
Banshee Prime arrive le 28 Février !

Tenno,  le 28 février 2017 – obtenez instantanément l’accès au Prime Access Banshee Prime et Banshee Prime Accessories Le Prime Access Banshee Prime contient : Banshee Prime Euphona Prime : L’arme de prédilection de Banshee Prime est un instrument de dévastation émettant des tirs concentrés et larges. Helios Prime : Ce protecteur affamé de savoir défend son […]

Mise à jour 19.11 + + 19.11.1 + 19.11.2 + 19.11.3 + 19.11.4

The Glast Gambit: Update 19.11.0     Additions TENNOGEN ROUND 7 12 new community-created TennoGen items are ready to be added to your Arsenal! Purchase these items by logging in to Warframe through Steam and visiting the ‘Steam’ tab in the in-game Market. Moving forward, we will continue to try and get new TennoGen items […]

Heart of the Lotus : Goodies St Valentin + Retour des Acolytes

If you’re more interested in breaking Grineer heads than breaking hearts, get ready for the Heart of the Lotus! New Glyphs, the Eros Arrow Skin and the return of the Acolytes are available now.     DONWYN GLYPHS Distract your enemies with cuteness then destroy them for good with five new Heart of the Lotus […]