La prochaine grosse mise à jour verra un rééquilibrage de certaines armes primaires. Les autres catégories viendront plus tard. (source) Pour l’instant ‘le Plan’ est de nerfer 4 armes et d’en buffer 10.
Voici les changements prévus :
Les Nerfs :
The Tonkor’s rocket jumping mechanic has long been obsolete since the introduction of bullet jumping. This weapon is a launcher by nature, and we’ve made adjustments to that end.
- The Tonkor now deals self-damage like all other launchers.
- The Tonkor Grenade trajectory line now appears on holding the fire button (Default Left Mouse), and grenade fires on release.
- The Maximum lifespan of grenade has dropped from 5 to 3 seconds – grenades are quicker to explode
- Genades bounce lower and explode sooner, making them more likely to explode where they are shot.
- The Critical Chance has been reduced to 25%.
- The Accuracy of the Tonkor has been increased.
- The Tonkor Grenade now has an ‘arming’ feature to prevent insta-deaths from self damage if an ally or enemy suddenly appears in front of you. The Tonkor grenade must travel 6 meters to become armed and ready to explode – any impact before that time will result in a bounce.
The Simulor’s entry into Arsenals marked one of the more unique moments in Weapon history. It’s always been a little weird – stacking orbs together leads to both passive and active death. The stacking itself causes damage and the fully stacked orb can be activated with your ‘Alt Fire’ button for an additional explosion.
- The Status Chance has been increased to 30%.
- A Critical Chance of 2% has been added.
- The AoE Explosion range (based on stack when expires or manual detonation) increased from 0.5-2.8 meters to 1-6 meters.
- The Explosion Damage has increased from 50 to 200 when detonated.
- On an orb stacking event (when orbs combine), damage range decreased to 1-3 from 3-8
- On an orb stacking event, damage decreased from from 150-250 to 20-40
- The amount of Orbs required to make a full stack has decreased – it used to take 5, now it takes 3.
- Maximum Ammo Capacity Reduced to 60.
Synoid Simulor:
Considering the Simulor was the only Primary Cephalon weapon, it was easy to see a Synoid version entering Arsenals. Like its vanilla counterpart, it’s always been a little weird – stacking orbs together leads to both passive and active death. The stacking itself causes damage and the fully stacked orb can be activated with your ‘Alt Fire’ button for an additional explosion.
- The Status Chance increased to 35%
- A Critical Chance of 5% has been added.
- The AoE Explosion range (based on stack when expires or manual detonation) increased from 0.5-2.8 meters to 1-8 meters.
- The Explosion Damage has increased from 50 to 250 when detonated.
- On an orb stacking event (when orbs combine), damage range decreased to 1-3 from 3-8
- On an orb stacking event, damage decreased from from 150-250 to 20-50
The amount of Orbs required to make a full stack has decreased – it used to take 5, now it takes 3.
- Maximum Ammo Capacity reduced to 75.
- The amount of Orbs required to make a full stack has has decreased from 5 to 4 (original post said 3).
- The Explosion Damage has gone from 50 per orb to 75 per orb (300 at full stack).
Telos Boltace:
The only melee entry on the list is the Telos Boltace.
- This weapon is receiving a bit more of a mechanic change rather than a purely numerical change.
- The Slide attack will create a vortex that staggers and draws enemies toward you.
- The following Slide attack (after a vortex) will radial blast and ragdoll enemies away from you.
- This ‘back and forth’ will be on a cooldown.
Les Buffs :
The Miter is one of the oldest examples of killer concept with lackluster results. The next Update will bring the following:
- Increased chance of dismemberment on kills.
- Increased speed of Projectiles.
- Charge time has been halved.
- Critical Chance of 5% for a quick shot.
- Critical Chance of 10% for a charged shot.
- Mastery Rank increased to 6.
The Harpak’s stats aren’t the worst in the scheme of Primaries, but it has received some love since it is often overlooked.
- Recoil has been reduced on the Primary Fire.
- The Alt-Fire Charge time has been removed – it is now an instant harpoon.
- The Critical Chance has been increased to 20%.
- Increased the range of the Alt-Fire from 15 meters to 40 meters.
- Increased the flight speed of the Alt-Fire and updated the FX.
The Hind has more nicknames than most Primaries (Baguette, etc), but not as much use.
- We’ve added a single-shot Semi-Auto Alt Fire to the Hind that has increased Damage, Critical, and Status Chance.
Like the Miter, the Panthera is a killer idea with lackluster execution. We’ve made the following changes:
- Primary Fire has been switched to Automatic, and the fire rate has been increased.
- The Status Chance of Primary Fire has been increased to 20%
- Critical Hit Chance of Primary Fire is now 10%
- The Critical Multiplier is now 2x.
- Ammo Requirement is reduced to 2.
- Secondary Fire Status chance is now 35%
- Critical hit Chance of Secondary is now 25%
- Mastery Rank is now 7.
The Paracyst is one of the more spine-tingling weapons in the Arsenal that really runs with the Infested theme.
- The damage of the Primary Fire has been increased by 5.
- Updated the FX of the projectiles of the Primary Fire.
- Increased the range of the Alt-Fire tether to 50 m.
- The Status Chance of the Primary and Secondary Fire has been increased to 30%
- The Critical Chance of Primary Fire has been increased to 10%
- Mastery Rank is now 5.
Mutalist Quanta
One of the more abstract Weapons that uses the Alt-Fire mechanic, the Mutalist Quanta has confused people since launch.
- The Mutalist Quanta is getting more of a mechanic change rather than just stats.
- It will have its Alt-Fire stack similar to the Simulor to make a large Infested Orb that you can shoot through for additional advantages.
The Buzlok and its homing mechanism has been used for many creative moments – but ultimately this weapon has been overlooked.
- The Ammo Requirement for the Secondary Homing has been reduced to 2.
- Physical Damage distribution has been adjusted to 50% Impact, 40% Puncture, and 10% Slash.
- Damage has been increased to 60 from 45.
- Critical Chance increased to 15%
- Critical Damage increased to 2.5x
- The flight speed of the Homing Beacon has been increased.
- The Homing Beacon will now only stick to NPC & Characters.
- Critical Chance increased by 50% on targets with Homing Beacon attached to them.
- Clip size reduced to 50.
- Mastery Rank increased to 9.
The Ice Beam weapon: the Glaxion. Probably one of the most exciting weapons to imagine in combat, yet it has received a cold reception.
- Cold Damage has increased to 333 from 250.
- The rate at which ammo is consumed has been decreased.
- Increased the Accuracy of the Glaxion.
- Reduced the range from 30 meters to 24 meters.
The Ogris has gone through a visual Upgrade, and now it’s time for a stat upgrade. To many, this was their first entry into Launcher weapons – are you willing to give it another look?
- The Flight Speed of the projectile has been increased.
- The Status Chance has been increased to 35%.
- The charge time to fire the Ogris has been reduced.
- The direct Impact damage of the projectile has been decreased to 100.
- AoE damage has increased to 600.
- AoE range has increased to 6 meters.
- Mastery Rank requirement has increased to 8.
The Attica was the debut entry into Automatic Primary Crossbows! We’ve revisited it to perhaps bring it back into the spotlight of your Arsenal.
- The Weapon Recoil has been reduced.
- The Fire Rate has been increased.
- The Flight Speed of the bolts has increased.
- The Critical Chance has increased to 25%.
- The Critical Multiplier has increased to 2x.
- The Ammo Capacity has increased to 20.
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite
Je suis ravi !
Vendu !
Non sinon c’est pas trop con mais ce sont les buffs qui ne sont pas évidents sur ces armes du moins sur l’intérêt car pour l’ogris par exemple moi ce qui me gène c’est le chargement et paf le tir part un mob passe boum tu es mort.
Si encore comme les arcs tu choisis quand tu lâche la roquette…
J’ai ajouté les dernières modifications au ‘Plan’ décrites ici : https://forums.warframe.com/topic/775814-coming-soon-weapon-balance-pass/?do=findComment&comment=8520916