Hotfix 16.9.4 :
- Re-enabled Physics optimizations for dual-core systems.
- Made several small optimizations for long-running missions with lots of loot.
- Fixed Exalted Blade’s energy waves not receiving a boost from damage Mods when used by Clients.
- Fixed Exalted Blade’s energy wave not benefiting from channeling buffs.
- Fixed Clients using Exalted Blade not gaining benefits from Syndicate Mods.
- Fixed the Proto Glaive skin causing Exalted Blade to not appear properly in Excalibur’s hand.
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite
Mouai en tout cas on à pas l’embleme! sniff
Oui je suis déçu aussi :/ ! Au moins ils ont déja promis un hotfix dans la semaine …. on aura ptet pas à attendre trop longtemps …. (jinx included)