Découpez vos ennemis avec vitesse et précision lorsque vous vous servez du Tonbo. Lors de l’ancienne guerre, plusieurs Tennos se servaient uniquement du Tonbo.
Le voici en action:
Add the Tonbo to your Arsenal by visiting the Market or starting your Clan Research today!
- Basic information about each Mission will appear when highlighting a node that has multiple Missions.
- Corpus and Grineer Spy Vaults will now have greater variety in difficulty scaling on higher difficulty.
- Added objective marker to door hack panel of in Grineer Spy Missions.
- Changed Corpus vs Grineer Spy Missions on Europa to be Corpus only.
- Players will now receive a notification when trying to chat in a channel they’ve been banned or muted in.
- Reduced the number of scans required on the Bomb in the Once Awake Quest.
- Fixed lasers not disabling in Corpus Spy Missions after the lasers have been destroyed.
- Fixed inaccessible Rare Loot Crates and Syndicate Medallions on Grineer Spy Missions.
- Fixed force fields in Spy Missions not disappearing when destroyed / deactivated.
- Fixed alarms still being triggerable after data has been extracted in Spy Missions.
- Fixed Neural Sensors and Neurodes having the wrong descriptions in the Market.
- Ratka Ballistica now deals 30 damage per uncharged bolt. The damage type is broken down to 15 Puncture, 7.5 Impact and 7.5 Slash.
- Fixed the Tonbo not appearing in Tenno Research Lab.
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite