DevStream portant principalement sur la modélisation des différents personnages de Warframe. Voici le résumé en anglais réalisé par AM_Bunny (Source).
La vidéo :
Le résumé :
Update 17
• Chart: what is and isn’t confirmed for U17
• This is subject to change, but this is a rough idea of what to expect
PBR Updates
• Have to re-visit the old textures and essentially re-build them from scratch
• A method of automating the PBR process is being looked into to cut down on the workload
• Hoping that any automation will maintain the quality that we’ve seen so far
Faction Design Guidelines
• Orokin design is still mysterious, but Mynki thinks that they may have grown so detached from their own humanity that they may retreat into some kind of cryo-pod to live
• Not U17
• Hoping to release similar to Kubrows; Feral first, then the player version after
• No plans at this time for tubemen to be anything other than props
• Clothing is a mix of really tacky and awkward, but something they think is opulant
• Alad V pushed the ‘weird’ envelope with his collar, Nef Anyo was an attempt to surpass that
• Crewman noggle was delayed because their helmet is integrated into their body
• Infested Crewman is being re-made
Yin Yang Frame
• Many layers of clothing, Steve was worried about the cloth physics, but seems to operating well so far
Pre-Corpus Valkyr
• Hoping to produce more ‘deluxe’ skins like Proto-Excal, Nemesis Nyx
• Valkyr was selected because Pre-Corpus skin is highly requested and made sense
• There will be equally high-quality skins but possibly more unexpected for more frames
• Mynki spent most of the stream modeling this skin live, hoping for it to be in-game soon
• Her body has been modeled completely, but she has a large dress-like attachment that is still being modeled
• Steve has a lot of ideas for friendly NPC’s to add to the game
• Mynki is worried about the amount of work required to make so many characters
• Mynki designed her, went overboard with the details
• He had many doubts about her design, but hoped there would be people that would appreciate the design
• Will be seen very soon in-game
• Left a mysterious teaser image
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite
Auriez-vous une idée de la date de sortie de L’U17 ?
Aucune info précise à ce sujet :/ ! Par contre comme tu as pu le lire dans cet article, ils sont même pas encore surs de ce qu’ils vont mettre dedans …. donc c’est pas pour tout de suite ….
bon une idée sur la mystérieuse image?
C’est un soutien-gorge …. par contre je vois pas l’attache dans le dos ….. Ca va pas être facile à enlever rapidement tout ça :/ !
Sur le topic source(1ère page) il y a un joueur qui a trouvé ça serait le vaisseau sentient qu’on a vu dans le trailer il y a quelques mois
c’est un octopus géant ! (genre MG excelsus http://i.imgur.com/FDkoW9R.jpg)