The Lotus has called forth a team of specially trained Tenno to help welcome new recruits. Now that Relays are a growing part of Warframe, we are soft-launching a new-player assistance program: Guides of the Lotus!
What is a Guide of the Lotus?
A Guide of the Lotus is a player who wears a Unique Front-Facing Sigil and stations him or herself at the beginner Relays! Early planets are where new Tenno find their first Relays. They are welcomed by Guides of the Lotus who answer questions and assist new players with any number of problems.
Through participation in Relay chat, Guides of the Lotus are able to help new Tenno out by leveraging their Warframe knowledge and experience. As common issues become known, Guides relate some of these frequent questions for new-players to the Lotus and, by extension, to DE for further help.
This is the first phase of our soft launch. Guides of the Lotus is intended to grow as we fine-tune to best meet the interest levels of our experts and the needs of our new players. Our current Guides of the Lotus roster is quite small and made up of volunteers from our Community Moderator team as well as those who demonstrate Tenno characteristics within the Official forums!
How do you become a Guide of the Lotus?
Recruitment is currently closed but will open as we find out exactly what we need to meet the questions and concerns of new players. In the meantime, helping out in Players Helping Players is a great way to become eligible. Maintaining a good reputation on the Forums will also improve your chances of being recruited.
Protideus – Tenno à la retraite