Chains of Harrow: Update 21.1.0
Channel your inner crimson warrior with the new Guandao Collection!
Slice through your enemies with the Guandao, a towering polearm, or take them out from a distance with the Zakti pistol and its lethal toxicity. Adding the Mozi Syandana will ensure your enemies only see a flash of red before their last moments, if they see anything at all…
The Guandao Collection includes:
- Guandao Polearm – Harvest the enemy with this towering polearm.
- Zakti Pistol – Fires razor-sharp darts that anchor themselves in their target before erupting in a plume of toxic gas.
- Mozi Syandana – Windswept ribbons of crimson evoke the war-kites of ancient Earth.
Visit the Market today to claim this Collection or each new item individually!
The Guandao Polearm and Zakti Pistol can also be crafted in the Tenno Research Lab in your Dojo!
General Additions:
- You can now select ‘Friendly Fire’, ‘Warframe Invincibility’, ‘Pause AI’, and ‘Kill Enemies’ in the Simulacrum enemy selector screen. For Multiplayer Simulacrum, the Host will be able to select these options.
- You can now select ‘Pause AI’ and ‘Kill Enemies’ in Captura via the enemy selector screen. For Multiplayer Captura, the Host will be able to select these options.
- Improved the Smeeta Kavat Mischief buff for Operators. Relevant buffs on the Warframes will always be transferred to the Operator and vice versa.
- Mastery Rank of each Dojo Research item is now shown in Clan Research selection screen.
- Harrow’s smoke FX during his Thurible cast can be seen by other players now.
- Made optimizations to Chat to improve performance when users join/leave the current channel.
- Fixed attempting to launch Solo missions while in a squad causing the Star Chart UI to become unresponsive for the Host and causing Client to load into a black screen.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if many enemies were spawned at once in the Simulacrum.
Fixed being able to re-run an Alert/Sortie/Syndicate mission again right after completing it. It’s also worth noting that rewards would not be given out twice in this situation.Rewording for clarity: Fixed a super rare edge-case where the Sortie/Alert/Syndicate mission would appear as incomplete, even though you just completed it.- Fixed having no objective in Sabotage/Invasions missions.
- Fixed not being able to complete Asteroid Mobile Defense missions.
- Fixed the Cerata having 20% Status Chance when it should be 30%.
- Fixed Excalibur getting stuck in Slash Dash (and thus being invulnerable) if it was cast with no targets and the player took damage right after casting.
- Fixed Companion Pets insta-dying in Kuva Siphon missions (for real this time).
- Fixed Sheev, Snipetron and Dex Dakra displaying an incorrect Riven Disposition.
- Fixed Primary Riven Mods with Fire Rate buffs applying to Ivara’s Artemis Bow.
- Fixed regular Primary Mods with Fire Rate buffs applying 3x to Ivara’s Artemis Bow instead of 2x.
- Fixed not being able to fire until you recast Mesa’s Peacemaker if you entered bleedout when Peacemaker is active.
- Fixed Nidus’ Parasitic Link on allies being terminated early if Harrow uses Covenant.
- Fixed missing rear counter Finishers for Ancients/Moas/Kubrows/Chargers for the Blind Justice Nikana Stance.
- Fixed Viral Status Effects being able to straight up kill you or put you into bleedout.
- Fixed Eximus units having drops in the Simulacrum.
- Fixed Sortie bosses not shutting up after switching World State Window tabs (or cancelling with ESC or pressing WSW minimize button).
- Fixed being able to walk through Defense Targets after a Host migration has occurred.
- Fixed Clients switching between Warframes sometimes appearing to have Equinox’s skirt (sorry for ruining the fun).
- Fixed Mastery Sigils not displaying properly on some Warframes.
- Fixed black meshes appearing in the Lua Stealth Challenge room.
- Fixed cases of excessive spot-loading when transitioning from the Mod Station to Arsenal.
- Fixed Equinox/Nidus appearance being reset in the Arsenal when equipping a new Helmet/Skins/etc.
- Fixed a frame or two of animation popping and motion blur on Nidus’ flaps when previewing or switching Skins/Helmets/etc in the Arsenal.
- Fixed incorrect Energy color when using Core Vent on the Elytron.
- Fixed Chat link/Emote auto-complete adding a space at the end of the message instead of after the link.
- Fixed Chat link suggestions breaking when a unicode character appears before them.
- Fixed some Stance Mods not appearing as ‘New’.
- Fixed the Heavy Caliber Mod showing Accuracy stat twice.
- Fixed some Mods having offset description text.
Chains of Harrow: Hotfix
- Improved the cloth physics on the Mozi Syandana.
- Fixed a crash upon reviving as Inaros.
Chains of Harrow: Hotfix 21.1.1
- Companion Kavats will now get knocked back and dissolve (instead of just vanishing) when they sadly die because you either left them or didn’t make it in time.
- Reload sounds will now play properly when Dual-wielding the Zakti with thrown Melee weapons.
- Battalyst and Conculyst Sentient weapons will now disappear after a minute as opposed to lingering on the ground indefinitely.
- Improved texture-streaming responsiveness.
- Improved Channeling FX on Nova Prime and Oberon Prime.
- Optimized render performance in cases where dynamic lights were destroyed.
Simulacrum & Captura Changes:
- Enemies will no longer automatically be killed by returning to the Arsenal area, and Host will not automatically kill enemies by using the enemy selector console.
- Enemies can be killed by the Host by selecting the ‘Kill Enemies’ button in the enemy selector console.
- The ‘Pause AI’ button will now dynamically pause and unpause any currently existing enemies.
- Fixed a soft lock when attempting to craft Specters.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when activating Excalibur’s Exalted Blade (and other similar abilities) then entering the Arsenal and going to the Melee weapon upgrades screen in Captura and the Simulacrum.
- Fixed not receiving Syndicate Standing after completing a Syndicate mission.
- Fixed Mesa’s Peacemaker not acquiring new targets if it fails to find a target within a short period of time after firing.
- Fixed enemies affected by Nyx’s Chaos, Loki’s Radial Disarm, Naramon Mind Spike as well as Radiation procs not taking increased damage from faction damage Mods.
- Fixed being able to get infected by a cyst in Captura and the Simulacrum.
- Fixed the Zakti projectiles not hitting enemies in Mag’s Magnetize field.
- Fixed the Zakti projectiles never exploding with toxic gas when killing enemies or hostile objects.
- Fixed an issue that was causing all Sentient arms to no longer be destructible.
- Fixed Syndicate Secondaries losing their unique skin in Dual-Wield and looking like the normal version of the weapon.
- Fixed certain weapons firing « out of the Rift » when Limbo’s Stasis is disabled.
- Fixed the Mastery Sigil appearing unranked on Titania and her Skins.
- More fixes towards Energy color issues when using Core Vent on the Elytron.
- Fixed Armor attachments appearing dark in the Star Chart when you zoom out of a region.
Conclave Changes:
- Reduced the AoE damage radius of the Zakti in Conclave
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite