximus units having unusual damage resistance as per: https://forums.warfr…nerable-eximus/
Hotfix :
– Fixed blank inbox message when receiving Kuria Oddities reward.
– Fixed custom windowed resolutions not being ordered correctly in the display settings resolution list.
– Fixed self-destructing maggot in Codex.
– Fixed crash when pressing controller’s Start button to play Wyrmius.
– Fixed Vulpine Mask incorrectly dropping from Jackal.
Merci pour l’info
Merci pour l’article proti 😉