Hotfix 16.7 :
Tenno Reinforcements
Anku scythe available now!
Reap havoc with the Anku! This full-sized Tenno scythe’s design is inspired by the Paris Bow and is just as deadly.
Add the Anku to your Arsenal by visiting the Market or Tenno Clan Research today!
- A new Spy Mission is available on Earth, Cambria! This Mission contains Spy Vaults unique to the Earth tileset, including unique security measures for day and night cycles!
- Some weapon attachments will now support energy color changes. This feature will slowly be expanded to other weapons, so keep an eye out for special effects on those dangles!
- Added several missing weapon entries to the Codex.
Conclave Changes
- Cephalons in Cephalon Capture have received a visual update!
- The following mods have been disabled in PvP: Magazine Warp, Slip Magazine, Burdened Magazine, Stabilizer, Steady Hands, Fast Hands, Quick Draw, Tactical Pump and Terminal Velocity. They have been replaced with PvP specific versions that have been added to the Mission Rewards of all PvP game types.
- The Anku is available for use in PvP.
- Reduced the damage of Strun Wraith in PvP.
- Earth: Cambria is now a Spy Mission.
- Earth: Lua is now an Excavation Mission.
- Many Grineer and Corpus environmental props have received PBR updates!
- The Strun has received a PBR update!
- Nyx’s Chaos Sphere Augment FX has been made more visible.
- Added a new sound effect to the Hyena Pack’s charge ability.
- Reduced the amount of Lotus transmissions that occur during Spy Missions.
- Made various updates to incorrect or inaccurate item / Mod descriptions in game. More to come!
- Improved visibility on Spy Rooms in Corpus Spy Missions.
- In an effort to reduce in-game spam, accounts with a Mastery Rank of 0 can only start conversations with friends, clanmates, or recently encountered players.
- Slightly altered the vocal sounds of Infested Chargers.
- Players can no longer open the pause menu when playing a hacking minigame.
- Rare Resource Blueprints can now be sold for 30,000 Credits.
- Fixed Zephyr’s Turbulence not properly deflecting some ranged attacks against hit-scan enemies.
- Fixed an error causing a Hive related message to appear on Interception Missions.
- Fixed Design Council features not properly appearing in Korean.
- Fixed Banshee’s Sonic Fracture FX lingering if the target became immediately ragdolled.
- Fixed Warframe armor not properly showing on Chroma when Effigy is cast followed by a cloaking ability.
- Fixed players being able to kill ragdoll-able bosses by flinging the boss off the map.
- Fixed an issue causing ragdolled bosses to take a long time to revive.
- Fixed players not properly entering a dive animation when jumping, sprinting, then firing their weapon.
- Fixed the Tonkor’s projectile preview arc appearing underneath other effects.
- Fixed the Daikyu killing the client if being drawn during a Host Migration.
- Fixed an error that would occur when viewing Soma Prime in the Codex.
- Fixed player arrows not returning to their default visual when the Meer Arrow Customization is unequipped.
- Fixed player’s weapons becoming stuck when changing weapons after firing a bow.
- Fixed Valkyr’s Hysteria playing sounds from related to the player’s un-equipped melee weapon.
- Fixed an issue preventing the use of Mods shared by Sentinels when the player does not have a Sentinel equipped or active.
- Fixed the description of Excavation Missions in the Codex having incorrect information on how to play the Mission type. This is the first of many revisions coming to innacurate text as per this thread: https://forums.warfr…e-descriptions/
- Fixed an issue preventing players from properly blocking AoE attacks as per this thread: https://forums.warfr…er-radial-slam/
- Fixed the Paris Prime showing covering up menu options.
- Fixed an issue causing the UI to freeze after Zephyr casts Tornado.
- Fixed an issue causing duplicate FX to occur, resulting in increased latency.
- Fixed a hangup caused by opening the pause menu mid-hacking.
- Fixed fancy sparkly trails not showing up on all unique Arrow Skins.
- Fixed a typo in Darvo’s VO present in the tutorial Missions.
- Fixed Warframes with 100 base stamina showing as 8 stamina when equipping the Warframe in the Arsenal.
- Fixed issues related to Sentinel movement that would cause performance problems in PhysX.
- Fixed water in Orokin-themed Conclave maps appearing as black.
- Fixed a crash in Conclave’s Annihilation when a Host Migration occurs after a fourth player joins a game mid-session.
Hotfix 16.7.1 :
Tactical Alert: Black Seed Scourge Reward PSA
Heads up Tenno!
As the people started progressing through the Tactical Alert: Black Seed Scourge, there was an issue with the second tier of rewards (25 x Rare 5 Fusion Cores).
Players were not receiving the 25 Rare Cores, and the Inbox Message had inaccurate attachments.
The above problem is now fixed in the following way:
1) Anyone who was entitled to these 25 x 5 Rare Cores (6 points in the Tactical Alert) has retroactively received them with a script.
2) The rewards themselves were fixed at approximately 7:45 p.m EDT, meaning no one else should have this problem moving forward.
If you don’t see your rewards, please relog into the game and re-open your inbox message from Frohd Bek.
-Changed Stance Slot polarity on the Anku to match an existing Stance Polarity (Zenurik).
-Fixed an issue with blurry attachments on Warframes (Targis Prime, etc).
-Fixed an issue with incorrect Waypoint markers on Earth Spy missions..
-Fixed an issue with loadouts not saving if a player does not leave the Arsenal before entering a mission.
-Fixed various localization issues with Tactical Alert messages.
-Fixed a common crash.
Hotfix 16.7.2 :
Conclave Changes
- The Lucky Shot PvP Mod is now compatible with Bows.
- Added a marker to capture consoles to make the target more easily visible.
- Reduced the effectiveness of Crowd Control abilities solely on the Infested Juggernaut.
- Eos Prime Shoulder cosmetics are now properly labeled with ‘left’ and ‘right’.
- Fixed players falling out of the map when joining in-progress Missions on the Corpus Gas City tileset.
- Fixed the Grineer Toxin Injector appearing under ‘Tenno’ in the Codex.
- Fixed wrong planet name showing in the UI for Event Missions.
- Fixed offset placement of the Aseron Sekhara badge.
- Fixed losing functionality after changing from Fullscreen to Windowed resolution.
- Fixed players colliding with light fixtures in the Earth Spy Vault tileset.
- Fixed a couple typos and grammar errors in Simaris’ Synthesis lore.
- Fixed an issue occurring in doorways in Earth Spy Missions.
- Fixed navigation markers not showing proper pathing on Corpus Gas City tilesets.
- Fixed Soma Prime not sitting properly on Saryn when holstered.
- Fixed the Paris Prime and Diakyu sitting strangely on some Warframes.
- Fixed grammatical errors in the description of Trials in the Codex.
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite
Le schéma du Anku est actuellement disponible au dojo du clan laboratoire Tenno.