Quelques détails sur le futur mode PVP 2.0

PvP 2.0 is chock full of exciting updates and dramatic changes. While our last Building Warframe focused on the shape and structure of Capture the Cephalon’s level design, how players actually interact in this new Conclave largely depends on what mechanics are allowed in this new PvP environment. Keep in mind this particular overhaul is […]

Tenno Live 2015

Le prochain DevStream aura lieu en public à l’occasion du ‘PAX East’ (un salon du jeu vidéo) à Boston le Vendredi 6 Mars 2015. Si vous passez à Boston en fin de semaine, C’est l’occasion de rencontrrer vos Devs préférés en chair et en os. ProtideusProtideus – Tenno à la retraite

Mise à jour 15.16.1

Fixes   Fixed Ciphers on Grineer Hack Puzzles not showing up when players have HUD disabled. Fixed enemies in the Phoenix Intercept Tactical Alert’s bonus round improperly increasing in level. Fixed Phoenix Intercept’s Tactical Alert displaying the incorrect number of Interception rounds. Fixed enemies disarmed by Radial Disarm not engaging the player in melee or […]

Résumé du DevStream 47

Although Raids easily took up the majority of our time spent on Devstream 47 there were plenty of other juicy details on our upcoming updates. A quick revisit to PvP changes, new details on Cephalon Simaris’ Library, and some awesome new changes to Mag’s Crush are just the tip of the iceberg for this Devstream […]

Mise à jour 15.15 + 15.15.1

15.15 RÉAPPROVISIONNEMENT DE L’ÉQUIPEMENT TENNO Découpez vos ennemis avec vitesse et précision lorsque vous vous servez du Tonbo. Lors de l’ancienne guerre, plusieurs Tennos se servaient uniquement du Tonbo. Le voici en action:     Add the Tonbo to your Arsenal by visiting the Market or starting your Clan Research today!   Changes   Basic […]