Plains of Eidolon: Update 22.2.0
Defy death itself, and crush the living with new Deluxe skins for Nekros and Ember! Return from the underworld to haunt your enemies with the Nekros Irkalla Deluxe Skin, and burn your foes to a crisp with Ember Vermillion Deluxe Skin! Each Warframe Deluxe Skin is also available as a collection with signature weapon skins and accessories.
A specter of destruction, Nekros breaks free of the underworld with this haunting skin.
The signature binds of Nekros Irkalla.
The signature scythe skin of Nekros Irkalla.
The signature Sugatra of Nekors Irkalla.
From the ashes of battle a flamboyant new Ember rises.
The signature pistol skin of Ember Vermillion.
The signature Syandana of Ember Vermillion.
Cetus/Plains Changes:
- ‘Sabotage Bounty’ has been renamed to ‘Prototype Sabotage’.
- Increased the Cetus Standing reward for each Bounty tier.
- Replaced Grokdrul and Iradite pickups from crates and caches with Rubedo and Ferrite in the Plains to better expose the deeper Resource system.
- Added Circuits to Turret drop tables.
- Added Circuits, Rubedo and Ferrite to Dropship drop tables.
- Added Plastids, Circuits, Oxium and Cryotic as rewards for Bounties in the first two tiers
The addition of these Resources into the Plains are mainly geared towards helping new players learn about Resources not tied to the Plains.
- Made numerous HUD optimizations.
Zaw Changes:
- Kwath additional damage increased from 9 to 14.
- Kroostra additional damage increased from 9 to 14.
- Mewan base damage increased from 81 to 86.
- Kronsh base damage increased from 81 to 86.
- Ruhang additional damage increased from 9 to 14.
- Ruhang II additional damage increased from 18 to 28.
Zaw Stat Fixes:
- Ooltha’s base Critical Chance changed from 22% to 18% as intended.
- Mewan’s base Status Chance change from 22% to 18% as intended.
- Fixed some missing reward pools in Bounty reward rotations.
- Fixed Zaw Rivens having unintentionally lower stats than their Disposition indicated. This results in an overall Zaw Riven buff by 50%.
- Fixed Zaw Rivens turning into generic Melee Rivens when upgraded (relogging fixed this).
- Fixed Zaws not displaying their Riven distribution correctly in the Arsenal.
- Fixed attempting to view a Sugatra with a Zaw equipped resulting in not seeing the weapon or the Sugatra.
- Fixes towards Bounties insta failing if an ability to teleport (Nova’s Wormhole, Itzal’s Blink, etc) was used to enter the Bounty area.
- Fixed enemies inside a Vazarin Void Aegis bubble not attacking players also inside the bubble.
- Fixed Sentient Cores counting towards the Medallion challenge of a « Find x Syndicate Medallions » Riven.
- Fixed Rhino’s Iron Skin absorbing damage instead of Harrow’s Covenant if cast first.
- Fixed leg Armor being incorrectly orientated on Mag’s Pneuma Skin.
- Fixed a script error when casting Ivara’s Prowl ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Nidus’ Virulence ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Trinity’s Blessing ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Hydroid’s Undertow ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Rhino’s Rhino Charge ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Excalibur’s Exalted Blade ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Zephyr’s Tail Wind ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Ember’s Fireball ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Nova’s Molecular Prime ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Chroma’s abilities.
- Fixed a script error when casting Equinox’s abilities.
- Fixed a script error when using Transference.
- Fixed Mod image rewards for Alerts looking stretched.
- Fixed Warframe abilities appearing as unranked when viewing them in the Arsenal in Cetus.
- Fixed Luminous Dye remaining active if used prior to transitioning back to Cetus and then re entering the Plains.
- Fixed an edge case where if you pressed Esc right as the End of Mission screen is opening when transitioning to Cetus, you’d get soft locked.
- Fixed incorrect diorama when viewing Operator Greaves.
- Fixed Operators appearing to have a very long giraffe-like neck when viewing equipment from the Quills.
- Fixed a stretched mesh on the Valkyr Delusion Skin.
- Fixed Syandanas not sitting properly on the Valkyr Delusion Skin.
- Fixed Aura Mod description text discrepancies.
- Fixed the Sprint Boost Mod description not displaying % Sprint Speed.
- Fixed a file path text appearing in Lephantis’ boss fight.
- Fixed a join in progress crash.
Plains of Eidolon: Hotfix 22.2.1
- Fixed Nekros Prime arm dangle details appearing when equipped on the Nekros Irkalla Skin. As is standard and precedent for all in-house Deluxe Skins, the override of Prime Details is the intent.
- Fixed adjusting the Exposure in the Plains of Eidolon Captura Scene not functioning correctly and also causing the screen to flicker.
- Fixed no Zaw appearing when viewing its Codex diorama.
- Fixed Clients not being able to throw the Sigma & Octantis (Day 700 Daily Tribute reward) if a Stance Mod is equipped.
- Fixed the Arsenal Captura screen not instructing you where/how to get the Plains of Eidolon Captura Scene.
- Fixed a Conclave crash.
- Fixed a HUD crash.
Plains of Eidolon: Hotfix 22.2.2
- Operators can now always Transference to their Warframe while in air, but Warframes can only Transference to Operator once while in the air.
- Convergence Orbs are now more lenient in Endless missions, and spawn at a position relative to the objective instead of the player. Orbs are also more combat-focused so that they are more likely to spawn as soon as the chance from a kill succeeds (before there could be short delays).
- Fixed a progression stopper where Vor was invincible.
- Fixed the Sigma and Octantis not shrinking when in your Orbiter.
- Fixed the Teralyst not casting a shadow. And just like that, spring came early!
- Fixed a crash in Captura when Dynamic Resolution is enabled.
- Fixed a crash when launching The Index.
- Fixed a script error when attempting to research a Blueprint in the Dojo.
- Fixed a script error when a Host migration occurred that resulted in breaking Spear fishing for the new Host.
- Fixed an ‘Excalinyx’ appearing in the diorama of the Nyx Nemesis Complete Bundle.
- Fixed a functionality loss when attempting to change Operator Hood after returning from Cetus.
Plains of Eidolon: Hotfix 22.2.3
- Bounty Incursions will no longer abort automatically upon leaving the marked area. A grace period timer indicted on your HUD is displayed to alert you to reenter the area and continue the Incursion.
- Fixed not being able to extract in the last mission of The Silver Grove quest.
- Fixed Nekros’ Irkalla chains clipping through his body.
- Fixed Nekros’ Irkalla wrist chains floating away.
- Fixed a script error when attempting to purchase the Meme Glyph Bundle.
Plains of Eidolon: Hotfix 22.2.4
Cetus Economy Changes:
- Increased the Standing awarded from redeeming Azurite, Devar, and Veridos Gems to Old Man Suumbaat.
- Reduced the cost of Fish components in certain crafting recipes.
* To clarify and expand on the « Reduced cost of Fish components in all crafting recipes »:
- ARCHWING LAUNCHER: Fish Oil = 50 to 30
- MAGUS HUSK: Fish Scales = 40 to 20
- VIRTUOS TEMPO: Fish Scales = 40 to 20
- MAGUS VIGOR: Fish Scales = 40 to 20
- VIRTUOS NULL: Fish Scales = 40 to 20
- EXODIA BRAVE: Breath of the Eidolon = 20 to 10
- EXODIA VALOR: Breath of the Eidolon = 20 to 10
- EXODIA MIGHT: Breath of the Eidolon = 20 to 10
EXODIA MIGHT: Tralok Eyes = 40 to 5 - EXODIA HUNT: Breath of the Eidolon = 20 to 10
EXODIA HUNT: Sharrac Teeth = 10 to 5 - EXODIA TRIUMPH: Breath of the Eidolon = 20 to 10
EXODIA TRIUMPH: Mortus Horn = 10 to 5 - EXODIA FORCE: Breath of the Eidolon = 20 to 10
EXODIA FORCE: Karkina Antenna = 10 to 5 - MURKRAY BAIT: Tralok Eyes = 10 to 5
MURKRAY BAIT: Mortus Horn = 10 to 5
MURKRAY BAIT: Karkina Antenna = 20 to 10
MURKRAY BAIT: Fish Meat = 40 to 20 - PEPPERED FISH BAIT: Quantity = 10 to 20
- GLAPPID BAIT: Norg Brain = 10 to 5
GLAPPID BAIT: Cuthol Tendrils = 10 to 5
GLAPPID BAIT: Fish Meat = 60 to 10 - NORG BAIT: Sharrac Teeth = 10 to 5
NORG BAIT: Karkina Antenna = 10 to 5
NORG BAIT: Fish Meat = 40 to 20 - CUTHOL BAIT: Goopolla Spleen = 20 to 10
CUTHOL BAIT: Murkray Liver = 10 to 5
CUTHOL BAIT: Fish Meat = 40 to 20 - ALL OPERATOR ARM ARMOR: Fish Scales = 50 to 30
ALL OPERATOR BODY ARMOR: Fish Scales = 80 to 50 (ZAUBA CUIRASS: Fish Scales = 400 to 50)
ALL OPERATOR LEGS ARMOR: Fish Scales = 50 to 30
ALL OPERATOR HELMETS: Fish Scales = 30 to 10 - EKWANA II JAI: Mortus Horn = 10 to 5
- EKWANA JAI: Goopolla Spleen = 10 to 5
- JAI II: Yogwun Stomach = 10 to 5
- VARGEET II JAI: Mortus Horn = 10 to 5
- VARGEET JAI: Goopolla Spleen = 10 to 5
- JAI: Khut-Khur Venom Sac = 10 to 5
- EKWANA II RUHANG: Tralok Eyes = 10 to 5
- EKWANA RUHANG: Sharrac Teeth = 10 to 5
- RUHANG II: Yogwun Stomach = 10 to 5
- VARGEET II RUHANG: Tralok Eyes = 10 to 5
- VARGEET RUHANG: Sharrac Teeth = 10 to 5
- RUHANG: Mawfish Bones = 20 to 5
- CLAPKRA BRACE: Fish Oil = 50 to 35
- JUTTNI BRACE: Fish Oil = 50 to 35
- LOHRIN BRACE: Fish Oil = 50 to 35
- Sky Archwing Enablers that are spawned on water will now be teleported directly to where you were last standing. Spawning them on water was making the Enablers unreachable.
- Improved the cloth physics on Nekros’ Irkalla Binds.
- Removed sneaky text about something upcoming. Shhhhh!
- Fixed a Host migration during an Incursion resulting in no rewards for Client.
- Fixed not being able to progress through the Chains of Harrow quest after talking to Palladino in Iron Wake.
- Fixed the Hijacked Drone in the Plains not understanding that it has to go AROUND the nasty meteorite.
- Fixed a crazy unrealistic ‘time until’ displayed in Simaris’ next Synthesis target and no Leaderboards displaying.
- Fixed Clan Research causing delays in updating Clan Affinity.
- Fixed Nidus’ Maggots not latching onto enemies.
- Fixed Nekros’ Irkalla Binds appearing regardless of having them equipped on Nekros and Nekros Prime.
- Fixed certain Kavat Skins being shown in Market previews for Kavats Armor even though those Skins are not compatible with Armor.
- Fixed a missing Operator walking animation in the War Within quest.
- Fixed a script error when casting Hydroid’s Undertow ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Vauban’s Minelayer ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Trinity’s Link ability.
Conclave Changes:
- Reduced the damage and removed the forced stagger of the Sigma & Octantis shield throw in Conclave.
Plains of Eidolon: Hotfix 22.2.5
- Certain Caves in the Plains can now be more indepthly explored (Operation: Plague Star will bring more gameplay to these expanded Caves). In a future Update, these Caves will be eligible for Bounty and Incursion missions!
- Made a handful of performance Optimizations (mainly in the Plains). These performance fixes were largely discovered on the Console build, and graciously brought over to PC for an overall improvement on all platforms!
- Upon aborting a mission in the Plains, you can now choose to either return to Cetus or your Orbiter.
- Replaced the duplicate Gladiator’s Resolve Mod with Gladiator’s Might Mod in Bounty rewards.
- Tweaked the appearance of the Operator’s Void Mode to differentiate it from Loki’s Invisibility. This also applies to Unairu’s Void Shadow so you can identify that the cloak is from the Operator.
- Sky Archwing Enablers are no longer able to be spawned in the hallway between Cetus and the Plains. Enablers spawned in the hallway were found to be unusable anyways.
- An End of Mission success/fail screen has been added to Simaris’ Synthesis tutorial. Now you’ll promptly know if your scanning skills are good enough for ol Simaris!
- Toned down Grineer reinforcement sounds and barks in the Plains.
- Tweaked positional reverb spill to help players better detect enemy positionality.
- Removed Lotus transmission from End of Mission screen when going from Plains back to Cetus when you haven’t done anything.
- Slightly reduced the range of the Mortar Bombards mortar projectiles.
- Mutalist Alad V will now always target Warframes when using his mind control collar ability. If his main target is an Operator, he will try to collar the corresponding Warframe instead, and if he does, the Operator gets force Transferred back and the battle continues.
- Reduced the amount of times Onkko spits knowledge about the Vomvalysts lures.
- Fixed not being able to defeat the Raptor due to the bombs not exploding when falling into the tubes, and because the Raptor refuses to fly away from the tubes.
- Fixed not being able to defeat Lephantis due to his many heads not opening up to display his more vulnerable side.
- Fixed the Infested Grineer head of Lephantis lingering above ground, allowing you to attack it mercilessly without fear of being harmed.
- Fixed not being able to defeat Alad V if the Operator gets ‘collared’ by Alad V. This resulted in your Warframe being stuck and upon dying you would forever be on the ‘spectating’ screen.
- Fixed Mutalist Alad V collar creating a headless Nyx if he collars your Warframe just after you Transferred to the Operator. Your Operator getting collared will now force you back into your Warframe.
- Fixed cases where the Teralyst would not properly teleport when getting stuck and would instead just turn invisible.
- Fixed Bounties not progressing after Host migration if migration occurs during the middle of an active Bounty stage.
- Fixed Armor Attachments not showing up on the Nekros Irkalla skin.
- Fixed all Operator Amp Affinity earned as a Client, disappearing when a Host migration occurs.
- Fixed experiencing a massive hitch as the Client when a Host migration occurs in the Plains.
- Fixed being unable to invite players from the Friends list after aborting a mission in the Plains as a Client.
- Fixed Warframe Mod set bonuses not being applied after respawns and Host migrations.
- Fixed a crash when attempting to load into a Void Fissure mission.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when firing the Nosam Cutter and pressing the hotkey for the Nosam Cutter or the Codex Scanner.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if Octavia’s Mallet was the target of a switch teleport.
- Fixed Melee enemies avoiding Ember’s Fire Blast ring, which resulted in a performance spike due to the enemy attempting to find another path around the fire ring.
- Fixed an error that was causing players to not join Plains of Eidolon together as a squad when doing a Bounty.
- Fixed Mirage’s Total Eclipse Augment Mod applying to the Operator.
- Fixed the Operator Amp Energy Regeneration rate being much faster for Clients when using an Amp that has the Klebrik Scaffold.
- Fixed losing your Operator Amp if you died in the final stage of The Chains of Harrow quest with an Amp equipped Operator.
- Fixed the Operator Amp not being included in the Mission Progress & Rewards screen.
- Fixed Razorback rockets, Ogma Rocket projectiles, Mortar Bombards, and the Teralyst Wail hitting Warframes in Limbo’s Rift.
- Fixed Teshin standing at the exit door instead of running ahead in the War Within quest.
- Fixed sometimes getting stuck under the Oriber ramp when using Transference for the first time in the War Within quest.
- Fixed not being thrown out of Archwing before entering the Asteroid Defense mission in the War Within quest.
- Fixed current Bounty not updating if you changed your mind and selected a different Bounty.
- Fixed a long-standing cosmetic problem with Founders scrolling list not displaying some alias’.
- Fixed incorrect squad invite message when being invited to multiple Bounties. Before, it would show the message of the first Bounty invite until you either went into another mission, or received an invite to another (non-Bounty) mission.
- Fixed the Dark Daggers not being visible in the Codex.
- Fixed missing blocking volumes in an area where you could jump out of bounds in the Void tileset.
- Fixed a black box HUD icon appearing when using a Zaw with the Exodia Triumph Arcane upgrade. This was an unintended Channeling Efficiency upgrade on top of its intended Channeling damage.
- Fixed dropping any items you’re holding when Transferring to your Operator.
- Fixed Codex Scanners and Synthesis Scanners appearing very stretch when zooming in a non-standard aspect ratio (ultra wide resolution).
- Fixed some textures flickering or popping in during the initial Vor’s Prize cutscene.
- Fixed destroying the second coolant causing the red objective marker to remain permanently in Reactor Sabotage missions.
- Fixed the Ki’Teer Sekhara diamond FXs lingering when viewing through a scope.
- Fixed mission countdown beeping and flashing over the selected node not displaying.
- Fixed cases of very low ambient sounds in Cetus.
- Fixed various Grineer machinery in the Plains not having sound.
- Fixed the Arsenal diorama breaking if an Inbox message is opened at the same time you enter the Arsenal.
- Fixed the Mining UI not appearing after switching to a different weapon and then back again.
- Fixed a missing Codex entry for Nox Eximus.
- Fixed being able to see your Warframe inside the Quill cave before Transferring in front of the cave door.
- Fixed UI markers sometimes not pulsing.
- Fixed Warframes using the Excalibur mesh for a few frames when first opening the Simulacrum Arsenal.
- Fixed changing weapons in the Simulacrum Arsenal from a weapon with higher max Ammo to one with lower not resetting the Ammo count to the new lower amount or vice versa.
- Fixed special cases of AI not being paused in the Simulacrum when the option is enabled.
- Fixed changing weapons in the Simulacrum Arsenal after being disarmed causing you to lose your weapons until you went back to the Arsenal.
- Fixed renamed Operator Amps appearing as just ‘Amp’ for Clients.
- Fixed Infested Chargers not being able to damage the Cascade Bomb in the Once Awake quest due to an incorrect hitbox.
- Fixed an error message for Polarizing a Zaw appearing when attempting to install an Orokin Catalyst or Focus Lens on an Ungilded Zaw.
- Fixed not being able to shoot between two ice pillars on Mariana Earth.
- Fixed a missing blocking volume on Mariana Earth.
- Fixed missing collision on a tree root on Gaia Earth.
- Fixed Nova being able to Worm Hole her way out of the map in the Silver Grove tileset.
- Fixed a missing blocking volume between two rocks in the Plains.
- Fixed a missing blocking volume in the Grineer Settlement tileset.
- Fixed bridges in the Cambria Earth Spy tileset having a blocking volume active when not extended and not extending entirely.
- Fixed a localization string in the Fishing Gear wheel menu.
- Fixed multi-part subtitles (more than one line for a single transmission) sticking around forever if an audio device is not connected.
- Fixed the Broca Syandana clipping through Gara’s legs.
- Fixed the Kopra Suit leggings clipping through non-matching Suit types.
- Fixed no subtitles appearing if you do not have an audio device connected.
- Fixed footstep sounds not playing on certain surfaces in Cetus.
- Fixed a script error that occurred when the Client attempts to capture the Capture target in the Plains.
- Fixed being able to have 2 Sky Archwing Enablers on the ground. There should only ever be 1 from each player active on the ground (you can still be in Sky Archwing and spawn one for your friend to grab).
- Fixed a potential script error when attempting to begin a Dojo Duel.
- Fixed a script error when attempting to redeem Gems for Standing in Cetus.
- Fixed a script error when casting Nyx’s Absorb ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Ivara’s Artemis Bow ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Chroma’s Effigy ability.
- Fixed a script error when casting Harrow’s Covenant.
- Fixed a script error when using Transference with Octavia.
Conclave Changes & Fixes:
- Fixed the Lunaro ball marker disappearing.
- Fixed being unable to cancel a Bullet Jump in Lunaro.
- You now cannot catch or punch the Lunaro for .5 secs after dropping/throwing it.
Plains of Eidolon: Hotfix
- Clipped the budding wings of various species of fish. We will be collecting your favourite screenshots in honor of the day the fish flew too close to the sun.
- Fixed an issue where all Captura scenes were marked as owned. Sorry, Fashion Framers.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when leaving the Dojo.
- Fixed an issue with textures on Eximus units.
- Fixed various crashes.
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite