Plains of Eidolon: Update 22.10.0
Tenno! This Update brings you yet another Mainline! You may recall from the end of 2017 what that means… it could be a bit bumpy! We’re standing by to fix any issues. The major reason for this mainline is that we’ve done a massive Code audit that touched almost 3000 different core engine files to better optimize Warframe. While this Update brings you some new fashion frame options for Mesa and 3 new Augments, the majority of this Update is focused on bringing fixes and Quality of Life changes. If that’s not what you’re after, we’ve got lots of great stuff coming very soon. The Plains are going to get a lot more dangerous at night in an upcoming Update…..
Conquer the unknown with this fortress of exquisite style.
Transform any pistol, with this baroque revolver skin.
*This skin can be equipped on any dual or single pistol Secondary!
Venture into uncharted territory with Mesa Presidio’s signature Syandana.
Become a fortress of style with this collection of deluxe items that includes the Mesa Presidio Skin, Perla Pistol Skin, and the Constella Syandana.
3x New Warframe Augments!
At Max rank, Razorwing flight speed is increased by 25% and fire rate increased by 25% for 8 seconds when using abilities. Stacks up to 4 times!
TItania’s new Augment can be found in New Loka or Red Veil!
At Max rank, Headshot kills increase Crit Chance bonus duration by 3 seconds!
Harrow’s new Augment can be found in Red Veil or Arbiters of Hexis!
At Max rank, reactivate Larva to detonate and deal 300 Toxin damage in 5 meter range. This damage stacks for every enemy grabbed by Larva!
Nidus’s new Augment can be found in the Perrin Sequence or Steel Meridian!
Equinox on hold! We’re actually going back to the drawing board on the Equinox Mend / Maim Augment. After more testing, we simply didn’t like how it was working and we’re trying out an entirely new design.
- Added a reusable Blueprint for converting Intact Sentient Cores to Exceptional Sentient Cores. This Blueprint is available from Onkko in Cetus. This is an addition to help provide an alternative, but still invested, way for players to progress in the Quills.
- Added back long lost functionality of showing ‘Inspect Player’ help text when looking at other Players in Relays/Cetus.
- The Teralyst has a new purple shield bar that will appear overtop its health bar until depleted. This is to give players a better indication of how much shields it has left.
- We now present players with the option to buy a Forma Bundle when using the Upgrade screen to install Forma.
- Added filters to the Fish inventory screen at Fisher Hai-Luk’s shop (Small, Medium, Large).
- Added distinct icons for Elevator controls going up or down and increased the speed of some Elevators.
- You can now decide to only allow friend invites from certain groups (All, Friends of Friends, etc).
- You can now see how many of a given Mod you own if you click it through Chat Linking!
- Added Time of Day text to the Free Roam node for the Plains of Eidolon!
- Added Replay Quest option for A Man of Few Words.
- Added Replay Quest option for Stolen Dreams.
- Added a small delay when transitioning to jog from run after firing a weapon so you have time to play your fire animation. Before depending on the weapons refire wait time, you wouldn’t have enough time to raise your arms so bullets sort of just shot out of your body.
- Added separate category for Sentient and Eidolon kills in Profile stats.
- Added each type of fish from the Plains in the Codex.
- Added ‘Defend’ icons to Eidolon Lures in the Plains. This icon will change to blue (0, 219, 255 to be exact) when the Lure is fully charged.
- Added options to Flip Horizontal and Vertical for artwork within the Display customization window.
- Added 4 new Grineer Asteroid Capture/loot rooms, and a new Capture objective room.
- Added a Settings options for enabling/disabling hit sounds. This will be a toggle that disables the function entirely (instead of just muting the mixer) to save performance when disabled.
- Added a Kuva count label under the ‘confirm’ button when attempting to reroll a Riven to inform you of how much Kuva you currently have.
Vay Hek Changes:
- You can now damage Vay Hek up to 25% of his total Health (was 10% previously) while his Propaganda Drone is active before it shuts off. This will result in less waiting around, and will make Vay Hek in Terra Frame easier to deal with.
- Reduced base Armor of Vay Hek in his Terra Frame from 225 to 200.
Ghoul Bounty Changes:
A couple of weeks after the Ghoul Bounties Debuted, we saw the system begin its life as a recurring set of dynamic Bounties. Their second appearance just wrapped up, and unfortunately we were unable to address the issues the community had with their Rewards (namely sparse RNG Lore).
This Update brings changes that will be visible the next time the Ghouls Appear!
- Ghoul Lore Fragments are simply way more likely to drop within Bounties now.
- Ghoul enemies themselves can now also drop the Lore Fragments (and Ghouls always have a chance to appear outside of Ghoul Bounties!).
- Ghoul Bounty tables have received new items including Nitain, Cetus Wisps, and Breath of the Eidolon!
- Equinox’s Night-Form ‘Mend’ now regenerates Shields of Allies as enemies are killed within range.
- Increased the drop chance of Intact Sentient Cores from Vomvalysts to 100%.
- Updated description of Kwath (Grip) to properly inform of its stats:
- « Light weight » now reads « Heavy weight »
- « increase in speed » now reads « increase in damage »
- « cost of damage » now reads « cost of speed ».
- Updated the description on Zaw balances to say « link » instead of « counterweight ».
- Removed the Mastery Rank 2 requirement from the MK1-Furis.
- Updated the Design Council tips that appear in the loading screen and removed some that don’t apply anymore.
- Bounties are now Mastery Rank tiered! In the current system, a player of any Mastery Rank could queue up and join any Bounty, even the highest level ones! In order to avoid a mismatch in experience, we’ve simply set each Bounty to have a default Mastery Rank. It looks a little something like this: https://n8k6e2y6.ssl.hwcdn.net/uploads/prototype_sabotage.png
- When the Acolytes are live, players will only see them in the World State panel once they’ve completed Vor’s Prize.
- Eidolon Lures now follow both Warframe or Operator rather than just the Warframe. The Lure will also now teleport to the player it’s following if/when it gets too far away/stuck.
- Warframe Specters are now much smarter! If you don’t recall, Specters are craftable gear you can equip to summon an AI companion in battle. We’ve done a general intelligence pass on their proficiency with Weapons, and we’ve also updated their power-casting logic. Virtually every power is now castable with only a few exceptions! Specters CANNOT cast the following Abilities: Vauban’s Minelayer, Ivara’s Zipline, Titania’s Razorwing, Nekros’ Desecrate and Shadows of the Dead, Excalibur’s Exalted Blade, Valkyr’s Hysteria, Wukong’s Primal Fury, Cloud Walker, and Defy, Atlas’ Petrify and Tectonics, Limbo’s entire kit (save for the damage aspect of Banish), and finally Zephyr’s Dive Bomb.
- Security cameras now trigger more intelligently, the Corpus have upgraded their software.
- Improved the UI on Defection missions by having instruction text, aligning objectives, and better colour coding for defector icons.
- Increased duration of Duality Augment to be 10 seconds at Max Rank (affected by Duration Mods).
- Second Dream now has two vaults instead of three during the first Spy mission.
- Disabled Stalker, Arc traps, and random transmissions during some quest missions.
- Updated some doors which still had red non-interactive locked materials to new off versions.
- Instead of redundantly showing both Fire Rate and Charge Rate on bows, they now hide Fire Rate unless comparing to a non-bow weapon.
- Changed the background on selected Tenno customizations to be the same white as when selecting customizations from the Arsenal.
- Improved Sprint/Toggle Sprint so that sprinting stops less often.
- Standing in place with sprint key down no longer causes the sprint posture (for the purposes of Prowl and such).
- When a player tries to sell their last Sentinel, a more informative message will appear to explain why it cannot be sold.
- Somachord now continues playing where you left off when you return to your Orbiter.
- Somachord Tones now have their own marker icon when waypointing/finding one in a mission.
- Removed the « kill unalerted enemies » or « hack 1 terminal » Challenges from The Law of Retribution and The Jordas Verdict.
- The War Within Choice Scene has been changed to be untradable.
- Tweaked the Cryona Syandana default Tint colors to better match the original Steam Workshop image.
- Increased the Health of the Loki Specter in the Neptune Junction on Uranus.
- Removed the equip sound from the Fishing Spear.
- Changed the ‘disable sniper scopes’ HUD option to be ‘use sniper scopes’ instead to fit with the positive style of other option wordings.
- Increased follow radius of Drone in the Drone Hijack Incursion from 30m to 50m.
- Lowered health of Grineer Auto Turrets from 1250 to 1100.
- Lowered health from 650 to 550 and armor from 100 to 75 of the big Dropship Turret.
- Tweaked wording/order in the Landing Craft menu:
- Flipped the order of those two options
- Nox enemies will now react when being damaged by a Stealth attack. Before they would remain not alerted after taking some stealthy damage.
- Operators will now automatically go back into Void Mode after a Void Blast if crouch is still being held (and they have enough Energy).
- Replaced old damaged Liset ship in Vor’s Prize cinematic with new damaged version.
- Sabotage missions on Settlement, Shipyards, and Gas City tilesets now have 2 stages.
- Fixed the active Bounty disappearing when attempting to load into the Plains with a full squad.
- Fixes towards some Bounties auto-failing.
- Fixes towards Host and Clients loading into different Cetus Instances which results in issues loading into Bounties/Plains together.
- Fixed the squad Reactant counter staying at 10 Reactant until you pick up your first Reactant in an endless Fissure Interception mission.
- Fixed not being able to initiate Sky Archwing when one has been deployed before a Host migration occurred.
- Fixed attempting to change your Mandachord song as an Operator in the Simulacrum, breaking Octavia and getting a script error.
- Fixed crashing when using the Unairu Wisp Focus ability.
- Fixed Mission Abort sometimes giving a ‘disconnected from the host’ message.
- Fixed various Polearms having incorrect attachments when the Phorcys Skin is equipped.
- Fixed Viral Status Effects expiring on enemies which could result in a downed Capture Target to stand back up and continue running for dear life.
- Fixed preview dioramas for Companions sometimes being empty.
- Fixed numerous Gear items (Apothics, Beacons, etc) not being consumed when used by Operators.
- Fixed crashing when casting Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors.
- Fixed Speed not properly creating FX for non-Volts.
- Fixed the Hyekka Master Codex entry drops not being all CAPS.
- Fixed interacting with your Companion in the Helminth Infirmary after removing the Cyst resulting in the door locking you in.
- Fixed Kavats playing death sounds when changing Mods in the Simulacrum Arsenal.
- Fixed female Operators sometimes having distorted faces in Captura.
- Fixed Archwing Affinity gained not showing in the End of Mission screen when leaving the Plains via menu or returning to Cetus.
- Fixed a blank panel showing up among weapons in the End of Mission screen.
- Fixed misaligned UI in the End of Mission screen.
- Fixed Ergo Glast having a grammatical error as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/897224-ergo-glast-text-error-for-offerings-fixed/
- Fixed spot-loading when attempting to join a mission on Earth.
- Fixed not being able to scale the Chat window in 4k for Big Picture Mode.
- Fixed an issue where Energy Orbs would not spawn in the Index if a player joined in progress.
- Fixed an issue where Clients viewing ‘End of Mission’ information in the Index would cause disconnection.
- Fixed an issue with login-reward boosters showing the wrong duration.
- Fixed an issue with context actions appearing in incorrect locations on certain decorations.
- Fixed an issue with loss of functionality with Harrow’s Thurible.
- Fixed being able to ragdoll enemies affected by Limbo’s Stasis.
- Fixed an issue with Nova’s Antimatter Drop going off in the wrong direction on cast.
- Fixed Saryn’s spores preventing unconscious enemies from recovering from ragdoll and just dying instead.
- Fixed an issue where enemies would be stuck on the ground instead of getting pulled into Nidus’ Larva.
- Fixed an issue where Melee attacks would sometimes appear to deal ‘0’ damage to targets with Spores on them.
- Fixed issues with Host Migration affecting the way Lures recharge.
- Fixed issues with the Halikar’s sound FX staying on forever if it’s thrown and the owner falls into a teleport volume.
- Fixed various script errors that would result in game hangs.
- Fixed issues on the Grineer Asteroid tileset where environment would poke out and leave map holes.
- Fixed an issue where trying to visit a Relay with visiting Tenno on your Orbiter could result in them getting sent back to their Orbiter instead of the Relay.
- Fixed a possible crash in the Law of Retribution.
- Fixed issues where host migration while loading back into Cetus could have people stuck on the screen forever.
- Fixed an issue where Sentient Cores would disappear if a player joins when one is on the ground.
- Fixed issues with equipping the Maggor Leg Guards on incorrect legs.
- Fixed an issue where Focus power sounds were not properly playing for clients.
- Fixed an issue where you could not pet your Companions on their Bed decorations.
- Fixed an issue with Foundry categories blinking when searching.
- Fixed an issue where dying on a Zipline would allow you to run around in a ‘Revive’ state.
- Fixed Gunblade style weapons not playing nice with Limbo’s Rift and Stasis.
- Fixed a visual Bug with Vay Hek appearing fully formed during his Terra Frame transition.
- Fixed missing hints on where Harrow’s Blueprint is in the Market.
- Fixed issues with being unable to leave Cetus if Clients remain in the tunnel.
- Fixed a vestigial ‘Orokin’ section of the Leaderboards from appearing which is already properly accounted for under ‘Void’.
- Fixed issues where Cetus instances could crash and not come back up.
- Fixed a mislabeled Grokdrul Injector.
- Fixed Limbo’s Stasis not properly pausing Zenistar VFX and duration timer.
- Fixed wrong username in clan list if they accepted the clan invite after changing their name.
- Fixed fish swimming through terrain when affected by bait.
- Fixed players being offered to purchase Archwing items before finishing the quest.
- Fixed Derelict Sabotage showing improper image.
- Fixed Mods consumed during Fusion getting reinstalled automatically if a duplicate is owned.
- Fixed ragdolling ghoul Augers while underground causing them to fall through the ground.
- Fixed visible water line in Derelict pipe.
- Fixed Gara’s helmet disappearing if Splinter Storm is used while Cloaked.
- Fixed Exalted Blade local FX on cast not working.
- Fixed Eidolon Lens Blueprint with no description text dropping from the Plains.
- Fixed Ember Vermillion helmet VFX displayed on screen while scoped in.
- Fixed being unable to see typing in chat if screen set to wider than 1920.
- Fixed Randomize button not randomizing color of attachments.
- Fixed a spot where the Capture Target could get stuck on Uranus tileset.
- Fixed Mod illustration/image stretching outside of Mod outline in Bounty screen.
- Fixed Landing Craft scanner showing OFF action when already off and ON when already on instead of vice versa.
- Fixed Inspect text not displaying when targeting a player in a Relay.
- Fixed a couple holes in Grineer tilesets.
- Fixed Corinth showing Astilla model on the ground when disarmed.
- Fixed Manduka leggings clipping through other Operator clothing.
- Fixed color customization for Tenno Markings affecting Accessories as well.
- Fixed having your Archwing-specific settings active after returning to your ship from an Archwing mission.
- Fixed Focus resetting to 0 when switching from Archwing to Warframe mode.
- Fixed joining a friend bypassing build version check that makes sure both are up to date.
- Fixed camera getting stuck if you happen to die/go into a Bleedout state just as you use Transference.
- Fixed description text to be more appropriate for the Incubator (« Active Pet » instead of « Active Kubrow »).
- Fixed Clients seeing the Javlok explosion after the enemy falls to the ground and the Javlok floating a couple feet from the point of actual impact.
- Fixed the Cryona Syandana sitting too high on Valkyr, Valkyr Prime, and Valkyr Gersemi Skin.
- Fixed the Corpus Nullifier Capture Target not appearing under the ‘Corpus’ Faction in the Codex.
- Fixed an NPC in the Relay that you could inspect which resulted in an error popup.
- Fixed Grineer camp encounters in the Plains sometimes not triggering.
- Fixed a hole in the Lua tileset that you could escape from.
- Fixed Grineer Flame Lancers using a one-handed grip on a two-handed grip weapon.
- Fixed the Pedestal Prime diorama being too zoomed in.
- Fixed all players hearing muted audio when someone is aiming with the Fishing Spear.
- Fixed the Buzlok scope not maintaining square pixel aspect ratio.
- Fixed misaligned textures on the Grineer Scorch helmet.
- Fixed a Client boarded on another player’s Orbiter being sent back to their ship instead of the Relay (when selected).
- Fixed being able to pick up unlimited Antiserum Injectors/antidotes as the Operator.
- Fixed VFX popping when viewing Warframes and The Silver Grove diorama in the Codex.
- Fixed sometimes connecting to the wrong language when attempting to chat in a Relay.
- Fixed Zephyr’s Tornado affecting Shik Tal of the Grustrag Three. Special units (like the G3) are meant to have immunities to Warframe powers.
- Fixed another case of Grineer jumping incredible lengths to try and kill you.
- Fixed excessive bloom on the Misa Prime Syandana.
- Fixed Clients hearing door opening sounds twice simultaneously.
- Fixed the camera panning instead of snapping during a specific Second Dream cinematic.
- Fixed Zephyr being rotated away from the camera after your first death in Flappy Zephyr.
- Fixed Gallium, Argon, and Rubedo Decorations appearing blown out when placed in your Orbiter.
- Fixed casting Ash’s Shuriken on a knocked down enemy resulting in the Slash Status Effect hitting several times a second, often killing the enemy outright. This was most commonly seen when using Zenurik’s Temporal Blast.
- Fixed a script error when the host leaves the squad in a Relay.
- Fixed End of Quest rewards being visible when choosing to replay the quest. This was causing players to think that they were getting the reward again for replaying it.
- Fixed VOIP constantly transmitting voice when ‘push to talk’ is enabled while in a squad.
- Fixed instances of not being able to Gild the Mote Amp as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/872156-cannot-gild-the-mote-amp/
- Fixed Cameras not triggering Turrets in some situations.
- Fixed a turret on Asteroid Defection tileset that could block defectors from moving through a doorway.
- Fixed Hydroid’s water textures appearing incorrectly and jagged from far away.
Conclave Changes:
- Conclave Stance Fateful Truth Leading Blade combo now only hits once during the dash.
- Conclave Stance Fateful Truth Sudden Spring combo damage reduced.
Plains of Eidolon: Hotfix 22.10.1
Things we’re still investigating for another Hotfix:
Sentinel Vacuum not Vacuuming up certain items- Harrow’s Thurible animation doesn’t automatically stop playing after you run out of Energy.
- Removed 3 unreleased Mods from Mod Packs/Transmutation and made them untradable.
- Fixed UI locking up when attempting to do a Focus Conversion with Eidolon Shards.
- Fixed enemies not getting up from ragdoll if they survived Nidus’ Larva Burst Augment being triggered.
- Fixed a crash when viewing your Companion in the Arsenal.
- Fixed a crash when your Kubrow picked up a ragdolled enemy.
- Fixed a crash when casting Ivara’s Prowl.
- Fixed not being able to Quick Melee after entering the Plains form Cetus.
- Fixed some Alerts not appearing in the Alert Navigation window.
- Fixed missing Syndicate Syandana FX.
- Fixed Fish clipping through the floor of their Codex diorama.
- Fixed Vacuum not working consistently for clients.
Plains of Eidolon: Hotfix 22.10.2
Mining buff:
For those of you who may not have been aware, mining in the Plains has a base chance, as well as a bonus based on your accuracy, to reward a rare gem. We’ve increased both the base chance as well as the bonus for accuracy. You can tell how accurate you are by the number of gem icons that you fill up while mining. Each filled gem icon increases the total chance to receive a rare gem.
- Now: 15% + 3% per filled gem icon
- Previously: 10% + 2% per filled gem icon
- Increased Specter ability cooldowns.
- Fixed unconscious/ragdolled enemies not taking damage on clients; this was causing a wide range of gear to Weapons and Powers to be broken as well as a number of crashes.
- Fixed Mesa Deluxe Glyph Loc.
- Fixed Operator sometimes looking back during transmissions.
- Fixed Larva Burst not appearing in Codex or linking in chat.
- Fixed elevator markers sticking to the edge of the screen.
- Fixed Metronome giving infinite buff when 2+ people activate it.
- Fixed multiple castings of Hallowed Ground causing them to share the same duration.
- Fixed Titania Razorwing augment adding infinite lasting buffs when casting abilities after entering and immediately exiting Razorwing.
- Fixed Thurible animation not ending when out of energy.
- Fixed kuva braids not disappearing after being destroyed.
- Fixed a handful of weapons so that meleeing with them does not cancel sprint.
- Fixed Seeking Shuriken not reducing target armor.
- Fixed missing ankle buckle on Mesa Presidio.
- Fixed Decoy dropping Oro in Conclave.
Plains of Eidolon: Hotfix 22.10.3
- Reduced the time between Bounty stages from 8 seconds to 4 seconds so you’re not waiting around for Lotus to tell you where to go next.
- Transferring to Operator or back to Warframe will now inherit the sprint button state of your previous form.
- Optimized the ambient sounds in the Liset mission loading screen.
- Fixed the Glast Gambit quest not progressing after players make their choice at the end. *For those that have been affected by this issue, you will receive your End of Quest reward by simply setting the quest to ‘Active’.
- More Fixes towards cases of Bounties insta-failing.
- Fixed Harrow’s Thurible not generating Energy on kills if used by a Client and draining all Energy for the charge.
- Fixed Hok’s Weapon of the Day disappearing if you bring up the Pause menu after walking up to Hok.
- Fixed the Arca Plasmor dealing 0 damage on headshots.
- Fixed the Ki’Teer Atmos Diadem having too much Motion Blur.
- Fixed being unable to color the inside of the Ki’Teer Atmos Earpiece.
- Fixed Specters not reloading when equipped with a Tigris/Tigris Prime as their loadout.
- Fixed Loki Specter being a silly trickster as usual and Disarming allies as well as enemies.
- Fixed issues with spawning headless Nyx Specters.
- Fixed an issue with double dipping Specters for Operators and Warframes.
- Fixed an issue with the Nidus Specter targeting the Operator with Parasitic Link.
- Fixed Equinox Specter not using Metamorphosis until it had very low Health left.
- Fixed unequipped/holstered Melee weapons being visible even though they have ‘hide when holstered’ on.
- Fixed the fishing Boot being replaced with the Mawfish.
- Fixed the Hydroid Poseidon Skin back cloth piece using the default material.
- Fixed an issue where slow firing automatic weapons (like the Sobek) didn’t interact nicely with the pinky-friendly sprint changes, and resulted in an inability to fire while sprinting.
- Fixed a script error when attempting to complete a Capture Bounty.
- Fixed the Lex Onyx Skin not removing the clip attachment when equipped on the Lex Prime.
Conclave Fixes:
- Fixed Loki Decoy kills counting towards your score in Conclave.
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite